Here is the image as captured from the SOHO LASCO C2 camera, which NASA cameras captured on 07/05/20...
PX is passing behind the sun on this leg of its 3,600-year orbit. The next image, below, is the same image with arrows added, the top one showing the larger orb, the bottom one showing the shadow of a smaller orb...
The next image shows a remarkably clear image of a rock (asteroid?) just outside of the shield, at the ~2:45 position. I used the plaster filter in Photoshop to capture this otherwise indistinguishable object...
Wow! What a close-up of that PX object, isn't it?
Okay, the next image used the film grain filter. What became obvious is the amount of smaller objects on the left, as compared to the right of the shield. Since PX is moving left to right on a northerly incline, this may be a way to track it's progress, as smaller objects become visible on the right side of the shield, climbing toward and above the north pole of the sun....So, there you have it. PX is real. And it's inbound. What's next? From what little information there is (provided the information is good) PX will continue to head up and over the north pole of the sun for a relatively short distance, to the endpoint of its orbit, and then gravitational forces will pull it back to begin its 3,600-year journey back to the other end of its orbit. The difference is that its homeward-bound journey will be traveling between the sun and the earth. This means it will be much closer to earth. Since a member of this complex is said to be a brown dwarf, highly magnetic, and earth has an iron core, we are in for a bumpy ride. The brown dwarf, being a dead star, has no light of its own and only shows up when it is caught in our sun's light, such as this solar flare.
Well, euphemisms are fine, but it is thought it will be an extinction-level event (at least for those who do not prepare). As for Marshall Masters' prediction for 2028, I can't judge his intuition. PX's return voyage will be much faster, possibly due to a slingshot effect, though I think he accounted for that. But the point being, don't wait until the last minute to prepare. You should already be preparing for all the other things happening in our world. Do what you can and don't worry it's not enough. It won't be. But the galactics help those who do all they can. Ask and ye shall receive. (Ref,, Chapter 5, starting on p.36.)
Cool captures, RLP!
DEC 1, 2020
RLP its getting toasted alright! ;)
Right? Mainly because of these spectacular images which were obtained! you can really see it there. I wonder if it is a dwarf sun and now getting 'new life' or a 'charge' from it's twin, before it heads back out?
I find it awesome that this object received a blast from the sun!!
Yes...OR perhaps the object caused the plasma CME reaction? Whichever, there is no denying it.....there it is.
What bothers me is how people will look at hard evidence and DENY it is real. They are more comfortable to defend that stance by saying it was photoshopped, if it WAS real we'd head about it on tv, or the government will tell us...blah, blah blah. You know the routine because we've all heard those attacks. We fight to try and help them possibly prepare for this mentally, get spiritually attuned, physically stock up on supplies if they luckily make it --- and what do we get? "You're CRAZY!" Right, so have a nice death. I get so mad I want to say that to them in defense of the truth. It doesn't matter...people who have known me for 50-60 years know my intelligence, sincerity, and honesty...but on this topic, I am 'wacko.' I have watched too much sci-fi tv, too much of the wrong religion, or I am too gullible to believe such nonsense. How about this excuse: "Why can't we see it?" What the you think you can always see a moving object in space with the naked eye? Who is the real dummy here??? I have heard it all to the point I get shunned in disgrace and wind up angry and alone. These dummies are going to DIE and won't even consider what I might say, even a fraction of it being a possibility. It saddens me and there isn't much time left. How do you guys cope with that rejection and the burden of responsibility? I pray for them, but it doesn't help much.