When big companies like Wal-Mart don't pay their employees living wages, taxpayers take up the slack in the form of welfare benefits. I've heard that the Walton family made $17 Billion in profits last year. To pay their employees $12/hr ($25,000/yr) would cost $2 Billion. If these numbers are correct, you have to wonder why they can't "afford" to pay their employees a living wage.
It would be interesting to see Walmart's financials. I'm curious if they paid off all the building costs of those massive box stores or if they have a huge mountain of debt.
They are no better than common Heroin dealers.
Cheryl to add to that while purchasing non American items to sell to Americans.
You're right, Jason. And they know. But I don't think the largest employer in the U.S. should get their employees' pay subsidized by the taxpayers when they are capable of doing it themselves, and still make generous profits.
If Walmart can do price checks to make sure a gallon of milk beats the price of a competitor, then they can do gross/net pay checks to make sure their employees (internal customers) are as valuable as their external customers.
Today China Mart tomorrow the White house.