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  • I remember there was a spike in newborn infant deaths in the PNW in the wake of 3-1-1.

    Interesting to note, there were two channelings I read today that seemed a bit contradictory.  One said the ETs are helping with the Fukushima radiation but we have to help, and the other seemed less optimistic.  Here are the links if you want to compare them:

    The emergence of radiation from the country of Japan is an additional problem. We are there and have been there since before it happened. The situation continues to require the utmost diligence and care.

    Our scientists are experts in this issue, however we cannot intervene and undo everything that humans created. They must participate in this need for cleanup. Unfortunately, it is affecting marine life and all of life.

    Humanity is learning some important lessons about the use of this type of energy. There are alternatives that are far superior and less dangerous. These must be brought to the forefront. The technology is already there. In the meantime, there is great sadness about what is happening to marine life, the people in Japan as well as other places where this is reaching. Humanity must learn that greed and lack of respect for the Earth and life will not create a sustainable future.


    It has already begun.  Look around you.  The skies are bluer, the oceans cleaner every day.  No toxic waves of nuclear waste have washed up on the shores of the western U.S. as a result of the Fukushima disaster.  It has been taken care of.

    Don't know where the skies are blue-er.  We still get the same amount of chemtrailing just prior to a storm front moving in.  The oceans are cleaner?  What about all those dead marine creatures, what about the radiation readings on beaches on the west coast?

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