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  • Ad hoc internet through WiFi....well Cheryl here goes.  The internet cannot be completely shut off because it is handled through a concept of Distributive Computing....meaning that any information you are looking for is more than likely in multiple places, thus not centralize and subject to a simple kill switch....the best that can be done is shutting down a gateway server or all gateway servers leading into our country.....not a big deal to be honest.  The problems that may arise and should be kept in mind are, one a solar flare or a disruption of our magnetic field will downright cripple Wifi and all electronics that are not protected for that matter.  There is more than one way to kill an access point such as a physical change in the topography of the network....example....a building housing servers that deal primarily with the midwest get crushed as the building falls.....if there is no redundency set up then you are literally cut off from access, you can still try to use WiFi/Ad hoc methods.  So please don't expect the use of the internet when the time comes to move....try to have a copy in digital format of all information you would like to have access to in the future as for use in communications.....It may or may not be possible depending on what caused the internet stopage.

    As for methods of accessing the web should the government choose to shut down access points, yes you can use a WiFi connection in conjunction with any of the open source browsers(open source simply means that its not patentable, hence belonging to everyone. 

    Hope the info helps a little.
  • adhoc is setting up your laptop or desktop to ack like servers, so if you have a small community with two or more laptops you could have an independent intranet, if one or  two having a internet access, the group would benefit also!
  • I was just discussing with Cheryl what an ip was in the first place...Daaa I googled it and I came across the same info topic about the addresses running out..

    Can the addresses be sold or pirated? This is all scary to me.. What the heck is up all of a sudden with ip... I've been going along all these years using home computer without ever needing it or having a reason to know about ip....LOL

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