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  • Those bombs almost did detonate.  Three of the four fail-safes failed, but the last one prevented a major catastrophe.  You know, I've said before that I'm protected (and I'm sure others are as well).  I wonder if this was yet another time I was protected. 

    It reminds me of that Amy Grant song, Angels Watching Over Me:

    God only knows the times my life was threatened just today.
    A reckless car ran out of gas before it ran my way.  [Or two Mark 39 hydrogen bombs dropped 80 miles away.]
    Near misses all around me, accidents unknown,
    Though I never see with human eyes the hands that lead me home.

  • Hard to believe they were playing with these things before I was born.  And what the hell were they doing transporting live A bombs on a plane?  If that b52 would have impacted and exploded on the ground with it's payload, wouldn't those bombs have detonated?  God was watching out for us with how that b52 just broke up in mid air allowing the bombs with parachutes to fall to the ground without blowing up...

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