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  • There's a safety net.  Shoppers can use vouchers to get $50 worth of emergency food until the computers are fixed.  It's when they go down for longer periods (or permanently) that we could see riots. 

  • Not being able to feed your children tonight ? do people shop everyday? That attitude is pretty lame when the system goes down for one day and there talk of rioting is really off the charts. The government is partially shut down and the rest is still functioning as poorly as it always does. If you listen to Media the world is coming to an end. If peple can't survive one day they are in big trouble when the economy collapses. 

  • Maybe so, I just watched the Lawyer for the truckers say that the truckers are being threatened with arrest by the FED on their way to DC. Yes making it hurt seems to be the way of this admin. This always reminds me of the sign you see in every park. Please do not feed the animals because they will become lazy and forget how to feed themselves.

  • This is a holiday weekend (Monday is Columbus Day).  Interesting timing for this to occur.  The truckers are in DC this weekend.  Maybe this is some push back, make it hurt for being non-compliant.

  • Sounds like a lot of panic in those posts, it is bad timing for this to happen adds a little more fear. There are too many computer problems happening in a short period of time, Obummercare, stock exchanges, banks and NSA.     

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