I just received a letter from my Medicare provider informing me that my premiums have not been paid for all of 2013.
The problem is that Social Security deducts the Medicare Part B premium from my monthly disability check and is supposed to forward it on to my medical provider, who covers all of Medicare Part B for me. I checked and, sure, enough, Social Security has been withholding the premium from my check every month. Now, my medical provider wants me to pay the premiums.
Are Medicare recipients getting "hair cuts"???
First tangible proof of a US default???
Read today's Economy News, especially this one: http://countdowntozerotime.org/2013/05/29/after-the-japanese-stock-market-crash-and-global-market-sell-of-last-week-jim-sinclair-states-this-morning-that-the-entire-us-and-western-banking-system-just-missed-a-complete-collapse/
Good to hear, Jim. Thanks for checking. I've received a puzzling letter and continue to try to find out what's going on.
I have asked around and no one has that problem. Might be they are singeling you out because of this site. Have your privader go after SS for the payment (not you) since they are supose to pay the bill.
Thanks, Marge. I will if I get no answer.
Cheryl contact your state reps. They should be able to help.
I'm trying to find out what's going on. It makes no sense. I made no changes to my plan for 2013. I am trying to get an answer from the medical provider as well as Social Security.
Uh oh is right. I hope my parents are not being affected like this. Yikes.
Cheryl who is the supliment provider? Perhaps they may have some answere for you.
The question I have is why didn't the go to SS for the answer. W&R Inept is the perfect word.
W&R, no answers yet. I wonder why my medical provider waited five months to alert me.
Cheryl I am assuming you have not been able to get any answers about what they are doing with the money they withheld from your checks? In my own experience, there is so much incompetence in our modern over-civilized population that one person in an organization can cause disastrous mistakes that are not supposed to happen out of pure ineptitude.
What worries me is that this withholding is a new Social Security policy decision, and if so, was made behind closed doors with no warning. In that case shit's about to hit the fan.