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  • Because they can not count past zero, just like the number of Americans that have died from terrorist attacks on airplanes is ZERO since 9/11.
  • Yep.  And the TSA still hasn't told America how many terrorists they have caught by terrorizing Americans.
  • Dianna,  you got that right. I don't like what our country has become.
  • Not only disrespectful..  Just wrong!  The people who do this have no soul.. no conscience...
  • desertrose  when the MSM gets off their butts an actually reports whats really going in stead of a script that keeps people happy and unaware. Alex Jones is at the capitol in Dallas today trying to stop the groping, but thats not enough, when will people awaken. I don't think they can because the information is impossible to get unless they visit the web for their news and turn off the TV. I think they let this TSA BS out to see how many are waking up and no other reason, when it hit MSM this morning I knew it was just a test.
  • My   question is  how  long  will people  allow  this  to  continue  without  standing  up?  How  long  will they  remain  asleep  and  looking  out  at the  world  with  rose  colored  glasses making  excuses  for the  PTB  and  their  Minion? 

    How  much  more will it  take?

  • Janet Napolitano is just as evil as Obama.  She should be made to fly as that 95 yr. old woman.
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