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  • To say Allah is good while murdering people has no place in the universe, GT the DU left by them will last 4.5 million years. deadly takes on a new meaning with them. Maybe eternally deadly is more appropriate.   

  • Yes, GT, there are little nukes in size.  But all nukes are deadly.  The size just indicates the range covered.

  • It was mindless, wasn't it?

  • If I hear Allah Akbar one more time I will vomit blood.

  • how could there even be a question as to whether it was nuke, or not?

    is there such a thing as a "little nuke"?

    just asking........   yep.

  • The mushroom cloud is the signature of nuclear weapons only, say the experts I have been listening to. Oboma came out and said one of these were fired from an Israeli sub.

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