An email I received from Duane Richtsmeier of TheKolbrinPlanet-XNibiruGroup
Very troubling especially when coupled with Alex Jones' latest video. The time is now folks,the conspiracy theories are coming to pass one by one. While America sits by as independent observers!
Now tell me side from marching and protesting what can be done to convey they disgust we feel with this road that we are being led down? What in your opinion can be done to make them understand that there are those of us who will not , who cannot lay down and allow this to happen?
I am all open to action, but what kind of action can we take? Because the only thing I see is action like that which sparked the Arab Spring. Does a person have to stand up in the middle of a prominent square and set themselves on fire for people to take notice that something is horribly wrong?
Or will that also be an exercise in futility because Americans are too far gone to care or even notice?
I say tht because I see the people around me who know absolutely nothing o what is going on around them. Yet when one tries to speak with htem and explain all the things that are happening. they do not ant to hear it because it upsets their little fantasy that life continues as usual and all is well. This is a situation that is extremely disturbing to me as I watch all the zombies and very few of the awakened.
What do we do ? Any \ideas any suggestions? And please no rhetoric about what should have been done and undercover commando actions unless you are going to tell us how and willing to give specifics. I am tired of the sanctimonious telling others what they must do but unwilling to give details or take the forefront . Simply limiting themselves to judge those that have done nothing or are at a loss as to how to proceed. I want honest observations and determination. Perhaps this is an exercise in futility and w will all sit back waiting or the brave soul that sets themselves alight. We will see we will continue to hope against hope from our chairs watching as we rage against the machine , but do little else.
I am willing and I am ready , but I must confess I need direction as this is not anything I have done nor am familiar with. I am troubled and I am angry, however , none of that is o use if there is no direction for that energy and emotion. I sit here and shed tears of frustration. What will we do ? What will you do ?
December 22, 2011
Upon Release of Martial Law Documents, The Plan For America's Destruction Becomes Apparent
On Wednesday, December 21, published a brand new Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) document dated November 18, 2011, that "that show military involvement in a FEMA-led takeover within the United States under partially-classified Continuity of Government (COG) plans," and designate "the American people as ‘enemies’ under a live military tracking system known as Blue Force Situational Awareness (BFSA)."
The FEMA document, appearing under the headline "National Continuity Programs (NCP) Program and Mission Support Services (PAMSS)," ask contractors to assist FEMA in national emergencies. But don't let the bureaucratic language fool you. This is really a Martial Law document. FEMA is not interested in emergency preparedness, but in establishing a military dictatorship in the United States.
Ordinary Americans are classified as the enemy in this FEMA document, and similar Martial Law documents, such as this one from Halliburton/KBR that published on Tuesday, December 6, 2011. The militaristic language that appears in these Martial Law documents, and in the draconian NDAA bill that the treacherous Congress passed last week, suggests that the hijacked U.S. government desires that there be insurgents and domestic terrorists in the United States.
The traitors in Washington need enemies, both foreign and domestic, in order for the politically and morally bankrupt National Security State to remain relevant and powerful in American society. This is a militarist and secret system that is led by the most evil personalities in the 21st century who create fake enemies (Al-Qaeda) and stage false flag terrorist attacks (9/11) just to remain in power. The word restraint does not exist in their vocabulary.
The day will come when the traitors in Washington, led by President Obama, will issue orders to the military and police to fire on Americans and enforce Martial Law. At that point, even the most blind and ignorant people will probably come to the obvious conclusion that it is not Al-Qaeda who desires the destruction of America, but the hijacked and treasonous U.S. government.
Much like in Iraq and other occupied countries, the hijacked U.S. government is reaching out to private contractors like KBR to help the U.S. military and Homeland Security implement Martial Law.
Government thugs and private contractors will be used to control the population in critical areas of the country after the coming economic collapse, as well as to contain and eliminate domestic threats, meaning any American citizen who does not want a hijacked military and blood-soaked mercenaries occupying America.
The idea that America will come under military occupation sounds foreign, but it shouldn't, because the dark road that was taken by the murderous thieves in Washington after 9/11 would eventually lead to such a crisis.
What is written down in FEMA papers and similar Martial Law documents must be put into a larger political and historical context. America's political system did not suddenly transform into a tyrannical beast overnight.
The rise of the shadow state, and its evil twin brother, the police state, has been decades in the making. The culture of the police has been so dramatically altered during this time that for many brainwashed police officers the implementation of Martial Law is a natural and necessary response to emergencies and crises.
After three decades of a traumatic war on drugs, military rhetoric comes naturally to hardened police officers, who don't see themselves as protectors of the law and the public but as warriors of the state fighting terrorists, criminals, protesters, and drug dealers.
All of these threats, by the way, are invented and exaggerated. If the war on drugs and the war on terror are ended, the warriors of the state will be forced to redefine their identity and occupation because without endless wars to be fought and without enemies to be killed then there is no use for a warrior class.
And society doesn't really need a warrior class. Our common interests and our democratic values are not threatened by "terrorists," but by an international oligarchy. Police officers and military men need to grasp this reality. And they also need to realize that by blindly accepting a state of war, and viewing the American population as the enemy, they - the warriors of the state - become the real enemies of the public and the rule of law. But the biggest enemies are the philosophical masters who stand above the brainwashed warriors and define their goals as noble and heroic, but direct their will towards evil ends.
If the facts were known, Martial Law in America, and North America, would be defeated before it is even implemented. A military dictatorship won't last for long if enough people speak up and fight back. We have the numbers, the truth, and the bravery to reclaim freedom for future generations to live happily and prosper in this new century. The traitors and terrorists in Washington are not on the right side of history. They are cowards to be defeated, not giants to be feared.
And the truth is they are scared and ashamed, that's why they do everything in secret. The shameful FEMA document was posted on a government website called, but was immediately taken down after radio host Alex Jones alerted his listeners to the existence of the document and discussed its broader significance. This shows that the hijacked U.S. government is controlled by very frightened and pathetic people who know they are crossing a red line by quietly setting up a military dictatorship in America.
Aaron Dykes explained why the government's censorship of the document is unwarranted in his article, "Government censors document revealing plans to wage war on Americans":
"The government-linked document we posted was marked ‘Source Selection Sensitive’ but not considered classified. Further, it was listed publicly on a government website that was soliciting bids for government contracts. However, despite its public classification, it contains information that clearly is NOT intended to gain wide publicity."This document does not tell us anything new. We've known for years that there is a conspiracy to destroy America and other Western nations through an engineered economic collapse and a false global war of terror that has been used to legitimize the destruction of basic human rights in the West.
Some facts can no longer be denied and dismissed. It is not a theory that is America is being destroyed by the traitors and terrorists in Washington. It is reality. It is self-evident.
Fortunately, the hijacked U.S. government has no public credibility. Its systematic policy of deceit and fraud, its destruction of the Constitution, and its illegal implementation of Martial Law will backfire severely.
American law professor and lawyer Jonathan Turley said on C-SPAN on December 19, 2011 that most Americans do not fear any foreign threats like Al-Qaeda, but their own unresponsive and out-of-control government:
"We've had three polls in the last year and they all show the same thing. The American people say that they are more afraid of the government than they are outside forces like terrorists. So there's this disconnect. The majority of Americans are actually very concerned about the loss of rights, but Congress, both Democrats and Republicans, can't move harder against privacy. And this is part of the cynical calculation. I think that President Obama made this calculation early on and decided that no one would be to the right of him on terrorism and national security, and he has taken the Democratic party with him on that.In the near future, Washington may not even exist. The wild wolves of the new world order in the shadow CIA, and their partners in crime in the shadow Mossad, could burn down Washington D.C. in a false flag attack and relocate in Denver, Colorado.
So you have this remarkable disconnect, where the majority of citizens are going, 'We're really concerned about this. We are fearful of our own government,' and yet it's just not translating on the hill."
They have already turned the heart of New York City into a pit of ashes, so what's stopping them from doing the same to the heart of the capital in the heart of the present global order, Washington D.C?
These psychopathic maniacs are capable of carrying out the greatest acts of evil and destruction in human history. Loss of life on an epic scale means nothing to them. They desire mass death and mass destruction.
In their eyes, they believe they must destroy the basic foundations of America, from the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to the grand architecture of Washington D.C., before they can move on and establish their fascist global dictatorship upon the ruins of the old age.
If such a dark and scary scenario unfolds, if Washington is destroyed by the lawless power elite, then Colorado will become America's green zone, out of which America's shadow terrorist state will wage war against a politically awakened and rebellious population.
"President Obama Just Stated That He Can Have ANY American Citizen Killed!" Jonathon Turley pt.1
"President Obama Just Stated That He Can Have ANY American Citizen Killed!" Jonathon Turley pt.2
"President Obama Just Stated That He Can Have ANY American Citizen Killed!" Jonathon Turley pt.3
A Bottomless Pit of Evil: Alex Jones Friday Editon 1/3
A Bottomless Pit of Evil: Alex Jones Friday Editon 2/3
A Bottomless Pit of Evil: Alex Jones Friday Editon 3/3
Alex's Emotional Breakdown!
this is admirable, I too have bemoaned a few times thus Christmas how man really decent people are out there, great compassionate people, who have little idea of the behind the scenes shenanigans going n and the manipulations by the so called elite, better words can describe them. we face two possibilities, here, Desert rose. one is there is a catastrophic timeline coming to pass, look at the third secret of Fatima and father malachi martins intimations to Art Bell, of something approaching from the heavens. and others have said the same.
now if this is true there is little we can do, to help others. using the analogy of the man with the broken leg, he is not very capable of helping another man with a similar broken leg. but a man with two good legs may be of help to many who cannot walk properly. . thus one person can do a great deal so long as they have sorted their lives out. similarly, in a mad world where everyone is insane with hunger thirst and illness, very few save the strongest are of help to the majority. but one person from the outside who is bodily fit and at peace can do great deal for all of them . this follows what Jung has said about individuation, but here I digress.
in the second scenario nothing at all happens, save the world going along in its same a fashion. and what is good and decent in the world, continues along with what is opposite to this. in both cases however, we have the same choices whatever suffering or joys life gives to us. so, each person must make their own orientation. and choices. . if a group decide to walk off a cliff, however decent they are implicitly, we can do little to help them and those who are at the mercy of the evil and malicious amongst us simply have to bear it out as I have done in past years, one simply has to go through it, and I know from own experience how desperately painful it is, to be hounded by the hatred and jealousy of others, it is a deeply deeply unpleasant experience. however I did learn one thing. one has to dig deep and very deep to the foundations of ones being. then we make the decision. the we decide to change our circumstances, which I did, slowly and painfully and it was not the way I would have chosen but change I did. so, it is with others, in the very very depths of absolute despair and suffering there is only one way out. to endure it, yet to strive for freedom from it, and this may be the mass karma those who have chosen to incarnate here at this rime have chosen . so, if another person choice was to incarnate and take part in the drama unfolding, however much that person suffers what are we to lessen that persons burden if there is in fact no way but to watch from the sidelines. the hardest lesson we may have , all of us here, is to do this , watch observe and endure the helplessness of seeing everything fall apart, all the things we cherish and hold dear and see the suffering of those we love in our vicinity. . this may be as hard a burden to bear as for those who are immersed in suffering hardships, and the burdens of ignorance. . it is a two way process. and even we may have to endure a great deal also. I hope not. it is all, very relative.
so, do all you can and rest and be at peace for those who are not so fortunate one day they will be when all this charade is over with. there is a saying , once you have striven hard and one your best and there is nothing more you can do, rest and b at peace for the world will still go its own way whatever you do.
It is not fear and despair for personal safety as I have prepared as much as I have been able and we have evacuation plans should they be necessary. It is the despair and desire to save the country and the way of life that we have known for so long. I guess I have not made myself clear. I apologize. I am not afraid for myself. My desire would be to do something to stop this evil from taking place and the destruction it will undoubted cause to so many.
why not quite simply make your own little world, make your own little corner of reality, with a few comforts, people you love and respect, family, friends, etc. create your own way of life and stabilize it. then everything that happens in the world though interacting with it, will be a separate entity. in this way you can find happiness whatever happens outside f your little fortress f reality. so long as external factors such as TSA, FEMA, DHS etc don't come crashing in and upsetting things. so long as we have some rudiments f survival if anything bad happens there should be no problems. Most important stop worrying, so easy t give up in despair, which overlooks the positive aspect of things.
ah, Ning ate the rest of my post and I am too tired to write it again.
I suppose it is just as well. It doesn't really matter any more anyway. The point is the agenda will continue as planned until it plays itself out and it is every person for themselves I suppose. LOL. Too much belief in th supposed American way and the American dream I suppose. No independence to be had in this present day and age. Just a fight to live to see tomorrow and see what comes of it . I suppose. nevermind me. I have always been a dreamer. I suppose itis time to wake up!
Thank you Nicholas.
I understand the need to prepare and even with my limited financial means I have been able to do very well for myself with the simple basics. I suppose being poor most of my life has taught me the need for necessary basics. I have ample first aid and hygiene supplies. I have the basics for making bread .Plenty of salt for use and barter. Likewise with sugar as it will go a long way to alleviate the problems that come with a steady diet of the same old same old. I have dehydrators and purchase fresh fruit and vegetables on sale to dehydrate and store. Water I have purchased several cases of water and have begun bottling my own. I have also set up a rain catchment system in my backyard that will avail me of 360 gallons of water in a good down pour. I have experimented with various purification methods that do not include commercially purchased filters as they will not be available or very long once things break down.
I have changed recipes and developed others to be able to cook outdoors on an open fire or in a solar oven. I have studied the concepts and made copies of the process to compost waste to make it safe. I have built an inexpensive greenhouse to help me grow food for my family. Purchasing ruit and nut trees when they go on sale. I purchase bulk whenever finances allow. When they do not then I just get one or two extra of the items we consume on a daily basis that are good candidates for storage. I have built a brick ire pit on my back porch where I have installed a grill. This way I can use the open flame for large pots or the grill for other items that do not require such intense heat. I have done all I can and continue to do so every chance I get. I understand the need for being prepared not just for myself and my family but for all those who did not prepare and may need help when the moment comes. As well as a trailer that an be packed in short time with supplies to head for the mountains if need be. I am not unprepared , just forlorn at the futility of it all.
My question of what can be done was more referring to the situation at large. The expanding encroachment of the government and the elite. The possibility of circumventing their plans that are already underway. I am very well aware that things have reached a possible no turning point. I suppose my frustration lies in not being able to stop this. Not being able to make things right. I have heard all of the recriminations and al of the sarcastic retorts as to how we have asked for it and are now living through what we ourselves created. Granted they are true statements to a certain extent. However, to say that the only way that we can stop this is to go commando as some have stated, not here on this Ning ( I want to make that clear) but in other venues. The consensus has been the guerrilla warfare tactic , the fighting fire with fire. However, to take that stance then one has to understand and be mindful of the fat that this type of move requires many to take up arms. As we can see around us for that to happen something radical has to occur to wake up the masses from their comfortable revelry. That is the rhetoric I was referring to. It is very comfortable to be in another country and state that war is the only way. However, for war there must be a strategy and there must be the means to fight and the weapons to fight with. there must also be the determination. Quite frankly from what I have seen t here is none to be ha
My understanding is this. they are preparing for something, I do suspect something cosmic, something entering our solar system --no, that has entered the solar system. they expecting earthquakes hurricanes that last for days, and massive firestorms from the sun . Massive solar scorching. They are expecting starvation amongst the masses ,complete societal breakdown, they are planning to escape to the underground bunkers, the massive caverns they have been building for decades.
They are installing now, a police grid, not out of any desire to hurt the average American, they know what is coming, They know there will be pandemonium on the streets. Take five thousand people, and give enough water for a hundred, put them in the same space, and leave them there. For a week or two maybe. Then come back and see the result
Black Friday, looks like a church jumble sale by comparison. thus is the reason for the FEMA camps, most or even all of them, not to detain people as the NAZI's did, but simply to hold those who otherwise would be wandering about the towns and countryside, without food and shelter. the government for all its many faults is not entirely without thought for the welfare of the people, Note how i avoid the word compassion. If you know a populace would go on a mass rampage and society would collapse under the weight of both apathy and fear, will you go ahead and tell them even though no one can do anything about near extinction level events? Think hard about it.
This is not rhetoric, but hard truths . What can we do? A great deal for ourselves and a few like us, for the masses very little --I use the analogy, can a man with a broken leg be helped along by another man who also has a broken leg? I think not, it would be rather hard. But if we keep our own legs healthy we can help many who need our support.
first build your little or even big island of safety and comfort, surround yourself with comforts and some luxuries so you feel safe. have friends such as this on this forum a truly excellent body of people if there ever was one___ listening here, for applause LOL....
Anyhow once you feel safe and secure, most vitally get your spiritual house in order. I am a humanist and deist with gnostic orientations so have a lot in common. Learn to love yourself, forgive yourself, make amends, get settled with others. Then you are best able to adapt to whatever happens in the world. I have written tonight to someone here about my plan to store bottles of spring water once the signs get severe enough. I intend to store ten, twenty up to or above forty five litres bottles of water plus have the ability to take it off the roof. Once we have water we are more than half way there.
Store simple things, have a supply of tissues of various kinds, for 12 months at least as they will be like platinum .for hygiene, Soap, candles, flour, oil and salt to make simple bread. A simple way of cooking on an open fire, I may build my own barbecue later this year in the garden using bricks. A little endeavor maybe but who knows if it may save my life in the coming months. Once the basics are sorted out we have only to wait. and wit and watch and keep aloof from what ks happening whilst still being of help to those around us. getting angry, emotional is not helpful and will be a setback. be detached, always though it easy. I could get very very hot tempered with those who try to boss me about, but in the end all we can do is walk away , sometime it is the best strategy. If society breaks down and the powers that be try to round you up with others, for our own protection what will you choose? for me it is simple-- there are small mountains not far way and Scotland may not be too hard