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  • Yep  that is quite good

  • Mustafa  Even people in this country don't see them and enjoy the beautiful art work they are like cropcircles in the sky done by 1st graders. As you can see only 52 people looked at the video so the interest in their beauty is not appreciated If I knew who the mystery artist were I would be happy to send them your way, Are you sure that you want the side effects that come with them ?  
  • Mr. Wilkens,

    I am very pleased you posted this video here. I live in a country that has no chemtrails. So my only experience

    is watching viseos such as these. I feel so left out! What must one do to have his country share in the  thrill of looking up and seeing the patterns produce by these qunique flying machines? All we have here are just boring clear blue skys.

    Thank you for sharing this.

    moose of the land of Chinggis Khan

  • Chrys you just about have it covered. I got Morgellons disease from them in 1999. I am from Bucks county PA
  • Yes, that video is very well done and the best I've seen.  I've never been able to figure out the true purpose of the chemtrails.  Are they spraying...

    A - chemicals to weaken everyone's immune system to assist in global depopulation?

    B - chemicals to enhance weather manipulation systems?

    C - viruses/bacteria to sicken certain segments of the population?

    D - substances to block out increased energies from the sun to prevent panic?

    E - substances to block out increased energies from the sun to prevent those energies from assisting in the Earth's transformation?

    F - merely a scare tactic to keep people worrying and in "fearful" and "angry" modes?

    G - some other reason?


    I have noticed a pattern where spraying is heaviest as clouds are building prior to a moisture front, so it seems they may want whatever they are spraying to precipitate.  I believe the time for the folks funding the spraying is coming to an end and this is one display of their desperation.

  • Secret presidental chemtrail budget.
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