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Considering how often Obama has justified his expansion of executive power on Congress' failure to do his bidding, yesterday's ruling was not only a huge victory for religious liberty, but a huge win for limited government in all spheres as well.
Reports have been coming in from the west coast that the worst chemtrail spraying they have ever seen started Monday and it appears TPTP are setting up a really bad storm from the Midwest to the east coast.
FW: Dec. 18, 2013
The Guardian is reporting that since October, 20 people have died in Madagascar from bubonic plague. Madagascar is the ‘plague capital’ of the world with about 60 deaths a year from the disease.
From the Guardian:
The Pasteur Institute of Madagascar revealed on Tuesday that tests taken from bodies in the village last week showed that they had died of bubonic plague. The institute added it was concerned the disease could spread to towns and cities where living standards have declined since a coup in 2009.
The deaths are doubly concerning because the outbreak occurred both outside the island’s normal plague season, which runs from July to October, and apparently at a far lower elevation than usual.
Bubonic plague (Yersinia pestis) is spread by the fleas from black rats, Xenopsylla cheopis. Black rats are known by various names. Ship rat, roof rat, house rat, Alexandrine rat and old English rat are all names commonly used to describe Rattus rattus, the black rat.
The Rest…HERE
Radiation in Fukushima groundwater skyrockets 3,500+ times over weekend — Just 5 meters from Pacific Ocean — Nothing being done to stop it flowing into sea
Gundersen: All of Japan is contaminated, gov’t covering up enormous exposures to public; Epidemic is just beginning — Evacuee: We are in fact dying in Fukushima; What happened to us will soon affect all Japanese people
He's out to get vets. Maybe Dave Hodges' latest article is right?
On December 12, 2012, while appearing on The Common Sense Show, Jim Marrs revealed on my show that 400-500 bankers had left the country in anticipation of what was coming.
Obama doesn't have the missing nukes, certain elements of the US Military do, including bio/chemical weapons.
Members of the military have acquired nuclear, chemical and biological weapons in an unauthorized fashion. I have also been told that Obama can fire as many nuclear weapons personnel as he can and he still will not gain control of this arsenal, despite firing the two heads of our nuclear weapons program. This is holding the present administration at bay. Meanwhile, I have been told that preparations for preparing for a guerilla civil war are being made.
Does it make sense now why DHS has armed to the teeth and are placing returning veterans at the top of every domestic terror list made public? Does it now make sense why this administration is trying to get as many veterans as possible to be declared to be mentally incompetent as an excuse to get their guns? What does all of this add up to? It adds up to the fact that the military is preparing to resist the intentions of this administration to destroy this country. The military leadership is engaged in a game of chicken with the administration through the possession of rogue weapons of mass destruction. Please note that these weapons are not just nuclear, they are also chemical and biological.
Has anyone surmised why the wars in Afghanistan and Iran are continuing without an end in sight? The undeniable conclusion that 150,000 troops stationed abroad will not be able to get home and help save the country. They will be sacrificed.
I have been told that after the resources of this country are plundered by the foreign occupation forces, that this country will become a Muslim nation. [This explains the Muslim indoctrination of our children in public schools, as well as all the "early" handouts to Muslim organizations. See]
When the Grid EX II drill was removed from being used as a false flag attack designed to destroy the power grid, it morphed into a training ground for Russian and Chinese soldiers to learn how to operate in an environment without power.
At this point, it is important to state that when you are told to report to your nearest public venue for protection and food, do not go. As I have reported, these public venues will be used for some very nefarious purposes, as it is believed that 330 million Americans cannot effectively be garrisoned. The numbers must be dramatically reduced.
I am convinced, resulting from several conversations that this country will ultimately be handed off to Muslims. Does an Obama presidency make more sense to you now? And what do the fundamentalists do to non-believers? Maybe the rumor circulating about the intended use guillotines are not as far-fetched as many have believed.
Oct. 6, 2013: Shown here is the U.S. Capitol Dome in Washington.Reuters
A final effort by Senate Republicans to halt cuts to pensions of military retirees failed late Tuesday, after Democrats blocked an amendment to the controversial budget bill.
The two-year budget agreement, which cleared a key test vote earlier in the day, was expected to get a final vote no later than Wednesday.
Ahead of the final vote, Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., tried unsuccessfully to use a parliamentary tactic to force a vote on the amendment, which he wrote to undo the cuts for military retirees.
A provision in the already House-passed bill would cut retirement benefits for military retirees by $6 billion over 10 years.
Sessions wanted to instead eliminate an estimated $4.2 billion in annual spending by reining in an IRS credit that illegal immigrants have claimed.
He and fellow senators argued the bill unfairly sticks veterans and other military retirees with the cost of new spending.
“It’s not correct, and it should not happen,” Sessions said on the floor.
"By blocking my amendment, they voted to cut pensions for wounded warriors," he said afterwards. "Senators in this chamber have many valid ideas for replacing these pension cuts, including my proposal to close the tax welfare loophole for illegal filers, and all deserved a fair and open hearing. But they were denied.”
Sessions’ office claimed the vote Tuesday to block the amendment was a vote to "cut military pensions instead of cutting welfare for illegal immigrants."
Senate Budget Committee Chairman Patty Murray, D-Wash.,who brokered the budget deal with House counterpart Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., argued the GOP effort was really an attempt to kill the entire bill.
Col. Allen West Blasts Rep. Paul Ryan on Military Pension Cuts
The Republican-led House passed the bill last week in an effort to avoid another stalemate leading to a potential government shutdown, like the one in October that polls showed was largely unpopular with voters.
The two-year budget deal would ease for two years some of the harshest cuts to agency budgets required under automatic spending curbs commonly known as sequestration. It would replace $45 billion in scheduled cuts for the 2014 budget year already underway, easing about half of the scheduled cuts
well,he meant well...
no more prophet bashing...
Add to this the suspicious activities of one or more Saudi nationals who were arrested and released and allowed to leave the country in the wake of the Boston Marathon bombing.
From her eyewitness perspective, Worthman said that the whole thing didn’t happen overnight, in a brutal attack, like the media portrays it, but rather, it evolved into a dictatorship gradually, over a period of a few years. Hitler didn’t come across as someone evil, to be feared, initially. ”In the beginning, Hitler didn’t look like, or talk like a monster at all. He talked like an American politician.”
Here are some things that occurred in Austria, according to Worthman, that just might look familiar to Americans:
- Hitler was elected with 98% of the vote.
- Hitler destroyed the existing medical system when he brought a national healthcare plan into being.
- First, people were forced to register their guns to cut down on crime.
- Then they were forced to turn them in or risk capital punishment for keeping them.