Our liberal rulers tell us that our immigration system is broken. They ought to know; they are the ones who have been methodically breaking it:
National ICE Council president Chris Crane explained [how] President Obama’s actions on immigration and blind eye to illegal immigration has made it nearly impossible for ICE agents to enforce the law.
“We can’t have Presidents of the United States picking and choosing which laws will and will not be enforced.” Crane said.
Crane went on to explain how President Obama’s de facto repeal of immigration enforcement has led to serious and dangerous criminals being set free. “What the Obama Administration has ICE agents now doing is we now go into jails and prisons looking for illegal aliens inside of those facilities who have committed and been convicted of crimes. So we apply the Dream Act not to kids, in schools, but to adult inmates and have to ask them basically ‘Do you qualify for President Obama’s Dream Act?’ When they tell us ‘Yes we qualify’ we can’t even require them to give us any kind of proof, a transcript, or anything like that. We can’t detain them for investigation to substantiate the claims, we simply have to release them to the street. They walk out the back door of the jail as ‘Dreamers.’ There is nothing we can do about that.
Crane then related a story of a man who was detained for assaulting a family member, injured two ICE officers during his arrest and, despite the serious nature of his crime, was released because ICE managers informed the arresting officers that ‘He’s an Obama Dreamer, release him.’ Crane went on to explain “No investigation, no criminal charges, no consideration of the public safety threat. He’s an Obama Dreamer, let him go, and that’s a scary situation.”
The Dream Act was imposed by executive decree.
We don’t need new immigration laws. We need for the ones we already have to be enforced. This will not happen until our current government has been replaced by responsible leaders who mean the country well.
On tips from G. Fox and Ben S.
Steven That was a great video thanks for sharing. We like our terrorists that seems very clear.
The people in Mexico where I have spent many long vacations are a loving family oriented people. But now with the extreme border violence from the cartels and the open borders there is a racial problem in the south west and I wonder if this was the next planned racial problem. 30 million people take a lot of jobs when there is not enough for Americans. They are freely given the benefits of the social services we paid taxes into for our emergencies and now the services are in debt. My brother in-law is a second generation Mexican immigrant and is very sad at the way he is treated even as an executive at Verizon because he is Mexican and his family came here the right way. Yes Cheryl a very evil game indeed.
The White House is herding in more sheeple to take advantage of. I agree, I feel sorry for them because they are being used as pawns in the evil game DC is playing.
This just another crime committed by our government. I lived in the south west a couple years ago and watched on TV where illegals were not given traffic tickets not being picked up by ICE. They must be totally be laughing at us Americans. From the embassies in Mexico they are given paper work on how to collect food stamps and welfare and the phone number to call. They are undocumented Democrats not illegals. the correct number of them is 30 million not 11 million from the white house sources. These poor people came here for a better life and I truly feel sorry for them they have made a drastic mistake coming to Amerika.