He was zapped with a directed energy weapon on 3/17/11.  Interesting to note that my encounter with something like that was on 8/3/11, five months later.  See

"Today, they confirmed that they were here because of the death threat against me and that they had actually been hanging around unseen since the death threat.  As soon as I read the email containing the death threat, I felt a literal and powerful shock wave hit me just below and slightly to the right of my solar plexus.  It left me very sore in that area, around my spine, for about 15 to 20 minutes.  I did a systems check, wondering if I had had a heart attack, but it did not originate inside me.

"I was consciously aware of the "shock wave" and the resulting pain.  They beat back the attack in time and repaired the damage.  It was an attack outside of me designed to set me up to have a heart attack in the near future, leaving no trace.  They knew it was coming but had to let the attack begin to be able to trace it and neutralize it.  Wild, huh?"

And, a month before that incident, there was the fireworks incident:

"Oh, and I just received a bit more data (telepathically, the "silent knowing").  Remember the fireworks that went wrong back on the 4th of July?  That was another attack, and I was protected from that one too.  I don't remember if I gave all the details, it was four to six rockets that were "bundled" that tipped (actually, pushed with a force) sideways upon lighting and shot straight into the audience.  As I said before, there is no way there shouldn't have been major casualties from that incident, but there weren't.  I did find out that my daughter-in-law was grazed by one and sustained a minor burn, and that was it.

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  • I will Send as will others Healing Divine Energies!

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