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  • That does look very strange, msred.  I keep thinking about Mythi saying Elenin would appear as a small second sun.  When I look towards the sun (with 2 pair of dark sunglasses) I still can't see anything, although I can't really see it near sunset because I have the mountains to the west.  One thing I have noticed the last several weeks, though, is a LOT of red/pink in the sky at and after sunset, even on the eastern side of the sky.  I never really paid that much attention before, but it seems unusual.
  • 2967649587?profile=original

    Using Stellarium, again, (with Sun turned off), from my house @ 12 noon

  • This doesn't prove anything...


    Stellarium - chose 9/16, a little after noon



    Pakistan - looks strange, don't you think - would a brown dwarf look like this?




  • This is why there is so much disinformation on these events.  Secrets.  They invoke lies, rumors, arguments, judgements.  Doesn't sound like very positive effects from a cause does it.  To face a possible Extinction Level Event, do you really think worrying about a collapsed Economy and Mass Panic is going to matter?  I think the former will be far from our minds and the latter, a reality.  Someone out there really needs to pay attention and come clean with the facts and soon.  I would rather go to my grave with a clean conscience of Truth than a murderer of Millions of inoscent Men, Women and children by withholding the facts and the Truth.  Only the Truth can makes us free.  To hold Secrets of this magnetude can only make one a Prisoner not a Leader.
  • You know, say this is Planet X or what ever you want to call it.  Something just doesn't make sense to me.  If the Powers That Be want to thin out the population and gain total control of the World,  then why warn people of Tornados, Hurricanes, Volcanoes, etc to save lives.  If they were to be silent about these things, they would be looked upon as Murderers. If they knew of an event of Mass Extinction of our species and not tell the World about it, would'nt they still be classified as murderers?  If they have as much control as people say they have, then why wouldn't they just send millions out in an open field during an EF5 tornado or send Millions out in canoes into the open ocean during a Cat5 hurricane and decrease the surplus population.  They already have blood on their hands what's a little more gonna hurt right?  I just don't get it.  I really hope that they are the first to go.
  • Here's a good laugh....Why don't we all ask Nasa what it is....LOL
  • Agreed, not a comet...then WHAT?
  • If you look closely at the JPL diagram for Elenin, it could appear to be in the position of this object, but if this object in the video IS Elenin, Elenin is NOT a comet.  Elenin is moving between the Earth and the Sun right now, from the left to the right, and is slightly above the ecliptic.  Still waiting to see something with my own eyes...
  • Who said this was Elenin? This is NO comet, not even close...
  • I think that it is strange Soho is not showing this object in Sun views.  Are the satellites recording from a different angle?
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