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This Man One Ups Tesla By Inventing An Electric Car That Never Needs Charging
Blossom Goodchild - Channeling The Federation of Light - October 21, 2018
This one has info that needs to be read!
Sometimes I have trouble following Dr. Lie (pronounced Lee), but this one is understandable, and a very good message.
How can something appear to be “different but the same?” The answer is that reality is a perspective of the one who is perceiving each moment of each experience. You all practiced this “different but the same” behavior on the Ship before you took your earth vessel.
It was through one of Dr. Lie's exercise that I contacted that ship. (smile) And, suddenly, an old favorite Cat Stevens' song came to mind, just now. Talk about synchronicity...
Home on a breeze we blow
Eyeing the folks below and
Watching everybody run,
Each one heading for a different place
Watching everybody hide,
Each behind a different face
Home where the days are long
Back where the people are free,
Home where all sides agree and,
Everybody has a friend, oh
And no one ever has to grab
Everybody shares the love,
Giving everything they have.
Forever forever your lamp will burn
Forever home forever would that you'd learn
That you came with nothing
So with nothing you'll return
You know you're not alone
It's only 'cause you're not a home
That you feel so out of place.
Forever forever your lamp will burn
Forever home forever would that you'd learn
That you came with nothing
So with nothing you'll return
Home where all the mums can sing,
Back where the children don't cry,
Home where you never ask why and
Everybody has enough, and y'don't have to put on clothes
Nobody has to hide 'case everyone already knows.
I Am fundamentals
“ Remember always: ‘One becomes that upon which he meditates’ and since all things have come forth from the ‘Light,’ ‘Light’ is the Supreme Perfection and Control of all things.
“Contemplation and adoration of the ‘Light’ compels illumination to take place in the mind—health, strength, and order to come into the body—and peace, harmony, and success to manifest in the affairs of every individual who will really do it, and seeks to maintain it.
“All the way down the centuries in every age, under every condition, we are told by all who have expressed the greater accomplishments of Life, that the ‘Light’ is Supreme—the ‘Light’ is everywhere— and in the ‘Light’ exist all things.
“That Truth is just as true today as it was a million years ago. As far back as there is any record of humanity, the wise and great ones of all ages are portrayed with a radiation of ‘Light’ about them emanating from the head and body of each.
“This ‘Light’ is real—just as real as the electric lights in your homes. The day is not far distant when machines will be constructed to reveal the emanation of ‘Light’ about every individual, to the physical sight of anyone who cares to observe it. Such a machine will also show the contamination or discoloration—that becomes a cloud around the
‘Light’ of God, which the personal self generates through discordant thought and feeling. This—and this only—is the way by which the energy of the Great Life Stream is misused and wrongly qualified.
“If you will practice this exercise [Unveiled Mysteries pp. 11-12] faithfully and feel it in every atom of your mind and body, with deep, deep intensity, you will receive abundant proof of the Tremendous Activity, Power, and Perfection that abides and is forever active within the ‘Light.’ When you have experienced this, for even a short time, you will need no further proof. You become your own proof. The ‘Light’ is The Kingdom. Enter into It and BE—at peace. Return to the Father’s house. After the first ten days of using this exercise, it is well to do it three time a day—morning, noon, and night.
“We often hear the complaint: ‘Oh! I cannot give all that time.’ To any who are of that opinion, I wish to say simply this:
“The time the average person spends in criticizing, condemning, and blaming people, conditions, and things for not being something other than they are, if occupied with this recognition and use of the ‘Light,’ will make heaven manifest on earth for the individual who dares to try, and has determination enough to maintain it. Nothing is impossible.
The ‘Light’ never fails.
“The ‘Light’ is God’s Way of creating and maintaining Order, Peace, and Perfection throughout His Creation. Every human being on this earth can have all the time he wants in which to do this when his desire to do it is intense enough. The intensity in the desire itself will re-order the world of people, conditions, and things so as to provide that time, if he earnestly wish to use it for his upward climb. No person in the world is an exception to That Law—for the intense desire to do anything constructive, when it becomes intense enough, is the God- Power that releases the energy necessary to create and express the thing desired.
“ Everyone has the same supreme privilege of contact with the All-Powerful Presence of God, and It is the Only Power that ever did, does now, or ever will raise the personal self and its world above earthly discord and limitation.
“My Beloved Son, try this with great determination and, know God in You is Your Certain Victory.” *
* Unveiled Mysteries, by Godfré Ray King. pp. 14. Saint Germain Press.
The fundamental books of Saint Germain's teachings are:
1 - "Unveiled Mysteries" (1934),
2 - "The Magic Presence" 1935),
3 - "The I AM Discourses" (1935).
They were published by Godfré Ray King, pen-name of Guy Ballard, who was one of Saint Germain's students. He, along with his wife Lotus Ray King started the Saint Germain Foundation and the Saint Germain Press. Then came
4 - "Ascended Master Instruction, by the Ascended Master Saint Germain", (1985),
5 - "I AM Adorations & Affirmations" (1935),
6 - "Ascended Master Discourses" (1937),
7 - "Ascended Master Light" (1938),
8 - "The I AM Discourses by the Great Divine Director" (1942),
9 - "The I AM Discourses by the Great Cosmic Being Beloved Mighty Victory" (1949),
10 - "The I AM Discourses by Beloved David Lloyd" (1980),
11 - "The I AM Discourses by the Ascended Master Saint Germain to the Minute Men" (1985),
12 -"The I AM Discourses by the Ascended Master Youth Beloved Bob" (1987),
13 - "Beloved Saint Germain's Talks, by the Ascended Master Saint Germain" (1993).
Also "The Voice of the I AM" magazine between the years 1936-1943 published Discourses by the Ascended Masters and articles by Godfré and Lotus Ray King.
Because of limitations in the distribution of the books in the year 1952 the Ascended Master el Morya started "The Bridge To Freedom", and became its publisher under the pen-name Thomas Printz. His messenger was Geraldine Innocente. Between the years 1952-1961 were published: a monthly magazine,
- "The Bridge to Freedom Journal" (1952-1961), a bulletin,
- "Thomas Printz Private Bulletin"(1952-1961), and several books,
- "The Seventh Ray" (1953),
- "Beloved Archangel Michael, his work and his Helpers" (1953),
- "The First Ray" (1954),
- "The Seven Mighty Elohim Speak on the Seven Steps to Precipitation" (?),
- "The Seven Beloved Archangels Speaks" (1954),
- "Memoirs of Beloved Mary, Mother of Jesus" (1955).
Saint Germain Foundation:
Insider Information: This Video Was Only for Facebook Employees
The body count rises! For years, those who have ever had any connection to anything that may be able to put Hillary Clinton behind bars seem to end up dead. This is always under suspicious circumstances but never with any ending answers nor justice. Another body can now be linked to the Hillary death train.
Kurt Smolek used to work for the Hillary Clinton’s State Department in Cambodia as an OSAC Diplomatic Security Agent. More recently, he could be connected to and could have possibly outed much-needed information into the PizzaGate scandal. Now, suddenly, his body was being pulled out of the Potomac River.
Ever since Trump got into office, liberals continue to prove how far they’re willing go in order to bury their dirty secrets. Members of the DNC will simply kill off whoever stands in the way of their agenda. Now the dead body of a federal agent was just pulled from the Potomac River on Wednesday, with a startling tie to the infamous queen of murder, Hillary Clinton.
Radical left-wing activists now extremely militant and a real danger to America
What the media isn’t telling you about the Jamal Khashoggi affair