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Certain Foods and Medications Can Increase the

Certain Foods and Medications Can Increase the
Risk of Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease is characterized by tremors, loss of balance and decreased mobility. It affects roughly one million people in the United States. It’s not a fatal disease, but as it progresses it usually leaves its victims completely disabled.

Statistically, Parkinson’s disease affects more people than Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS), muscular dystrophy and multiple sclerosis combined. Men are at greater risk. It strikes three men for every two women.1

Parkinson’s disease is what doctors call idiopathic, meaning we don’t know exactly what causes it or why.

However, recent research has discovered new risk factors for Parkinson’s disease. One is an ordinary, everyday food group. The other is a prescription medication taken by more than 25 million people every day. Keep reading for the full story. . .

Low-Fat Dairy Correlates
with Developing Parkinson’s Disease

The ordinary food group I mentioned above is low-fat dairy. This includes reduced fat yogurt, frozen yogurt, and skim and low-fat milk.

A study published in the June 2017 issue of the journal Neurology studied 129,346 people for 25 years.

The researchers combined the data with a meta-analysis of three other previously published studies about total milk intake and the risk of Parkinson’s disease, and one study about total dairy intake and PD risk.

According to the study:

“Of the total participants, people who consumed more than one serving a day of low-fat dairy, particularly low-fat and skim milk, had a greater risk of PD compared to those who consumed one to three servings per month. Though low-fat and skim milk were the biggest culprits, sherbet and frozen yogurt were also associated with an increased risk.”2

While the exact link between low-fat dairy and Parkinson’s disease is unclear, the researchers think it may be because milk proteins can decrease the amount of uric acid in the body.

Uric acid is produced from the natural breakdown of food and is usually filtered out through the kidneys. Low levels of uric acid have been associated with an increased risk of Parkinson’s disease, especially in men.3

The researchers in the Neurology study think that full-fat dairy may not have the same risk-increasing effect as low-fat because of the protective effects of saturated fat found in whole milk products.

The study concluded, “Though the associated risk for PD is modest, you may still want to cut down on your consumption of low-fat dairy.”

Statin Drugs Increase Parkinson’s Risk

Statin drugs are the darling of Big Pharma – and the dimwitted doctors who believe everything the drug companies tell them. The drugs companies pushed for the American Heart Association to expand guidelines for statin use, and received them. So now 56 million Americans are “eligible” for statin drugs, lucky devils.

Unfortunately, the drug companies and doctors won’t tell you that taking these drugs every day can increase your risk of developing Parkinson’s disease.

In a study published in the journal Movement Disorders, researchers used MarketScan, a large U.S. insurance claims database, to see if there was a connection between statins and Parkinson’s disease.

They reviewed 2,322 cases, and matched them against 2,322 controls matched individually by age, gender and a follow-up window.

They discovered “statin usage was significantly associated with PD risk.”4 The strongest associations were with lipophilic statins, and the risk was highest right after people started taking them.

Lipophilic statins go by the generic names atorvastatin, lovastatin and simvastatin. Drugs in this category cross the blood-brain barrier more easily than other kinds of statins, which may account for their devastating effect on the brain.5

How to Reduce Your Risk of Parkinson’s

The most obvious ways to reduce your risk of Parkinson’s disease is to reduce your intake of low-fat dairy and get off statin drugs.

If you love dairy, consider eating full fat products in smaller amounts to protect yourself. If you’re not on statin drugs now, adjust your diet and lifestyle so that you’re never advised to go on one.

It’s a well-established medical fact that statins do not decrease the risk of heart attack in people who have never had one, and also that they don’t decrease the risk in women. They do decrease the risk of a second heart attack in men who have already had one.

Yet the medical profession continues to push these drugs with religious zeal. Actually, that’s a slander on religion, as the resurrection of Jesus Christ is backed by quite a bit more evidence than are the benefits of statin drugs.

Chances are pretty good your doctor will get angry with you if you refuse to take them. That’s one good reason to seek out an alternative or integrative doctor. There are plenty of other reasons.

Best Regards,
Lee Euler


1 Statistics of Parkinson’s Disease (PD).
2 Consuming too much low-fat dairy may increase risk of Parkinson’s disease.
3 Serum uric acid levels in Parkinson's disease and related disorders.
4 Statins may facilitate Parkinson's disease: Insight gained from a large, national claims database.
5 Which statin is right for my patient?

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Health Disclaimer: The information provided above is not intended as personal medical advice or instructions. You should not take any action affecting your health without consulting a qualified health professional. The authors and publishers of the information above are not doctors or health-caregivers. The authors and publishers believe the information to be accurate but its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. There is some risk associated with ANY alternative treatment, and the reader should not act on the information above unless he or she is willing to assume the full risk.

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Karen Star added a new photo to the album: StarVibes.

Many people believe the path to peace and awareness is to be knowledgeable and informed on whatever is currently happening in the collective world... To be up to date on the details of world affairs and political agendas, so they can form an educated opinion. Most then further invest their energy in discussion, trying to prove that their opinion is right and therefore the other is wrong... And what an ego boost that is :) ... And some take it even further again by becoming activists or engaging in warfare.

Understand that it doesn't matter whether you are investing your energy either for or against any particular agenda... Whether you are discussing that you agree or disagree with world events ... The powers that run the political, financial and corporate world have you exactly where they want you... Thoughts and energy focused firmly on their world, with media further encouraging divided opinion and separation... They seek to keep the population planted firmly in the low vibrational fear mindset, where you are easier to control... And by choosing to plug into it, that's exactly where you will stay...

It helps to remember that we create our individual reality by choosing what we invest our thoughts, emotions, energy and focus on... We cannot change our reality by focusing on what we don't want...

We can choose to be aware without being emotionally and mentally attached to an opinion or particular outcome... Peace is found within by selecting what we focus on, not by actively changing our outside world.

You cannot change the world
But you can change your world
Change yourself
And see your world change

~ Karen Star <3
Vibrational Alignment Life Coach

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Saint Germain explains the meaning of Satan, evil and the serpent in the garden of Eden:

The gross misunderstanding of what Satan and evil really mean is appalling. Many names have been given to this so called majestic presence of evil, but I assure you that that majestic presence is but a myth. The words “devil,” or “sheol,” both really came from the word “Satan”; and the root of this word, its true underlying meaning, is “to turn away from that which is inharmonious.” The human side of mankind, so to speak, which is never ready to face the truth of its own being, had to produce some concoction on which to lay the blame of its own creation. The word “Satan” came forth as a single explanation, telling humanity that they had better turn away from their own creations of inharmony, and this turning would enable them to find God ever active in their midst.

Then again there came a time when they wanted still something else to blame for their own wrong creations, and they brought the defenseless serpent into the garden. The serpent but represents a wrong use of the solar energy from the Great Central Sun within mankind. This solar energy is a most dynamic power and is always active.

Again let us repeat that mankind, having free will, are commanded to choose how they shall direct this energy. If they do not direct it consciously for some good, constructive purpose, it will act in some manner – often through the suggestion of the environment or individuals, because energy is always subject to suggestion. The great mass of mankind who have joined themselves to the orthodox idea, as we term it, have thought to cast upon God, a Being in the skies, their problems or creations. Yet they are foolish enough to think they can go on creating inharmony and not experience its discordant effects.

Thus we see how mankind has held over its own head this cloud of ignorance through the centuries. Human beings might have recognized their freedom as children of God and become conscious of the fact that they had free will. They would then have realized that they were the only creators of good and evil, so-called. They would have learned that they had the power to dissipate any wrong or inharmonious creation that they had ignorantly or willfully brought forth.

One of the reason why the idea of a devil was conceived, was that in every period or cycle of human embodiment, there have been those individuals who were very dynamic in the use of this energy; they were misdirecting it and producing this so-called evil. Besides this, they were creating such powerfully charged thought-forms that vicious, ignorant, disembodied intelligences seized upon them or, as it were, entered into these thought-forms. These forms were being energized by their creator who were still embodied, giving these vicious, ignorant entities tremendous power and activity. Before the time of Jesus, these entities were often able to appear visibly, often in very grotesque forms. Thus, this was the idea of a devil, which I assure you never was and never will exist outside of man’s own discordant creation.

SGP#04 – Ascended Master Instruction, Discourse V, p. 37

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Mighty Victory speaking on the Seven Sacred Weeks (This year begins in 11.23.2017, America Thanksgiving’s Day):

I come this morning to charge you with the reminder to keep acknowledging my victory in all that you do! The sinister force has threatened certain things in America, if those who stand for the light move into their outer authority and hold command! I WOULD APPRECIATE VERY MUCH OVER THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS, or at least until the Thanksgiving Class begins AND DURING THE SEVEN SACRED WEEKS, if in your “I AM” decrees and as much of your private application as possible, you would keep acknowledging my victory of light, Saint Germain’s victory and freedom of light, Hercules’ victory and power of light, Lord Maitreya’s victory and love of the light, the Silent Watcher’s cosmic silence and power of light! The more you can give acknowledgment to the victory, and then the special quality of each of the cosmic beings whose assistance you have been calling, the more you will intensify the protective power and the pressure which is the impelling victory of light, forward into outer authority, into conditions of the physical world!

Call forth the cosmic victory and authority of the light from the Great Divine Director! Call forth the victory and wealth of light from the Mighty Lord Maha Chohan and the Mighty Virgo, and I would call it also from the Great Beings who direct the forces of the elements. Call forth the victory and power of light from the Goddess of Light and the Queen of Light! Call forth the cosmic victory and healing by light from the beloved Nada, the Beloved Mary, the beloved Meta, beloved Quan Yin, and beloved Diana!

Call forth the cosmic flame of cosmic victory, and then whatever other qualities you desire in all your “I AM” decrees for the next thirty days; and let us see how much pressure and momentum that will release into the physical structure of earth, as a barrier against threatening riots and revolution! The sinister force has made the threat that if they do not go into office, then they will have a revolution in America! Well, there are other people in the universe beside themselves, and we happen to be some of those others! That is the reason for the next thirty days we want the acknowledgment of your victory, your light, your freedom, and the authority of the American people in command of the physical octave!

Great assistance has recently come forth from out the Great Silence to you here and to your beloved America, and that assistance I am sure you will greatly appreciate. In the recent star which has appeared, there is an intensification of the outpouring of the fire element for the accomplishment of peace! Therefore, if you will concentrate on the acknowledgment of my power of victory, the cosmic flame of cosmic peace, and all the cosmic assistance required to compel it into physical action; then command it to take possession, produce perfection, and go on with the rest of that decree – you will give us an opportunity to draw forth certain actions of the cosmic law which otherwise would not be possible. We would deeply appreciate your concentration on this acknowledgment over the next thirty days.

Discourse I, p. 302
Chicago Illinois, November 5, 1944
SGP#09 – I AM Discourses

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