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  • Love yourselves fully including every part of your physical body--every organ and every function regardless of how things may appear.  Let  go of the obsolete habit so many still hold of withholding love to self until some accepted criteria of perfection can be achieved.  Love your emotions regardless of how they may shock, embarrass, irritate you when they pop up.  Love every person you see, every animal, plant, and rock.  Love the devic, elemental, nature spirit kingdoms as well as Gaia herself for you are each and every one of them.  You are ONE.
    Love is the key--the resolution, the ending, the opening, the fullness of all things. 
    You are ready.

    With great love and appreciation we are the Arcturian Group                        3/6/16

  • This is why dreams  seem to be very bizarre at times.  You may be having a profound spiritual lesson or experience while asleep but the mind is unable to connect it with available knowledge and so it simply makes something up.  A great deal of clearing is taking place in the sleep state, so if you find yourself dreaming about some person or event over and over, it may well be the clearing of lifetimes of energy related to that person or experiences.

    The intense periods of clearing taking place at this time may involve people and issues you believed long resolved or some totally new physical, emotional, or mental issue may suddenly appear in your life.  Cellular memory accumulated through hundreds of lifetimes is often energy you no longer relate to in any way,  but still unknowingly carry.  Any intense experience remains in cellular memory through lifetimes until you are evolved enough to clear and move beyond it.  You are there now.

  • Everyone on earth at this time wanted to be here.  It is a powerful evolutionary time.  Each day more and more awaken while at the same time the Light is exposing a tremendous amount of pain and discord.  Try not to be discouraged by what you observe in the world but recognize it for what it is--the long hidden dense energy of conflicts and experiences  going back hundreds of centuries  in need of clearing.

  • "

    The clearing and integration of new energy often leaves an individual feeling tired and drained.   Rest when you can, never believing that you have failed in some way because you seem to be doing nothing.   There often comes the sense that  nothing is happening during the integration process but on the spiritual journey, something is always happening.  Allow yourself more breaks in your normal everyday hectic schedules with no guilt about it.  Beliefs that declare resting or doing nothing as laziness are simply carry over concepts from times past when  those who didn't work hard, didn't eat."


  • As always, a good message.  I liked the insight into dreams.

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