This video may change how one looks and preceives life. Water may have a greater influence than you may imagine. The positive energy you project......
A 90 min video, but well worth the time.
Yes mr. Alex............. so true........... and I have found that when a stanger's heart is on the same energy level there seems to be some sort of sub concious communication, that results in concious response, ranging from a warm smile to an actual small conversation from a total stranger. Today, or rather yesterday this happened everywhere we the point i was giddy in joy.
What excites me now as i sit here is my friend is beginning to understand happiness, and how it brings such joy to a person.
forgot two words... my brain.......... lol
yet we both sat down and watched the movie, he wasn't that enthused about watching at first, but during the movie something happened to both of us...we began to understand the possibilities of the correlation of the incidents we experienced on our walk, and what we discovered in the movie. He sent me an email............ looks like we have day tomorrow. Keeping talking to that water!!!
Opps, sorry I keep making that mistake. The actual name of the movie is "What the Bleep Do We Know!?"