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"In an interview on CNN’s “New Day,” GOP Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin accused Democrats of hypocrisy for intense scrutiny on allegations of Russian meddling after what he described as a completely different take in the final months of the 2016 election."
It appears as though Avenatti may have decided to take on Stormy as a way to gain big bucks, which he desperately needs. Yes CNN has paid him well, but his media appearances need a minimum of 10 million to address a 10 million dollar judgement against him.
Fermented Skate Liver Oil
David Wilcock was selling bottles for $40/each. You can get them on Amazon for $30.
We are being continually warned by financial gurus that economic collapse is imminent. Many of their warnings have a hidden agenda, i.e. buy my book, invest in xyz, etc. Not so in the article below.
The author of the following post gives some excellent insight and helpful solutions to those who are doing fine either from paycheck to paycheck and/or have managed to save enough in order to get by for a few months. Unfortunately, all too many get hit by an unexpected financial crisis such as overwhelming medical bills, etc. that wipe them out completely.
She also highlights the struggling working poor.
The author details her own devastating personal experience despite doing everything right.
Toward the end she gives solid suggestions as to how to weather the predicted on-coming storm as well as any unpredicted personal crises that may occur.
Informative, and well worth the read.
With all of the political controversy regarding the Russian investigation, plus the side shows regarding alleged accusations of personal misconduct by both Trump and anyone associated with him, there remains an internal enemy that has continued its relentless march which is unacknowledged by the MSM.
Excerpt from: “THE MAGIC PRESENCE” By Godfre Ray King Page: 175
“The Paramount Command of the Eternal is: ‘Be ye Perfect, even as your Father in Heaven is Perfect,’ for Life will return you, the individual consciousness, again, again, and again into human embodiment—until you fulfill the Supreme Edict of Life. When that Decree is obeyed, we shall find the Manifestations of the Constructive Way of Life have become Immortal.
“The Cosmic Activity and Light from our Earth is being expanded at this time. Many feel this greatly increased energy, and unless it is used in a constructive way, the individual qualifies it with his own feelings of irritation and resentment against persons, places and conditions. This but creates greater turmoil in his own mind and body, which constantly disturbs himself and others.
“During the present Expansion of the Light throughout the Earth, it is absolutely imperative for the individual to keep an iron control over his own thought, feeling and spoken word—compelling them to be constructive, and giving recognition to nothing else—if he is to avoid continual distress and countless loss to himself and his world. At no time in the history of the planet has this been so important as it is at the present moment.
“The Earth is passing through the throes of a tremendous new birth, and in the few years just ahead will be in a transition period. It is changing now in a Cosmic Way—from the attitude of war into that of Peace, from hatred to Love, from selfishness to unselfishness—and into the full recognition that in the future the people must exert strength enough to live according to the Law of Love.
“The hour strikes in the evolution of every planet and its humanity when they must express the Full Peace, Harmony, Perfection, and the Divine Plan of the System to which they belong. When that hour strikes, humanity either moves forward and fulfills God’s Plan, or whatever portion will not come into alignment with the new activity removes itself to another schoolroom of the Universe—until those personalities learn obedience to Life.
“The Law of Life is Heaven, Peace, Harmony and Love to every created thing. Even the ethers of infinite space express this Harmony everywhere. Human beings are the only creators of ‘hell.’ They can accept and obey the Law of Life, and enjoy every good thing of the ‘Kingdom,’ or they can disobey that Law and be broken as a reed before the storm by their own self-generated discord. Each individual carries his own heaven or hell with him every moment; for these are but the results of mental and emotional states which the individual has created because of his own attitude. There is no other cause for them.”
US birthrates drop in to danger zone! Have more babies or else!
"We will begin with “What is a matrix of reality?”
To the human body, the matrix would be your skeleton, and for the Gaia, the planetary body, the matrix would be Her planetary Core.
Humans stand upright and are up and down with the head at the top and the feet at the bottom. On the other hand, a planetary reality is round. Therefore the “skeleton” is more like the Core of the planet."