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  • very interesting, Tracy, very interesting. I agree, the government agencies are not as clear on the data they have, an awful lot is being kept from us, but hard t tie it down

  • First off everything comes from darkness.It isnt a color its a state of being.Such as dark matter,which is 9 ether forces,which is all existing gases everywhere combined.As far as the twisting of the magnetoshere,they say gammar ray burst ripped open a huge hole on the 14th.wihch will be causing spacequakes and all the strange sounds besides nibiru.There is a kp5 storm that is ongoing.Spaceweather has been and will continue to lie and alter data.This will be the last of all cycles,if one remembers that when cycle 24 started the first sunspot was not normal it was turned upside down,which shocked them,which is why they said that this peak would be more harsh than all the previous one.Now they are silent and altering info.
    Its called the IMF Interplanatary Magnetic Field.According to nasa they dont know what is causing the outburst.Again it started on the 14 when a magnetic disturbance traveled or disturbed the north pole.the imf near earth tipped south openning a crack in earths magnetic defences
  • Thanks, Keith. 

  • interesting, Keith. all we can do us keep watching , life may be a load of fun in a short while.......

  • The sun has been quite for almost a week so that is not it. Why is it hard for some to realize that our 3600 yr visitor is getting close. Our science is too primative to figure out what is happening, so just enjoy the ride it is a killer. 

  • Nicholas,i dont know why it has four,i guess so it can adjust to any environment,from what i was told.

  • Plus the energys from the universe.The powers that wanna be will never tell.They only want to show what they want us to see,and then they twist that all around.nazis stink.Maybe thats why they are called germans,The man with the will never be accepted by the council of nine ether and the galatic federation,period!

  • now, that's being greedy, four fields, why cant it be content with just two? Lol LOL

  • Its nibiru and its 4 magnetic fields.Twisting it all up in the game.LOL!!!!

  • thus is most probably the cause, but it is interesting all the same. what i would like to really know is this let us assume there is a humulgous body out there and its northern magnetic pole is drawing down on say, our southern pole, or to that effect. can you say what the configuration of the magnetoshere will be then? any guesses? or will it disappear? 

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