"7. Finally, the sweeping warnnings from the Obama administration dramatically refute its own oft-heard claims that al Qaeda is no longer a force to be reckoned with, because it has lost its compact central command and control of its component branches, which have split up into regional franchises operating autonomously. Al Qaeda, they have been saying, is no longer capable of large-scale terrorist attacks on a global scale."

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  • I am starting to get sick of America being called the homeland, all I see is Nazi Germany. Dianne Feinstein did it in congress the other day. She called N. America the homeland and that means Mexico and Canada some Canadians caught it and went ballistic, because that is Agenda 21' s  goal and I believe that is part of the reason the Mexican border is unsecured. Undocumented Democrats is the other. 

  • Ah, they probably aren't confused, as long as they get paid.

  • We arm them and pay them in Libya and Syria and drone them every where else. They must be as confused as we are.

  • Definitely a puzzle.  He says al Qaeda is not a problem, now it is.  I guess it's a multipurpose outfit, whatever the Prez needs them to be, that's what they are.

  • This appears to be a major distraction to me, so do we have a false flag or many and the perpetrators are already named so we are distracted from the real perpetrators, FBI or CIA. 

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