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  • We better do something very soon because the internet is being attacked from many directions.

  • Remember bumper stickers? 

    What's the evening news not telling you?

    Find out at

    Walk through downtown areas at lunchtime handing out flyers.

    Lots of people would have to do it in lots of downtowns.

  • Cheryl that will be the best way to get anything done, There is enough of us  awake now to make a difference.

  • Keith, one possible result of protesting media.

    Byron, we need to take the protests to the streets so people can see what they are missing on the evening news.

  • It has always been in the plans to take us down 20 years ago their were 50 media stations now  there are 5 cabal owned, There popularity is falling by what they don't cover. People are moving to the internet but not enough. There is a march against the IRS in Washington DC today and you can bet it won't get mentioned. Protests are no longer covered. Even YouTube has been told to take them down. Just look at what they did to the occupy movement. They kept the GMO protests away from us. O can get up and lie to the people because most don't even know what is happening. If we protest them they will not even report it. I talked to a couple on Monday and they watch the news everyday and don't even know there are any scandals going on, I almost couldn't believe my ears an educated middle class couple that were clueless, that's scary.     

  • If certain Presses can't be free and are forced to work to enslave people's minds, they should be shut down.

  • It's a failure of the media to inform the public there's a problem.  So, why not start protesting against corrupt media?

  • Because too many people don't have a clue anything is wrong enough to change things.

  • And yet it still stands.  Why?

  • The corruption of our federal courts short video

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