This article was dated back in May. It contemplates another earthquake that could take down reactor 4.
This article was dated back in May. It contemplates another earthquake that could take down reactor 4.
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With what Tepco has alrteady been caught not reporting properly, a cage with bars would be a proper reward for letting this ongoing genocide of the world continue. Reactor # 4 keeps coming up as our extinction mechanism but little seems get done about correcting the problem. Are the cabal going to be able to extinguish it after the proper number of people are are killed or put in a cancer death bed or thyroid shut down. The world reacted very quickly to Chernoble but sits on the side line because the Media is lying and not telling the real truth or any at all. To get our world back it is necessary to shut down the Cabals mouth piece MEDIA and arrest the owners.
Wrong article posted this one. :)
Ex-BofA Executive Indicted For Fraud In Bond Probe