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  • I feel NASA really has no reason to lie about this particular asteroid, others possibly but not this one.....

    At some point we have to stop allowing ourselves from being lead down the road of fear and anxiety.... Not every single event is potentially the end of the human species.....

  • Would NASA lie and tell us it won't hit us even if it will?  There is always that thought, though let's hope they don't need to lie about this one.

  • The rock will not be anywhere near us....where is this impact possibility coming from.  First off it is 400 meters wide so definitely destroyable if we so choose.  Second, closest it will be to us is .80 Lunar distance from us.  That's a lot of space 191,084 miles to be more exact.  And yes that still keeps it pretty far from the moon, 47,771 miles.  It is all of 1200' wide, I am sorry but I do not perceive it to be even close to capable of an ELE.  Just my thoughts, good luck even catching a glimpse seeing how little it is.
  • If nothing else, it makes for a pretty picture. My, my, the possibilities... if it is even a real thing.
  • Nov. 9, 2011 at 22:35 UTC (5:35 pm EST)
  • So what time is this rock supposed to hit (pacific standard time)?  This would stink for the west coast.
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