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6 Stories That Will Make You Believe In the Power of Your Mind To Heal You

My book Mind Over Medicine is full of data scientifically proving that the mind can heal- or harm- the body. But data can be dry, and sometimes what resonates most deeply within our souls are stories. So sit back, grab a cup of tea, and let’s have story time. I’m going to tell you a few true stories that will demonstrate to you how powerfully the mind affects your physiology. 
By Guest Writer Lissa Rankin
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Dismantling the Matrix  
by Sananda
Dear Brothers and Sisters, they are coming in, by the hundreds of thousands - refugees from the Matrix.  Even some of the ones we called "Cabal" are deciding it was better to risk being refugees of the old system rather than to remain in the darkness.  We are prepared, with organizations on the ground to welcome them, but it is keeping us all at maximum effort for the time being.  We are using every kind of creative solution, including some FEMA camps, with good provisions.  We will be accepting help from people who receive their RV blessings soon, so it will more than fill the gap of what is needed.  We anticipate that there will be many who are willing to be foster parents and host families for those who were captives, as soon as people are not working long hours.  Everything will change.  Everything is changing - for the better.
Many have wondered how the necessities of life will continue to be fulfilled once so many people are freed by the Prosperity funds causing many workers to leave their jobs.  As our beloved Sheldon Nidle has reported, there will be holographic Light people to fill the important jobs after the RV/GCR.  They are prepared now, having shadowed the ones who will be leaving their jobs. These helpers are holographic projections, who will keep everything running smoothly as the incredible transition of surface Earth unfolds.  
About the Revaluation of Currencies (RV/GCR):  Along side our tireless boots-on-the-ground teams, we are working our way through all the steps needed to make this financial transformation a sure thing.  We wish to insure you that it will be safe, easy, and completely what was intended originally:  Prosperity for all, distributed in such a way that it cannot be siphoned off by the cabal.  It has been a tricky process.  Often, as we completed one element of the plan, we found there were five other elements that needed to be completed before all would be secure.  For instance, it became clear that the changes in law and the courts that would be provided by NESARA would be required almost immediately, to protect the all who are coming forward with abundant resources.  Previously, it was an invitation to the cabal to make trouble for all those acquiring new prosperity, to stop their projects, had we not competed the clearing away of all the leverage and power the old system still provided.
Of course, none of this was a complete surprise to us, but it has taken longer to dismantle the Matrix structure than we had originally projected.  The last vestiges of the cabal personnel proved to be more persistent and more determined to cause trouble than we had hoped.  We had many back-up and contingency plans, and we have had to employ many of them, but the most effective projects have been the "hand-to-hand combat" carried out by our courageous Boots on the Ground.
These ground troops have used every opportunity to block nefarious actions while providing a loving environment in which to provide a win-win situation for anyone sensible enough to accept it.  However, we have seen such levels of irrational denial and belligerence that we are convinced the damage accrued from living long lives in the throes of the dark Matrix have made a segment of humanity deeply irrational.  The "leaders" of yesterday are more and more insanely power-hungry and rigidly committed to destroying anyone who stands in the way of their delusional lust for control over the entire planet.
Now I will tell you of our greatest "secret weapon" in the chess game to restore Earth to her pristine glory as elegantly as possible.  It is you, Beloved Brothers and Sisters.  You are learning how to wield the greatest force available to humanity:  your will, and your heart-felt intention to create Peace on Earth.  You are learning day by day to use your creativity to Co-create the Paradise we have envisioned together, and it is working, step by step.
I will use the example of our beloved Kathryn and Christine to illustrate what is possible.  Like many of you, they have committed themselves utterly to carrying out whatever assignments the Company of Heaven has given them, and it is having an enormous effect.  All of you have jumped on board the "Glory Train," adding your cumulative energies to the great wave of Light that will bring it all Home.  Your contributions in the forms of your stedfast devotion to uplifting yourselves and all along with your efforts to daily meditation are pushing through the last barriers of dark energies.  It is truly historic.
We asked you on our radio show this week (link below) to join with us each day at 3 pm EDT to push higher and higher, creating the energetic portal through to higher dimensions, the Rainbow Bridge that is your pathway to Ascension.  The entire Galactic contingent in ships circling your beautiful planet, billions strong, have joined to bring Peace on Earth and to address basic issues as they arise.  It creates a lull each day around 3 pm in the "Frequency War" that the cabal has waged these past weeks and months on the entire population of Earth.  You must be aware, Beloved Brothers and Sisters, of this diabolical yet ultimatley ineffectual attempt to disorient, confuse and divide the people of Earth.  It is one of the most sophisticated programs the cabal has instituted to try to reclaim control. 
Those who worked for the cabal, many in conditions of abject slavery, have created designer frequencies to attack individual Lightworkers, using their "advanced" psychological understandings of each of you to stop you in your tracks.  They send out the frequencies of doubt, insecurity, guilt, fear, exhaustion, despair, even nausea, or any of the negative emotions they can find that might reproduce an echo to your individual past emotional difficulties.  It is an attempt to literally bring back the darkest hours for each of you, reprising the worst moments of your childhood, or the deepest despair of your adult lives. 
Do not fall into the trap, Dearest Ones.  Call on your Higher Selves, your Twin Flame, and your connection to me or to Mother and Father God or to your closest Ascended Master, to remind you to shore up your Faith, your inner strength and your absolute commitment to truth.  You are the brilliant Masters on the ground, our counterparts in every way.  Together we are a formidable team.
Each day, as the frequencies rise to an excruciating pitch for Christine, our point person in this "Project All-y All-y In Free," she and Kathryn communicate with the cabal members who are listening to every word they say and monitoring their every move.  They speak openly to the operators assigned to attack them and who send frequencies which would cause heart attacks or organ failure if it were not for the protection of the Galactic Federation and the Arcturian Medical Teams.  This is true for all of you, Dear Lightworkers.  You are all under the protection of your angelic teams and the Ashtar Command, whether you realize it or not.
As we monitor and modulate the incoming frequencies, we carefully document the conversations that vary day by day, but always address the fact that Kathryn, Christine and the family of Lightworkers across the globe are  volunteers , offering their loving intentions to bring all the souls - every one who has come to incarnate on Terra at this time - to their rightful Home, within the embrace of Mother and Father God. 
Unlike those who have been initiated into the cabal network, they have not been viciously tortured and enslaved.  They express their own free will when they wish for their Brothers and Sisters who have been damaged by their lifetimes in the dark Matrix to be restored to the Light.  Christine tells of her ability to see them even as they send their attacks, and her genuine love and compassion for them, who but for Grace, would have joined as a programmed minion like them.  Kathryn speaks to them directly of the torture they have endured, the disillusionment they must feel at learning it was all based on lies, and the hope that they will simply walk away, leave it all behind in favor of Freedom and an invitation to come with everyone else to the "afterparty" - St. Germain's glorious gala celebration.
The operators and their bosses are reminded that no assault can stop Kathryn and Christine because they, unlike the cabal, are truly inspired by and protected by Mother and Father God (and of course by Archangel Michael, Ashtar, the Arcturians and me).  In the same way, each of you are now directly under the protection of your Twin Flame and your Higher Self, in conjunction with the Company of Heaven. 
The cabal operators on duty are told by Christine and Kathryn, as each new shift comes on, that they too could be protected in this same way if they only do one thing:  Put their hands on their heart, and say inwardly, silently, (no one has to know), "I don't know if it is real, but if there is a Mother and Father God, I want to come Home.  I want to come to the Light."  At that moment, they are instantly provided the protection of their standby angelic teams, who arrange with the Ashtar Command and the teams on the ground to give them safe passage out of the underground chambers and secret hiding places, into the protection of loving beings who will bring them to safety.
Conversations alternate from challenges from Kathryn to reassurances from Christine.  They remind the operators to read their instruments and see that the "kill" frequencies do not kill them because they are protected.  They often speak to the operators in deeply empathic tones about the dilemma of the "privileged" cabal leaders. Their refusal to stop the violent attacks - most intensely felt by sensitive Lightworkers - are proof of the dangerous and deadly programs that must never again be allowed to fester on any planet, in any system.  We are constantly reminded in these days that only someone who had been tortured mercilessly themselves would believe it was a good idea to torture others.  Their deepest feelings are rage and vindictiveness, because of their own pain and history.  They cannot believe in Mother and Father God's Love because they have never experienced unconditional Love in their own lives for a very long time.
Since Christine, with her thin veil, can follow the frequencies back to the individuals and groups sending them, she reminds them that names, places, dates and all events transpiring now are being documented as part of the record, the history of what the end of the Matrix really looked like.  This will stand for all time as the clear evidence of the kind of irreparable damage to humans that has been caused by the evil programs that were instituted under the long reign of the Anunnaki and their minions.  Although the Anunnaki, the Reptilians and others who perpetrated darkness on Earth are gone from the planet, and mostly have returned to the Light, the cabal humans who remain are evidence of how vulnerable humankind really is to damage by torture and mind control.  No one comes away from a lifetime of systematic abuse without their sense of self being splintered into shards; they are a collection of attitudes and beliefs without access to the smoldering ember of God's flame deep in their hearts.
In order to recover from the unspeakable abuse they have suffered, these damaged beings must be convinced to reach deeply into themselves to find that small spark that remains, take hold of it and reconnect to their lifeforce which is Love.  Throughout the days and weeks of negotiations and coaching from us (whom they initially ignored) and through our Lightworkers on the ground calling out for them to come Home, more and more of them are turning toward the Light, asking for safe passage to come to Mother and Father God.  They continue to stream out of the underground cities, the brothels and the "training" nurseries, and few complete their transition without tears of gratitude and relief.
It is the first time since the Fall into lower consciousness that humans on the ground have been able to work in such conscious harmony with us in higher dimensions on such a grand scale, creating the pathways moment by moment that will bring all to the Light.  It is truly a miracle of synchrony, shared intentions, and deep Love for each other and for the Mission we have volunteered to sponsor.  It is working, Dear Brothers and Sisters.  We are moving the mountain, together.  Each day as Mother and Father increase the bright energies flooding the planet, it becomes easier and more fulfilling to maintain the full-out charge into the Light, hand in hand, working as One mind, One heart and One soul.
Beloved Lightworkers, as I have said before, you have no idea how powerful your energies are now.  Some of you are still wondering what your Mission is, and how you will carry it through.  Well, I am here to tell you, you already have.  Every time you smile, every time you raise your eyes to Mother and Father God and speak the truth of your hearts, every time you feel the Love flowing from your heart to another being, you are lifting all of us.  Remember, Dearest Ones, that genuine laughter and playfulness are balm to tired souls - yours and others'.
It is truly a New Day, Brothers and Sisters.  Our momentum is unstoppable.  Our Love is unbounded.  We have overcome the darkness and inertia of thousands of years of control and programming.  You, by overcoming these forces within yourselves, have created the Miracle of Light that was needed to bring us to this glorious tipping point. 
I speak for Mother and Father God and the Company of Heaven when I say we are with you every moment, every step, and we are carrying the banner of Freedom for all on our beloved Terra.
I am you Sananda. 
Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May, October 4, 2015 

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11:11 – Have You Been Seeing These Numbers Everywhere?

How many of you have had the 11:11 experience? Several years ago, I had heard nothing of planetary awakening of consciousness, For weeks, and eventually months, I found myself just happening to glance at the clock at 11:11 a.m. or p.m. Also 1:11. I’m not a clock-watcher, so this struck me as an odd coincidence. What does it mean?? 
By guest writer Linda Lubin
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To think that many countries in the world are killing people with Chemo, Radiation and surgery is beyond inhumane, when there are doctors around the world curing it naturally without damaging your body. There is no reason to die from cancer and with pharma dictating the rules you only have a 2.1 % chance of total survival. Please watch and send to everyone you can especially anyone who has cancer. You have Saturday and Sunday to watch all nine episodes for free. Cancer is a trillion dollar business and they do not care if it costs you your life.

Go here to watch all 9 episodes right now for free

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To think that many countries in the world are killing people with Chemo, Radiation and surgery is beyond inhumane, when there are doctors around the world curing it naturally without damaging your body. There is no reason to die from cancer and with pharma dictating the rules you only have a 2.1 % chance of total survival. Please watch and send to everyone you can especially anyone who has cancer. You have Saturday and Sunday to watch all nine episodes for free. Cancer is a trillion dollar business and they do not care if it costs you your life.

Go here to watch all 9 episodes right now for free

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 I like most of you are going to be in a very disheartening situation. We who know something bad is going to happen have been warning our friends and families to save Food, water, medicine, guns and ammo and all the thing that will be needed in the new world we will soon be living in similar to the 1800's. We have begged them over and over to get prepared and if you are like me they have not listened. We know that they will not survive and that is a fact. That is something I knew for a long time and did not want to face up to until now when it is almost inevitable. Now may be the time to tell them that since they did not listen to you no matter how many times you have warned them that they are not welcome at your home and if they arrive they will over tax your supplies and you to will starve and die. If they have nothing to contribute to your community they are a major burden. I have saved extra because I knew this time would arrive.  If you do let people in they have to have value, do they have guns and ammo and are willing to pull guard duty and hunt, but can they pull the trigger if somebody is breaking into your home, to save the rest. How do you throw them out after you let them in and they are lazy and useless, do they leave and come back with a gang. Now is the time to make these decisions and it is not easy but you are not going to make it if you don't do it soon. You have to put your big boy pants right now. After following the economic reports for a year, the dollar is dead. the police state is coming and a major false flag to leave O in office with martial law is close. This year the UN took over the sovereignty of 193 nations and they didn't even notice while the celebrated the 70th anniversary of the organization that is the real NWO and always has been. We now have an international police force and army that you will not escape. Our saving grace was the internet and this week congress may give control to the UN and the cabal. Muslims are entering all western countries and destroying their culture and the UN is mandating it. If you are not prepared now you will probably not be anything but a memory to those that have . I have always been a positive person and still will be till I die. I find it very hard that most of mankind will be alive next year and I hope that you who may take the time to read this understand what I have said. There is no one coming to save you, that is your job so get a hustle on and be who you came here to be. If you choose not to, your life on earth was for nothing.         

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We are the Arcturian Group

OCTOBER 18, 2015

Welcome dear ones, welcome to these times of new energies  and unconditional love.
You are moving quickly into "newness" and are now experiencing its energy in many forms.  Do not doubt that you are in the midst of great change, do not judge what you perceive outwardly in the world by three dimensional standards for they no longer serve as an accurate measure.  
Many of you are finding that you are unable to tolerate certain foods (especially junk foods)  and also that you need much less of what you do eat.  This is because your higher resonating bodies are beginning to assimilate pure energy as food, something your bodies were unable to do in the denser energies.  Material food is actually the material sense of the Divine energy that eternally sustains and maintains you .  
Many ordinary things previously believed important to your happiness have skimpy become  irrelevant, often without your even noticing.  Trust, dear ones, trust.  You are not going crazy, nor are you getting ready to die except out of the old energy.   You are in the midst of the ascension process of Gaia and yourselves whether or not you are able to fully accept it.
We wish to speak about two often misunderstood  issues of living on earth--food and sex.
There is and ever has been, only the ONE manifesting ITSELF in infinite form and variety.  Every plant is alive with the one life and even rocks have consciousness.  Man has been erroneously taught that he is superior to all other life forms and thus has a right to dominate.  This is a false interpretation of scriptures.  Man has the ability to assist, support, and work with other life forms through his knowledge and gifts, but has never been given permission to dominate, misuse, or cause suffering--actions that represent duality and separation at its fullest. 
This realization frequently brings about an inner struggle with regard to food and especially the eating of meat.  The majority of physical bodies are still programmed from lifetimes to need meat as a protein source although as one's energy becomes lighter and lighter, this changes.  Many a serious student will attempt to eliminate all meat only to find they are unable to do so for many reasons. Failing to make the switch, they consider themselves to be spiritual failures.  If this has been your experience, simply understand without guilt, that your body is not yet energetically ready for the complete elimination of meat.  
Continue to include meat as a part (not the whole) of your diet, but  begin to eat consciously.  Choose meat from sources where the animal did not experience suffering and mistreatment for the meat of these dear animals still carries the energy of fear and suffering.  Remember also that your purchases serve to promote the actions of whatever business  provided the meat.  In many cultures of the past, an animal was thanked and honored for its sacrifice, even being asked to appear if it wanted to provide itself for food.  These higher ways of mutual respect and honor  have changed and the eating of meat has simply become heavily promoted big business.
Many are now working to bring respect, consideration, and happiness into the lives of animals being raised for food.  Utilize these sources. You are moving energetically toward  a plant based diet of grains and vegetables which is more compatible with the lighter energies of your ascending bodies which is why many of the heavier foods you are used to eating, no longer agree with  you. You will find yourselves automatically drawn to lighter, cleaner foods without effort on your part. There is no need for food as you know it, in the higher dimensions--nutrition is  light filled in small amounts.
Honor plant life forms as well for their sacrifice.  The origin of saying grace before meals, was not only to thank some God in sky, but to honor the sacrifice of the food.  Blessing, honoring, and sending Light to everything you eat  will lighten the energy of what is on your plate, making it more compatible with your new ascension status body.  Never forget what food really represents on a deeper level and also know that the energy of the one preparing the food becomes a part of the energy of the food.
All must come to know and understand that there is a higher reality to everything material and ordinary--food is just one of them.  Carry spiritual awareness with you in every action taken throughout the day.  There never has been spiritual vs non-spiritual, they are NOT separate.  Everything is pure spiritual Idea, but on earth  interpreted according to the state of consciousness of the individual.  
Example: Commerce/business is in reality the material sense of love and gratitude--(I give to you, you give gratitude back to me).   Car, trains, airplanes,  ships etc. are three dimensional concepts of Omnipresence, changing over time as man's consciousness has evolved.  Healing and the seeking of it on all levels represents the seeking of that innate perfection already ever present within every individual.
As with so many other things, sexual expression on the human level is often misused, misunderstood, and riddled with concepts of  guilt and shame.  Sex is usually either embraced with detached and impersonal gusto as the ultimate experience or is considered taboo, evil, and something to avoid as a "sin".   Neither is  true.  Sexual experience on the human plane is neither an end all, nor is it an evil to be avoided.
There are those that need the experiences of sexual attraction in order to grow and evolve into a higher sense of love/sex.  Others do not need these experiences, having incarnated for different reasons.  Many soul contracts  include the need for closure with some individual or sexual experiences from past lifetimes  and therefore  they will be included in the experiences of this lifetime.
As with everything, sex as it is understood in the human experience is representative of a higher truth--a step toward spiritual completion.  The spiritual reality is the uniting and balancing outwardly of the male and female aspects of the soul which are usually unrecognized but fully present within every individual whether in a male or female body. At some point in the spiritual journey, the two aspects become one, the soul is complete and manifests outwardly as a new and  illumined individual able to express both the male strengths and female gentleness as needed in every day living.    On the human level the  joining  of the male and female also results in a new person.  
Everything material must be understood to be in reality, spiritual.   Everything  a three dimensional consciousness sees, hears, and becomes aware of is understood through  filters of duality and separation. Think of it as viewing the world and everything in it as seen through a stained glass window--that which you see is perfect, but you are unable to perceive it as it really is.    
Sex is sacred,  not to be used selfishly.  Sexual actions must always embrace  loving respect and mutual agreement between partners  whether they be male/female, male/male, or female/female.  Let intuition always be your guide, not whatever current popular thought may be or the rules and regulations promoted by others.   Sexual attraction does not indicate the need for a sexual relationship.
Love and spiritual awareness is an energy that can lift the sexual experience to levels  never experienced through random sexual encounters.  As with all things, there are levels and more levels... In times of old, sexuality, its practice,  and the higher truths of it were taught in the temples to give people a right sense  of sexuality.  These teachings have been lost for  the most part, leaving a world of individuals often confused and hurt through an ignorance of the deeper mysteries of sexuality.
Many allow themselves to be used sexually, confusing it with love.  The intense energies of the sexual experience remain in an individual's energy field-- good to  remember when tempted by some random encounter based in physical attraction only.  This is why the molestation of children is so harmful to them, the energy remains within their energy field and they are not of a mature enough level to understand, deal with it or clear it. 
Many of you had these types of experiences  in past lifetimes and have carried that energy with you through lifetimes and may now be manifesting  as unresolved anger and  sexual confusion, along with other mental and emotional issues.  It is surfacing because you are now ready to once and for all time, clear it. 
Do not resist, but instead allow yourselves to feel.  Love yourselves and the dear hurt child within you, allowing no shame nor blame to enter the process, all the while remembering that you are in reality a spiritual being having human experiences.  Understand it for what it is--old energy that you no longer need to carry with you.  These experiences are finished and it time to move on leaving them in the dust of the nothingness that they really are.  
Some remain tempted to stay in the perceived "specialness" of victimhood for it often provides loving support, sympathy, and an excuse to remain in what is old and finished.    A period of healing may be required, but do not remain in that phase forever, for choosing to remain in  experiences of the past will hold you firmly there and you will  continue to recreate instead of clear.  
Study the informational channels of Mary Magdalene for more about Divine Sexuality and let go of any guilt or shame you may have accumulated with regard to sex.  Sexuality is a facet of the human experience and guilt about it is an old and useless energy created and perpetuated through ignorant beliefs.
These energetically new times are enabling all who choose, to live full, responsible, happy, and guilt free lives. These are the  fruits that flow infinitely and automatically from an awakened state of  consciousness, one that has evolved beyond the illusions of sense that still hold much of the three dimensional  world in bondage.
This is ascension.
We are the Arcturian Group             10/18/15
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zon.jpg SaLuSa, October 16, 2015

Matters have suddenly taken a turn that signifies the end of the Cabals influence, as far as its ability to dictate the manner in which future events manifest. Their plan has been put back partly by the extraordinary response of the people, who have galvanised themselves into groups that are devoting their time to the Light of Truth. The full extent of the power of the Illuminati may not be known to them, but instead of confrontation they have realised that giving more strength to the Light, more than balances the scales. Indeed, with the help of other forces of Light they can speed ahead with the changes that are destined to ensure their victory. There is a way to go yet, but what you will see are the signs that clearly confirm the direction you are going in. The energies for change are growing all of the time and as the old ones fall away the new ones will bring about desirable. It will clearly signal that you are taking bold steps to ensure that Ascension is not delayed and continues approaching.

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Dear Fellow Earth Travelers, it is my enormous pleasure to talk with you today about a VERY IMPORTANT ACTION we are planning for 9 pm Eastern Daylight Time (6 Pacific time) THIS VERY DAY. 
I have just spoken with Mother and Father God, the Company of Heaven and my own people about doing a coordinated action together with the entire Galactic crew, the Company of Heaven and all Lightworkers on Earth to create a great wave of Peace and Love to break through the membrane of dark energies that have surrounded the Earth for thousands of years.
We are able to do actions like this now because of your constancy in your individual spiritual growth and life work.  This is a demonstration of how we can now join with the entire Galactic society to accomplish our shared goals.  It is another use of the Peace focus currently flowing between billions of ascended Galactic beings now encircling Earth and devotedly Lightworkers on the ground.  (See edition #34 of the New Earth Times).
There are groups who live in 8th and 12th dimensional cities within Terra, as well as Agarthans in the 5th dimensional plane who will be acting as ambassadors and mentors for their beloved and long separated Earth Brethren during the healing and Ascension process.  We are all eager to assist you now to complete the courageous action that was begun this week on Surface Earth.
Our beloved friends Kathryn and Christine have gathered an eager family of Lightworkers to assist in transmuting the dark energies as they rise through the energy belt around Earth, assisting with creating the permanent Pillar that is establishing a new Cosmic bridge between dimensions.  At the same time, other Lightworkers across the planet are intuitively or consciously accomplishing related actions in their own areas of the Great Mission.  
We Agarthans have offered our services to help, and we know you will all want to join in co-creating this important and glorious step toward the fulfillment of our Great Dream - an open portal between us, all of us - the Rainbow Bridge that will realize our fondest wish to be separated no longer from the people of Surface Earth.
This very day, October 10, 2015, at 3 pm EDT we observed a marvelous action (we are naming it an action rather than a meditation to emphasize the complete physical, mental, emotional and spiritual effort combined in all those who participated).  Christine and Kathryn led their Transmuting Team, along with the Higher Selves of all the Transmuters across the globe who have trained for centuries for this day, combined with the Higher Selves of all other Lightworkers who wished to participate. 
In a rising wave of joy, the team "pushed" Christine and Kathryn through the dense layers, probing and finding the streams that would carry them through.  The teams cleansed, cleared, shored up and held the growing Pillar as they all advanced together. Like a flock of geese cutting through the skies, or a school of fish moving in unison, they gracefully moved forward together. 
As had happened before, after a few minutes the group felt, as if on cue, that it was enough.  They took a long breath, holding their structure in place as Father appeared above them.  Christine reached up to take Father's hand, and Kathryn took his other hand.  Kathryn asked if they should try one more push, but Father smiled and said, "No, not until 9 o'clock tonight.  We will continue then.  But don't let go of my hand."  He twinkled and smiled adoringly at his children, and Mother stood on beaming.
With Mother and Father's permission, I then came forward to speak with Kathryn and Christine to offer the assistance of the Agarthans and other ancient and Inner Earth families, and I suggested that Kathryn send a message to all the Lightworkers she could reach, and I offered to help her with this message.
This is why I am here, Beloved Friends, to ask you to join us at from 9:00 to 9:02 as we gather for greetings and hugs, then at 9:02 we will send our energies from below to support our representative "Point Person" to transition through the dissolving membrane that once served as a barrier but will now provide another permanent Portal for the tsunami of Light and Love.
During this action, the following will be taking place:  First, we ask that with all your love, all your heart, all your faith and all your might, you reach up with both hands to your Higher Self, your Twin Flame, Mother/Father God or anyone in the Company of Heaven, whoever is most meaningful to you.   While you do this, your loving family will be reaching through from the Higher Dimension to take hands with you.  Simultaneously, the multi-billion strong Galactic Peace Coalition will be focusing Peace on Earth through your Pillar of Light.  At the same time, the Higher Dimensional Societies from Inner Earth will be uplifting you with all our tender Love.
Join us at the designated time or any time afterwards to contribute your vital focus and brilliant Light to another all-important step on our path to Freedom!
From my heart to your heart, I am your Brother and Friend, Adama

Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May & Christine Burk, October 10, 2015

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