“We (DynCorp Int’l) received 97% of our contracts from the US Government. Obama has cut us back 48%. He (is) staging is plan to stay in power past 2016.”
"When asked if there was inside information on Obama’s plan to stay in power the comment was “No. It’s just what I see… and hear…and know. It scares me Elly. I love my Country.” My response to that?
“Scares me, too… and millions of people. But we, the people, feel at such a loss as to how to stop this stone from rolling. Our laws have become so complicated that it’s not as easy as staging a coupe or impeaching him. Even if there were enough to impeach him (which there is), it would take years. So my thought is exactly what I placed on my FB. He sets an EMP over our country and then sits back while the weak die off and the strong fight and then he acts like God and comes in to ‘save’ us. If this were to happen, then every town, city, county, state would declare martial law and then all that would fall under Federal jurisdiction putting Obama at the head of it all. There’s so much that could happen but something IS going to happen. We ALL feel it.”
“Using a sat. uplink. Right now my crew and I are on the Syrian border waiting for instructions. Hoping and praying we won’t be sent in to train the opposition….. most are Al Quaida….” When asked how he felt about having to be ordered to train the enemy… the same ones that killed Ambassador Stevens, his response: “This job pays $2700/day… but no amount of money is worth it. Ambassador Chris Stevens was a friend of mine. We worked together in Benghazi in 2010.”
What if Bin Laden was not killed but captured, sedated, put in a bodybag and transported to a Class 3 Black Prison off the coast of South Carolina. Where he was chemically interrogated. Then let’s say on May 11, 2011, after all info had been gotten… he was given a ‘hot shot’… cremated. Did you know that there were 2 CIA agents with the Seals that night? One was Chris Stevens (Ambassador Chris Stevens)…hmmm…. Did you also know that since May 2, 2011 that 29 Seals that were involved with Bin Laden have been killed also? Hmmmmm The operation’s call sign was Extortion 17.”
"People in the Midwest who have crops and cattle… be ready. You are the prime target for the EMP as you provide 70% of the food for this country. Get your towns, counties ready and develop a communication system that will not utilize electricity… or get military radios and place them in Faraday cages. Generators that will run your water tanks to water your crops.. DO NOT SELL YOUR CROPS TO THE GOVERNMENT THIS NEXT YEAR! They have been buying them up under the guise of helping you when in reality they are stockpiling, shipping food out to our enemies.*** By hitting the Midwest it will severely decrease our ability to fight for ourselves as we will be trying to locate fresh water and food.
*** Remember my comment about the gov't was probably buying up all the MREs/storage food and shipping to the Muslim Brotherhood? Why not, we're shipping our money, too. Obama is building a caliphate for himself. Can't you see that?
Obama already signed the UN gun ban but told them to not enact it until 2015. He still had some ‘things’ to change in the US first. Why 2015? My source says that this Sept there will be a fake ‘attempt’ on Obama’s life and that Obama will blame it on the ‘whites’ which will start a racial war… which he has been building up to. It’s smoke for what’s really getting ready to happen. There is a location in the mid-west where over 400 airline planes are sitting designed to look like common airline planes. 3 drones carrying an EMP will hit the US in the central farm locations knocking out everything from Canada to the Gulf. At this time, airlines will be ground or diverted and the ‘fake’ planes will be flown over the drop zone. There will be middle eastern individuals aboard so when bodies are pulled out it will look like a terrorist attack and Obama can declare martial law. 70% of our food source for the US will be gone, millions will starve…..
"THIS IS NOT A JOKE but comes from 2 very reliable sources of internal intelligence. DON’T BE FOOLED! Obama wants a religious racial war. He actually cannot stand whites as he has proven again and again.
"Yes… I realize some of this sounds ‘old’ but to have it verified by 2 difference CIA sources and to bring it all together is not old. There is a storm coming and it will happen in the next 1 – 1.5 years.
He is being propped up, for sure. He is not a leader, he can even lead himself, except to the golf course.
I really didn't think O had any intentions of leaving his office, he has been playing dictator at every opportunity and passing laws to make it happen. I really don't think he is smart enough to devise a plan that would work but there could easily be someone else or many helping.