It was noteworthy how long it's taken for the MSM to scream terrorism....
"A senior Obama administration official said a series of briefings overnight have produced concern the Texas blast could have been at least criminal in nature. Authorities are trying to contain their speculation for fear of causing a panic, but the official told The Post the cause of the blast is "suspicious."
Two days later, it is announced "no indication of foul play."
Before the blast, a Monsanto lawsuit
At around :30, Cameron Day shows the strike frame-by-frame. It is clearer.
Amazing how a small town is decimated and the MSM gives it little attention. I think the Monsanto reference was a red herring to try to explain it away.
Grilling wieners a little too close huh? I don't know if I believe that one.
Benjamin Fulford update 4-22-2013 says it was a missile. (Views as I post this are at 111, for those interested in numbers.)
Before the blast, a Monsanto lawsuit
See any complicity? Wonder why WSJ would publish this if they didn't see something wrong.
I can see why the earlier article said no indication of foul play... because Monsanto can do no wrong?
Latest news sounds like the plant was non-compliant in reporting how much bomb material they had on site, DHS didn't even know they existed, there was a venting problem with the ammonia, someone was grilling hot dogs a little too close... and kerplowie!
All kinds of theories flying now...
The explosion registered a 2.1 on the richter scale according to CBS news.