Has anyone had any trouble walking? It's hard to explain. This is what happened to me.
I was walking in kitchen and it felt like I was walking sideways. Then when I was going to bed the same thing again.
I actually had to brace myself against the wall while I was walking. Very strange feeling. What do you all think it was?
Just found this --- read the "symptoms" section.
I chipped one of my teeth, which had an amalgam filling, at the end of last year. I had it repaired in the 3rd week of December, at which time the dentist removed the amalgam and replaced it with a new composite filling. He obviously disturbed the mercury filling to remove it, and undoubtedly released some into my system -- there's no way he could have captured it all in the suction devise --- esp. since I was swallowing intermittently (from need). Can anyone else relate their unsteadiness to possible dentistry issues?
Wow Dianna, we did the same hing! Byron, they think that every true blooded american is supose to give all your money to the credit card company and not have any cash left!
Jim.. That is too cool ... about your glasses... When I lived in Florida, and a very spiritual time in my life, like you, I took off my glasses and got so I could see without them.. Visualization.. a perfect body.. .. now, I'll work on the 24 inch waistline...
Last year I had several dizzy spells and would run into the side of doorways when passing through. I tried to figure out what had changed in my life to make this happen. My doctor perscribed a statin drug for my chlesterol when my level was not that high. After some research I found it was my problen after quiting the statins it has never happened again. As to Tinnitus I have had it for years , like keith says ignore it and you will be able to turn it off mentaly. On heavy chemtrail days I have heard people falling forward and to the left from more than one source. I tried to pay cash at the Holiday Inn and was detained as a potential terrorist so I did not stay.With all the poisons we encounter in the USA on a daily basis it is a wonder anyone feels right.
We all pretty much have the same problems here, but I also have a good one. Several weeks ago my eys were hurting me and this continued for a week. Then one day when they started to hurt I took off my glasses and put them in my pocket. To my surprise, I could see with out them! I could read and watch T V with out them !
Sounds to me like a magnetic pull of sorts... ie:.. the iron core of the earth sloshing around in the magma and hitting the sides of the inner core... at least that is what I heard about lately. ... and yes, once in a while I will have a passing sensation as you describe...
Have you gotten yourself checked for Tinnitus
Same here Kim B.
I have a constant ringing that started about a year ago wich has not gone away, I wasn't sick or damadged it from noise as I always use hearing protection, and often it gets real loud for a while. Sort of like someone is turning it on with a switch on and off a bit later.
I recommend you get yourself tested for Vertigo as well as having your inner ears checked. Seems like a mild case of vertigo to me but what do I know....but I did stay at a holiday inn recently......
I've had a few trips into the wall in the past few months. It's strange. Once I was driving when it happened. I just pulled over until it passed.
A different kind of experience happened several months ago. I was driving and suddenly it felt like my glasses had pushed back into my eyes and I started having double vision. Again, I pulled over and had my passenger drive. No pain, no nothing. It just passed after a few minutes. Trans ischemic stroke (mini-stroke)? Who knows. This past month I've also had seven optical migraines. Those are always fun. No pain, but visual disturbances for about 20 minutes each time.