This video is a response to ATTN: March 15, 2011 Earth Shift (Blue and Red Kachina of Hopi Prophecy)
Revelations 6:7-8
Revelations 8:7-9
The Daily Conspiracy Vision:
Henning Kemner: Hydraulic Fracking Video:
Hydraulic Fracking Video:
This is something I know you would like to see Desertrosetx. A luminous cross - picture taken recently near Seattle, WA. These crosses have been appearing around the world. So totally cool:
did you check out these comments ?
@SkyBlueAugust Here's what he sent...To:msmilkytheclown
I have received many warnings
Im under survailliance outside home
Signs above my home (pentagram painted in chemtrails)
Darkness is to close -
Dear friends I must see to my safety my family.
If something explosive turns up I´ll step in.
9Nania left to the mountains today guys.
It makes me so angry. Sometimes I wish we had a way to stop it , but how????
It is frustrating as hell. I know we must prepare and get ourselves ready , but I cannot help but wonder and worry about all those who are still asleep and in denial. It breaks my heart.
Hey Teresa the guy from your video is the same guy from the fracking video he lives in Indiana.
Looks like we are in for one major event and it is not mother nature at work here. God help us all!irf you watch the Fracking videos above made by Henning Kemner you will see hat they may be seeing and hat this guy believes will happen. It is extremely alarming because we have seen that they are capable of anything to accomplish hat they are after