Wobble alert!

Right now in Wisconsin it is 12:30  and the sun is at the 11:30 position.  Does that mean that we are wobbleing?  Or did the earth speed up?  Most likely a wobble.  So where is the sun in your state?
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  • Shadow, I looked up at the sun.  At noon it should be overhead.  Well it was 12:30 and it still was not overhead.  I would say it was about an hour behind.
  • I can't see the sun right now.  Another t-storm is moving in.  We had a short but powerful t-storm around 9:30 a.m.  It was loud, like explosions.
  • Yep, we are wobbling. Notice the moon where it comes up and goes down?

    Also see this video from dutchsinse.

    If anyone remains in CAL. after this they are nuts...

    (Can't get it to link, but go to his site. Now LA is venting)

  • I second that, I noticed the Sun out of position this morning as well, but I don't know how to measure it
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