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  • Joan,


    Think nothing of it lol was said more in jest :)

  • Cheryl, that was our thought when we saw the second vehicle depicting these dates.


    Sorry, Alex, back to topic.  The article did note that the epicenter was 30 miles from Christchurch.

  • Not really sure how the comments apply to the post....its deadlier because infrastructure had already been damaged during the last earthquake....if a foundation is already cracked it doesn't take much to completely sunder it......
  • Jesus said that even he didn't know the date and time so how does man presume to know?
  • On two separate days over the past week, I was out shopping and in the parking lot on one day was a truck with a painted sign indicating that Judgement Day was May 21, 2011 and Rapture was October 21, 2011 - again this is from the bible and the website noted also on the vehicle was .  On a different day, there was another vehicle in this area that had a similar "warning" sign.


    Everything is picking up speed and the earth is bouncing around as noted by the sun's location - watching that closely.


  • Paul you are saying the pole shift has been moved to this May or June and not this fall?  It keeps getting changed.

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