Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn
Image by Suzan Hafma
This channel was given in response to a Lightworker who was experiencing severe "Ascension Symptoms".
"That which you call "Ascension Symptoms", are the physical imbalances that occur when a being becomes fully Multi-dimensional, but is unable to hold their center or keep their balance, when the Cosmic energies become very strong.
Now, the energies of the Rising New Earth will continue to be strong, and until ascended humans learn to hold their balance in these energies, they will continue to experience the "ascension symptoms".
So, what we will say to you now is, we hope, a way of guiding you and leading you to such a place where you will be able to move through future stargates and energy vortexes, without losing your balance to such an extent that you become ill and disoriented, as you have in the past.
The key to this is to integrate fully your Higher and Lower energies, and that means to be completely GROUNDED and then to be able to align your grounded physical vehicle with your Higher Energy Bodies, which are your vehicles for Multi-dimensional consciousness.
You see, often people who have a strong spiritual mission on the Planet, spend so much time in the spiritual realm that they become severely ungrounded, and they do not have the strong foundation on the Earth plane that is needed to hold and carry the powerful ascended energies of the New Earth. So, at times when the energies are particularly strong, then they lose their balance and the physical vehicle is put under great strain, which creates illness and unhappiness.
All the physical symptoms that manifest are a result of the higher and lower bodies not being fully aligned and balanced. For when the bodies are in balance and the HEART is functioning fully, then the energy is able to flow clearly from the higher levels through the Heart chakra and into the Earth, as it is meant to. At this time, many people are unable to transfer the energy from the higher to the physical, and this is felt as heart palpitations and spaciness, as the energy backs up in the higher bodies. The lower body feels tired and weak and unwell, because it is vibrating out of harmony with the energy of the higher.
Also, you may find that you will become overly emotional and angry, or tearful and depressed. Or you may become very self-absorbed and play out ego and control dramas. These are not evidences of a need to "heal your inner child", since most ascended beings have passed through that basic healing already. It is an evidence of the lower chakras being pushed out of balance by the powerful energies that are active in the higher chakras. Imagine, if you will, that the lower chakras are "coming up to speed", and in this process there is a little "speed wobble" and a little distortion as the chakras become used to their new "spin ratios".
Many people have said to us that they do not understand why they feel so angry or so emotional or so out of balance. Or that they cannot do anything about it. Well, this is true. Once the lower chakras start to spin at the ratio needed to balance out with the higher chakras, there is little that you can do except allow the process and know that soon you will feel the benefits of the alignment process. But know also, that this balancing process is natural and "automatic", and the higher energies will achieve this balance if they are allowed the time and space.
This is only a temporary alignment phase, and in time your energy bodies and your physical bodies will have worked out how to balance and align. You can help this process if you understand that it is primarily an alignment process, and that aligning higher and lower will alleviate these symptoms. Of course, the KEY is the HEART. The Heart must be fully open in order to allow the full flow of Cosmic Creative Energy through the system. When the bodies are aligned and the Heart is Open, then the physical body functions as it should, as a channel for the Divine Creative Energy.
In this full alignment and flow, the space is created for the experience of miracles. For the flow of Divine Creative Energy is so intense and powerful that almost anything can be achieved.
But it is achieved through the flow of the Heart energy and not through the head. As soon as the head or the "ego" tries to control the process, then the flow cannot proceed. And the manifestation of miracles is blocked. What results is a feeling of being in "limbo", as though nothing is happening in your life. In fact, it is you yourself who are creating the energy "dead-ends" by not being willing to accept the miracles that happen in your life. Your rational mind says -no this is not possible - and so you close off the energy and refuse to allow the manifestation. And so you live in a place of seeming nothingness, when you could be in place of great richness and abundance if you would just allow your heart to lead you there. And all that is required is that you let go and just experience what you need to feel, and cease always needing to judge and analyze with your head and then react with your ego.
The ego will need to be trained to work in harmony with the heart, and to allow the Heart to be the Leader. Only then, will you enter fully into your HEARTSPACE and will you be able to balance the energies and manifest what you desire. Often, so much energy goes into resisting what you desire to manifest and what the Universe desires to give you, that you exhaust yourself trying to hold old programs and beliefs in place.
It is time to let go and allow the abundance of love and material well-being that the Flow of Divine Creative Intelligence wishes to bestow on you at this time.
And so, we would also say, that as the energies begin to accelerate once more as you move towards the 11:11 stargate and then the 12:12 gate and the midsummer solstice, that you make these simple changes in your life.
Ensure that you spend some time each day outside, either walking in nature or working in a garden space. This will help you to get grounded.
Try to eliminate all processed food and focus on fresh organic fruits and vegetables, eating brown rice and legumes or bean sprouts. This will bring you fresh and strong earth energy through your food.
Spend some quiet time each day with personal meditation and growth for you alone - not for the planet or for others, but for you. Consider your own growth as a person and what your soul and spirit might need from you to assist it with its earth walk. Give unconditional love to yourself, and then you can share it with others and with the planet.
And then, as you approach these new energetic high points, you will feel more grounded and you will cope far better.
We would also suggest that as a daily practice that you visualize yourself standing with your energy flowing into the earth. See the enegy streaming into your crown chakra from the Cosmos, and then moving down into your heart, and then down your body and into the earth and your Earth Star chakra and then into the crystalline grids. This will set up a flow of energy that will allow you to remain centered and open without losing your balance and allowing your chakras to spin out and distort, causing imbalance and discomfort."
© 2006-7 Celia Fenn, Suzan Hafma, and Starchild Global
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
You are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work under the following conditions: You must give the author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by author.
You mean nerves of steel!
Exactly it is the changing and upgrading of your carbon makeup to a Crystalline body! It is going on for some years now at varying degs more for lightworkers, The ascension is taking place period. Once the Lightworkers have Ascended then there upgraded bodies and Souls will return to start the teaching of everybody on Planet Earth! Everybody has been included in this Ascension, but it does not all happen at once!
Really, Jacks? Then it's not just my wacky nerves.
All the time!
I have a frequent feeling of vibrating, at a sub-clinical (not visible to the eye) level. Does anyone else experience this?
I know a lot of people who are not content.......
Here is the link