Don't panic. If the ETs have protected us this far, assume they will continue to do so. This video is a "what if" piece. It's in the "About" that specific information is given (copied below). Notice FEMA Region III is said to be the target. And our feckless leader is 4,000 miles away in Hawaii during it.
Published on Dec 22, 2013
Russian Military Operatives who have family in the United States have warned of an upcoming event of a large Asteroid that is being tracked by their missle defense systems. This Near Earth Object is arriving along with the Meteor Debris field expected to impact FEMA Region Three. Russia Warns that this Large Asteroid will Impact in the Atlantic Ocean. This will be a Global Incident. This event will change life on this planet as we know it. Good Luck to you and your Family.
More fear
I think they were connecting the dots with all that's going on, but that doesn't mean it will happen.
Not to worry the Krullians have us covered.