Why do spacecraft seemingly disappear in a blink? How is levitation possible? Einstein says nothing is faster than the speed of light. But is that true? Can there be 2x, 4x, even 6x the speed of light? We've heard that our bodies will become lighter as we "ascend." Is there a scientific explanation for this? These topics, and more, come from a remarkable video, one of which topics therein compares the 1996 "Julia Set" crop circle, near Stonehenge, England, to a spacecraft and uncovers some earthchanging information...
From the video: "The same year of the NASA STS-75 tether incident (1996), a crop circle appeared with the identical message of the gravity wave pulsating from the UFO that was witnessed. It was a crop circle with nearly the exact same degree of a spiraling wave curvature, even with the hole in the center, just as the NASA STS-75 pulsing UFO revealed. Were intelligent beings being so clear, with such regularity, intending for us to decode it? Were they revealing the secret to their propulsion systems? And a gravity generator energy source capable of solving our environmental pollution crisis?"
This video is a must watch for the serious seeker, for this and other intriguing information. Thanks to Paul Kawsek, who originally posted this video. (Despite the picture on the front, there are no images of alien beings, just a discussion of ET skeletal remains and a shot of the door of the burial caves around the Tibetan area.)
Notes from the video:
The spiral-arm theory about how there things can go faster than the speed of light makes sense. Einstein was brilliant in his day, but it was just a beginning course in higher things.
Mass becomes lighter as frequency increases. This correlates with the notion that our bodies will become lighter as we move into higher frequencies.
The pulse-phase two showed how UFO gravity propulsion systems work. This is fantastic!
This shows mass becoming so light (because of higher frequencies) that it levitates.
Interdimensional-Shift Sequence at 1:00:46. Shows something moving from one dimension to another, and yes there's a flash of light when it does so. So not all flashes of light in the sky are fireballs.
Dropa Stones discovered near the Tibet-China border. 4' skeletal remains of small people with bulbous heads found in burial caves. 1:08:29
What star system these visitors came from: 1:11:58 (Sirius, half human/half fish, travel in ships full of water.)
Evidence says it's the same visitors in the 1996 STS-75 tether incident as the Dropa Stone creators.
Sirian water balls... 1:18 healing our ozone layer?
Dogon Interstellar Water Balls 1:19
The Dogons (tribe in northwest Africa) say when the "gods" (Sirians) return it will be called the day of the fish. A new star will appear in the sky, the star of the 10th moon 1:20:20. Same as seen as massive UFO's in 1996?
From this arc, will emerge all the known names of mythology.
They (Nommos) are masters of water, will probably rule from the water. [Can heal the radiation and toxins in the oceans?]
Egyptian gods amphibious "gods" from Sirius? Did the Noahic flood come because of water balls from Sirius? Jesus walked on the water (showing mastery over water). The Dogons believed Jesus was a Nommo, a master of waters.
When I saw your title with triple wow's I knew it was going to earth shattering and was not disappointed at all.
Didn't it though, Byron? I was gobsmacked.
That just blew me away.
That is supposed to be an "explosion of light" as mentioned in the video link I posted below.
A "flash of light" is mentioned in this received message here in this video (marian visionary in ecstasy during visitation while receiving message from Divine Being) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIpuayILDyo