All credits for finding this go to Byron, great job finding it

I have taken precautions as regards any copyright problems , wishing to avoid them nd  post this link to the document below and hope you go to this link and make a copy of this document to your computer, which I have already done.

an analysis of the document and its possible implications .

first it appears thus document is similar to other acts that have been recently passed, as though by  issuing this executive order, Obama is further entrenching and importantly clarifying his authority to act in cases of a national emergency. It would appear this is maybe, the final getting of the troops into place before something major happens .

One might ask if this order was written in the same period as the NDAA and the two do seem to be partners in crime shall we say.

There are two sections that are noteworthy, in this act, and they are below.

(5)  the Secretary of Defense with respect to water resources;

this section shows the importance of water resources, and one must assume the troops will be posted on or near major water pipelines and reservoirs, if an emergency is called.  It also gives the government  immense power as regards the most important resource of water.

Sec. 303Additional Authorities.  (a)  To create, maintain, protect, expand, or restore domestic industrial base capabilities essential for the national defense, the head of each agency engaged in procurement for the national defense is delegated the authority of the President under section 303 of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2093, to make provision for purchases of, or commitments to purchase, an industrial resource or a critical technology item for Government use or resale, and to make provision for the development of production capabilities, and for the increased use of emerging technologies in security program applications, and to enable rapid transition of emerging technologies.

(b)  Materials acquired under section 303 of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2093, that exceed the needs of the programs under the Act may be transferred to the National Defense Stockpile, if, in the judgment of the Secretary of Defense as the National Defense Stockpile Manager, such transfers are in the public interest.

Reading the above section, the impression is given of preparations for societal collapse, as though this is a key assumption behind the executive order. notice the phrase,  "and to enable rapid transition of emerging technologies."

this would happen after the collapse of the power grid, for example, and the transport system.

So, my brief analyses would suggest to those watching earth events that the final pieces are going into place , and we may wonder if there is some connection to the imminent  outbreak of war, God forbid this should ever happen. and if war breaks out, will this be a major distraction event to take our attention from what is actually happening to the earth itself? And maybe something out there in space?

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  • At this time nothing else matters until this EO is resolved and our constitution is saved. anyone who thinks diffirenty is in denial. Anyone who is still supporting Oboma I do not feel sorry for , you were warned so now you will see what he meant when he said CHANGE now you have it, welcome to slavery.   

  • It concerns me too with no number on it.  Byron, you may be correct that this may be one of the last orders to be signed.  

  • Another thing that is very perplexing to me is that this EO has no number on it. Since it takes over every aspect of our lives why issue another one, it may be the last in our limited lifetime.

  • This is the worst time in the history of our democratic republic. If this is not shredded in congress Monday morning and an impeachment issued we are totaly taken over in every aspect of life bar none. This order makes the constitution null and void and congress a social club of baboons. I am sure 3/4 's of America will sleep through this tyranny and say this can't happen in the USA. Well folks it just did and better be stopped now not later after dancing with stars. I have known for a long time mr O was put there to get the job done AGENDA 21 HAS BEEN PUT INTO ACTION.        

  • here is a copy of my response to the poster in reference to the comment on the other executive orders of this kind:

    First of all, I would like to thank you for visiting my blog.
    In response to your comment I would like to say ……Perhaps , however in light of Executive Orders and Ideas that are in line with the warning crystallized in this post. One would do well to view any Executive Orders with a very critical eye.
    As one who would love all this doom and gloom and conspiracy to be simply a fantasy. I see a pattern that is disturbing to me. If and when the moment comes I am not above admitting it was a mistake. I would love nothing better than to post a retraction and a narrative explaining how I was wrong and what good has indeed come of it. For now I wait and watch like everyone else. The difference is I don’t worry about being wrong. My greatest worry is being right.

    p.s a link to any resource showing this executive order having been signed by past presidents would be appreciated. Because Executive Order 11858 signed May 7th , 1975 ( ) is miniscule compared to the executive order in question that was signed on March 16th, 2012. Not to mention executive order 12661 signed Dec 7th, 1988. Neither of which runs the gamut nor has the scope of power appropriation of the executive order that Obama has signed. EO 11858 dealt with Foreign Investment and 12661 dealt with International Trade Matters and Competitiveness. A far cry from the inordinate amount of regulations covered in the recent EO. So if you have others I would be curious to see them and compare. Thanks :)

  • Here is a video I stumbled across that discusses the executive order in question

    Alert! Obama Declares/Updates MARTIAL LAW Implementation - Executive Order Explained

  • No  Weiynala he  did not  provide  a link  simply  his  opinion.  That is  why  I  stated  that  I was  more  concerned  with the  pattern I am  seeing  than  how  many  Presidents signed an  order  such as  this.  I am  doubtful  anyone  would have allowed  this  to  stand  before  the  1980's.  So  we  will  have to  see about  that.

    Byron , my  blog is a  mixture of  Economic, political, financial, environmental, holistic health with a  smattering of   survival, sustainability and food  safety  thrown in , lol.  I  wanted  to  see  just  what  type  of  reception  some of  my choices of information would have .  All in  all  it  has  been  good,  surprisingly well in my opinion.

    here s the link  you  requested  Byron :

  • Another article from the Activist Post

  • desertrose I wish for the same myself. After really thinking about this order, there really has to be no war or false flag because it is a preperation for war order and can be inacted at anytime the president wants it to be.  I would really like to see a copy of this by another president. I could understand it being up dated with new agencies but still think it is new. Yes this is a lot more than one single order it is a book connected to other regulations on the books and executive orders. Can I have the link to your blog?   

  • Byron  I posted  this on  my  word press  blog  as well and  someone  commented  that this Executive  Order  has  been  enacted  by  all  Presidents  since  1950  and it  has never  been used.  I  told  him that  may  be  so , but I  look at  it  not  in  the light of  one  single  Executive  Order  but a  string  of them  and the sense  that there  is  something  amiss.  I will be the  first  to  admit  I was  wrong when the moment  comes  to  do so .  As  I  wish  so  very  much that  this is  not  true  and  that  nothing of the like will indeed happen.  That is  my   fervent  wish  , not  to be   right.

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