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Wings of prophecy December 15th 2022

A Storm Approaches

By Just Praise Him on Dec 15, 2022 01:56 pm

A storm approaches, My children, and this is a storm no man can survive.

In this storm are many things. In this storm is the battle between good and evil, a battle foretold long ago. A battle you yourselves are engaged in, though you know it not.

In this storm is much grief. The enemy has plans to launch new laws and ways in the earth that will make life next to impossible for those who are Mine. 

He strives to turn others against you and he will succeed in this, for a time. He strives to cause violence against you, and he will succeed at this as well. 

He strives to cut you off from all you hold dear and all you need to survive, and he will be given authority to do this, in the name of the ‘greater good.’

My children, you have long known this storm approaches. 

Have you prepared yourselves for what you will see? Have you prepared by seeking My face in prayer? Have you prepared for the grief you will face as all you know is taken away?

Philippians 4:7

And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Psalm 91:11

For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.

II Kings 6:16-17

And he answered, Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them.   17And Elisha prayed, and said, LORD, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the LORD opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.

Psalm 34:7

The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them.

Psalm 46:1

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

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December 8, 2022 @ 3:33 am – Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception

St Rosalie’s Campus, Hampton Bays, New York

My dear son,

I appear to you today on the Feast of My Immaculate Conception for a very important message to My children of all ages! I ask all of you on this day to meditate on the virtues of your Heavenly Mother and of My Immaculate Conception and all that this sinless blessing means – not only for your Heavenly Mother – but for all of God’s children. As children and descendants of Adam and Eve, you are born into this world tainted by the original sin of mankind, but through your adherence to the Ten Commandments, you may strive for a sinless life and achieve eternal salvation in the Heavenly Realms.

Do so by appealing to God the Father through His Son, Your Redeemer Jesus Christ, as well as through the intercession of your Heavenly Mother, for there are few prelates and priests left among you who are leading by example in practicing the true faith of My Son’s Church with an adherence to a sinless life through God’s Ten Commandments.

Where are the prelates, and where are the priests? Are they preaching an adherence to the Ten Commandments? When do you hear the prelates and priests speak from the pulpits of My Son’s Church on the importance of a sinless life and a rigid adherence to the Ten Commandments? Are they venerating your Blessed Mother and her Immaculate Conception by preaching and evangelizing the importance of a sinless life?

Silence is what you hear from too many prelates and priests! No wonder your children have been so effectively deceived – now that many of them are comfortably situated in the lair of satan!

Beginning with my Son’s ordination of His apostles 2,000 years ago and down through the ages, the prelates and priests have been ordained to follow God’s Ten Commandments which were cast in stone and given to Moses 3,500 years ago; clearly the stone tablets conveyed to Moses have led all of humanity down through the ages – as opposed to satan’s newly created, yet already destroyed “Guidestones”.

Many prelates and priests of My Son’s Church have been deceived by satan’s New World Order and its occult ways.  Many prelates and priests have even embraced satan’s “Guidestones” which are now reduced to rubble! Let this be a sign to these prelates and priests and to satan’s other new world order minions… BEWARE!

Pray for all their souls – especially for the fallen away prelates and priests who have embraced satan’s New World Order – for they shall burn in hell for all eternity unless they repent for their lies and sins against humanity!

The prelates and priests who are true to My Son’s Word are battling the principalities and powers of satan as they witness to a hostile takeover of My Son’s Church. Likewise, your political leaders of moral character are being cast aside by demonically controlled globalists and politicians who are enforcing a hostile takeover of America on behalf of their master, satan. 

Likewise, satan has effectively executed a hostile takeover of your educational institutions, particularly against the youngest children who are being brainwashed by demonic and occult entities. In your schools, so-called labor unions – which have lost their way in their ethical and moral obligations to your children – have become satan’s agent provocateurs in implementing anti-God communist, socialist, and Marxist ideologies, particularly turning children away from their parents and the Church. Denying the children of an effective, moral, and Godly education, satan’s minions have been covertly teaching your children that right is wrong and wrong is right. 

In your schools, climate change hysteria is the work of satan; critical race theory is the work of satan; gender confusion is the work of satan; new world order globalism is the work of satan; pro-abortion activism is the work of satan; and the draconian lockdowns and Covid restrictions are the work of satan. 

First of all, climate change hysteria is not based on the immutable laws of God’s natural science but on the manipulated falsehoods of demonic minions of satan to entice and control your children away from God and into secular belief systems that have nothing to do with climate which was, is, and always will be controlled by the Father in Heaven for the benefit of all humanity. Globalist and occult elitists who congregate in the snake pits of global summits in three-piece suits and designer dresses will not prevail and are condemning themselves to Hell for their lies to humanity and for brainwashing your children for the evil one.

Second, so-called critical race theory has been implemented in your schools by globalist elites under the guise of diversity, equality,  and equity, when their true intention is to create bias, divisiveness, and racial hatred to further alienate your children from each other.

Third, God the Father in his Magnificent Vision for Humanity created man; and God created woman; and God did not choose to create any other gender. In the eyes of God the Father, there is no confusion.

Fourth, God did not choose for humanity to forcefully migrate and integrate at the peril of Godly and peaceful, sovereign nations. Globalist minions of satan are attempting to dissolve the sovereignty of the United States of America by forceful migration and human and drug trafficking to pit citizens against migrants and to bankrupt the USA.

Fifth, as your Heavenly Mother, I grieve for women – particularly the younger women promoting their so-called “right to choose”. They are choosing death over life for their unborn children in violation of the Fifth Commandment. The Lord told Moses: “Thou Shall Not Kill.”  Abortion is murder.

Finally, in their most outrageous demonic acts against the children, satan’s minions used their planned pandemic to deny your children of their right to an education while masking them and social distancing them to train your children to be compliant to become future slaves to their new world order.

Have you become so blinded that you do not see the hand of satan in the control of your children, and the mainstream media’s power and control over all of you? Unwittingly, you have permitted teachers – who are acting as satan’s minions – to mask your children and proselytize to make the children wards of a Marxist, communist state.

What happened in your world that all of this demonic activity has been allowed to  take control of God’s children? What happened is that the pursuit of a sinless life became not only passé but forgotten by God’s children. What happened is satan. Now he has your children in his grasp and can easily control your children, who have given over to abortion, alcohol and drugs, gender confusion, and lascivious pleasures.

Are your children even any longer your own? 

Wake up! Satan has taken control of many of them; they are no longer yours to influence and love. If you doubt my words, try speaking to them of the Ten Commandments.  And then pray mightily for their fallen away souls.

Now as you prepare once again for the celebration of The Nativity – the Birth of My Son and your Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ – I ask that you resolutely determine to reconnect with your children through the Love of God, through a firm belief in the Ten Commandments, and through the power of your prayers to defeat satan and his grasp over your children – regardless of their age.

So be it!

Thanks be to God 

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Now when you call forth to your “MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE” or the Ascended Host for the Release within you and through you and around you of what We know prevents all wrong, then hold the Picture clearly within your flesh body of either the VIOLET CONSUMING FLAME or the Unfed Flame or the Sevenfold Flame of the Seven Mighty Elohim or the Cosmic Light Substance, so that you give recognition to the Sacred Fire and the Cosmic Light every time you make a Call to Us. Call this in and around yourselves; then feel It blaze through. Then call It into outer world conditions until you get in the habit of recognizing and HOLDING THE PICTURE within the outer intellectual consciousness of the Light Rays and the Sacred Fire every time you ask your “PRESENCE” or Us to give you anything.
Your part, in order to help fulfill your own Calls— the part that the outer self has to do to cooperate with your Call and produce the Manifestation is to HOLD THE PICTURE CLEARLY of either the Cosmic Light or the Sacred Fire filling the outer self with what We know prevents all wrong. Anything that is wrong, anything that is discordant, is darkness;
and therefore, if you want Protection from Our Octave, you must HOLD THE PICTURE in the outer intellectual consciousness, and in your feeling world, of the Light Rays coming down into you, first of all, from the Light Ray that comes from the Heart of the Electronic Body,then the Light Rays that go forth from that Body through the Causal Body.
Get in the HABIT OF SEEING LIGHT RAYS go forth and fulfill your Call. Now this IS IMPERATIVE; and in cooperation with this, We offered a long time ago the Instruction to HOLD THE PICTURE on your forehead of the Sevenfold Flame of the Seven Mighty Elohim or the 'LUMINOUS PRESENCE' of the Beloved Master Jesus or the Mighty Saint Germain or Mighty Victory—any one of the Ascended Masters on the forehead, where Mighty Cyclopea focuses the Power of the Seven Mighty Elohim.
Now, We offered this a long, long, long time ago.
This isn’t just for your own accomplishment. FORM THE HABIT of recognizing and being aware of the "PRESENCE" of the Sacred Fire and the Cosmic Light and the Ascended Masters’ 'LUMINOUS PRESENCE' in your physical flesh body within the brain structure or in the solar plexus or ENFOLDING YOU or coming down and ENFOLDING the things of your world, your homes, your business, your loved ones. Get in the habit of holding the Picture constantly of the Activities of the Sacred Fire, especially the VIOLET CONSUMING FLAME, the Unfed Flame, the Sevenfold Flame of the Seven Mighty Elohim; but FORM THE HABIT of being aware that the ASCENDED MASTERS’ CONSCIOUSNESS is in your BRAIN STRUCTURE, because when We offered you Our use of Our Ascended Master Consciousness, It contains within It the Likeness of Ourselves. It contains the Picture of Ourselves within that Light or within the Sacred Fire.
Now this has many purposes of Blessing to you and to Life everywhere. First of all, use It on your OWN FOREHEAD to protect your own mentality from domination by just vibratory action that floats in the atmosphere of Earth, just the mass consciousness of mankind’s disturbance or constant suggestions of the outer world that are created by pictures, by colors, and by the radiation of the energy of destructive conditions.
This is a POWERFUL PROTECTION to your acceptance into your minds of anything from the outer world that is destructive. The other activity of It—when you form the habit of HOLDING THE PICTURE of any Ascended Being in BLAZING WHITE LIGHT surrounded by the Sevenfold Flame of the Seven Mighty Elohim on the forehead of anyone else, you give Assistance to the Higher Mental Body of that individual to help It fulfill your Call either to control the other person if he or she be discordant, or to bless that one and protect whatever is constructive in that one’s consciousness or world.
This has a double Blessing, because when you HOLD IT upon your own forehead, there comes a clearness in the mind that you don’t experience unless YOU ARE AWARE OF LIGHT IN YOUR MIND, or the Sacred Fire. When you HOLD IT on the forehead of someone else, It becomes a Protection to that person from any destructive conditions in the outer world, just like It is a Protection for you. Then whatever comes into your consciousness has to pass through the Ascended Masters’ Consciousness and the Sacred Fire; and, in that, then whatever might be wrong in outer world conditions, it is consumed before it enters into your brain structure.
The same thing—as you give your blessing to the rest of life, many times It will be an Inspiration and a Protection to constructive activities in someone else’s world that will many times be the Protection of those Life Streams or their loved ones. And more than that, It helps to surround the individual by Power from the Ascended Masters’ Octave that needs to be drawn into the physical conditions of this world in order to place the Sacred Fire into the physical structure of Earth to help bless the POWERS OF NATURE and FORCES of the ELEMENTS.
It also goes into the things of this world.
Then if those things have been charged with destructive activities, when you HOLD THE PICTURE of any Ascended Being in Blazing White Light surrounded by the Sevenfold Flame of the Seven Mighty Elohim, and you just VISUALIZE that around this, that, or the other manifestation in the outer world, your “MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE” and We can send that forth again and again and again, just like a FLASH OF LIGHT that comes from a pulsating source that is constantly giving it to the world.
Dear Ones, you will never know what Power is until you set the habit of using this, and then you begin to feel It control conditions in and around you.
And sometimes in a surprised condition, that will be already ANCHORED —the Power for your Protection will already stand in the atmosphere around you to act instantly; and through that, your “MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE ” can expand suddenly the Activities of the Sacred Fire that repel destructive forces.
Now this is a tremendous Protection in any outer world condition, whether it be the Powers of Nature and Forces of the Elements or whether it be mankind’s destructive intent—and especially on your highways. If this is constantly accepted and you are as aware of It as you are of your hands and feet, you will be able to draw in and around yourselves, and around others that might be in your atmosphere, Protection of the Sacred Fire which only Our Ascended Master Love can give.
This is a very valuable, Almighty Power of Life that you can have just as certainly as you can have sunshine from the Sun, when It comes out and It’s in the atmosphere. You can go out and receive that just the same as the Powers of Nature and Forces of the Elements receive it. But it takes your own CONSCIOUS DETERMINATION, YOUR DECISION, YOUR CHOICE, YOUR DESIRE to have this Activity of the Sacred Fire within yourselves, and the Cosmic Light and the Cosmic Light Substance—it takes your Desire for that. And that Desire, when it becomes strong enough as a habit that you set in yourselves and around you, that becomes, Dear Ones, the Ascended Masters’ Habit of holding Constructive Action in and around yourselves.
This is the thing that prevents many of your habits, mental and emotional, or even in speech— habits that were not constructive—this prevents them any longer existing within you and torturing you or making you fail in outer world conditions.
So it is well worth every effort you make to HOLD THIS PICTURE of the "LUMINOUS PRESENCE'' of any Ascended Master and seal It in and around yourselves. Make It as large as you choose, if you care to have It enfold you. Blaze It in and around everybody else that you contact, and this keeps the atmosphere about you from carrying destructive activities generated by other human beings from entering into your atmosphere.
Saint Germains' 'I AM', Vol. 19
Pages: 414 - 421
Saint Germain Series
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