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The Seven Sacred Weeks

Memories of childhood of our beloved Saint Germain
and his connection with the May 1 - "May Day"
As you know, beloved ones, today is "May Day." Those words "May Day," mean so very much to me personally, for even as a small child, that day was always set aside for me by my mother as a sort of holiday for us both. Nicholas and Lady Bacon (in whose home and family I spent the very early years of my life), would always dress me with such care for this holiday, often placing around my shoulders a violet cape (sometimes of velvet or, if the weather was too warm for that, of some lovely lighter material). I remember thinking about that coming day all the night before, as your children dream of Christmas morn on Christmas Eve. Then on "May Day," my own mother and I would go into the lovely woodland to leisurely walk and talk together, pick the early violets and, generally, enjoy the feeling of the close companionship.
Then, much later, (but also on a May Day), I took my leave from all further physical embodiments upon this Earth, when I finally accepted the full victory of my ascension. I remember that day so well – the sweet fragrance of the flowers in the garden of that home in Transylvania, as it came on the soft breeze, through the open window of the room where I was. I remember well experiencing the feeling one has when he is obliged to leave a task not quite completed. You see, at that time, my "Utopia" was only a book, my dreams only written into the lines of the Shakespearean plays and upon the hearts of a few faithful students. If it had not been that my superiors thought it wise for me take the ascension at that time, I think I could not have left the Earth in that hour, with my vision still unfulfilled. Yet, in loving obedience to their great wisdom, I did.
Grateful, indeed, am I to you, my faithful students, who have embodied again and again since that time, taking that vision into your own consciousness and endeavoring to make it real, tangible and practical in this world of form. The establishment of the reality of this vision is taking place first here, in your beautiful United Stated of America, which was brought into being through the loving co operation of my faithful students and myself. It shall expand and expand, until it is worldwide – a great spiritual freedom, which has no regard for nationality, creed or color – having regard only for the light within the hearts of all people, that light which is endeavoring to illumine their souls.
We are now coming into the day when world brotherhood shall be completely understood, as an activity which raises the soul to the place where the individualized Christus of each one is externalized, by the expansion of the immortal Threefold Flame of Eternal Truth, through that soul, into outer manifestation. In this New Age into which we have now entered, every lifestream, regardless of color, creed or individual status, shall externalize that Holy Christ Self!
"May Day" has become universally accepted as a day of happiness. Do you think it happenstance that your Air Corps uses the words "May Day" as their distress signal? Ah, no! There is no such thing as "happenstance." When those men are at a point of great distress in the high, blue sky and that word "May Day" goes forth from them, who answers? I do! Of course, in their outer consciousness they do not know that, but it is the reason for their having made "May Day" their S.O.S. call for assistance. We are interested in your Air Corps and we are interested as well in every constructive activity which takes place within the Earth, on its surface or in its atmosphere, for this Earth is to become "Freedom’s Star." This achievement I have dreamed of for so long, as I have told you often before – my vision of world brotherhood which I tried to force into existence here before its time. I, for one, can tell you that human feelings of disappointment do not last long when the soul is filled with grace.
Book: Journal 4, The Bridge to Freedom, Ascended Master Teaching Foundation – AMTF

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The Seven Sacred Weeks

"Patience brings its own reward"
Saint Germain says:

Long ago, before my ascension, I thought I could direct the bringing about of world brotherhood for all nations through the authority of the throne and crown of England, which I felt was rightfully mine. This was denied me, yet the great God of Mercy now has given me the throne of eternal freedom and the undisputed divine authority to be the presiding ruler for this magnificent Permanent Golden Age of Freedom, which already has begun upon this planet and which is four years old today! (My note: this discourse was given in May 1, 1958. The New Age begun in 1954. So, four years old that time!)

Ah, beloved ones, in those days before my ascension (in my last Earth life as Francis Bacon), not understanding the completeness of the divine plan, I wept often in disappointment, because I felt so strongly, the great possibilities of that which I could accomplish in the way of fulfilling my vision, if my rightful heritage were only mine! Within my very self I experienced "The Tempest" that comes within the feelings of the outer self, when a much-desired vision is not fulfilled at the very instant when the outer mind thinks it should be.

Long, long ago I was shown clearly, and saw so perfectly, just what was the divine God design for this Earth. In those days, it seemed as though the only way and means open to me to present my vision to the world was through the Shakespearean plays and through the various articles which I wrote (some of which I was able to publish) as Francis Bacon. Finally, one day in that embodiment, as I have told you, I made a rather unostentatious departure from this world of form, making my conscious ascension from the home of a dear friend in Transylvania.

Now I come again with my glorious vision, a vision of a world where there is neither cause for, nor results of sin, where there is no pain, unhappiness or need for tears, where there is no disease, no disintegration and no death! In this vision there is absolute liberty and freedom for all who embody here (at the close of his or her lifestream’s experiences) to take his or her leave of this planet in dignity and joy, in the victory of his or her own individual ascension. Thus does each one become a wholly Divine Being, eternally free and perfect, in the complete fulfillment of his or her own divine plan.

Oh, dear hearts, is not the bringing into manifestation of such a vision worth all the loving, dedicated service you can give, at least for all the rest of this Earth life? Many, many times, all through the centuries, I have given my life for this cause (and to help you to personal victory as well) and our beloved Morya has done the same. Now, we must depend upon you to help us, conscious chelas, for, to whom else can we look for such service? To this end have we invested our life and love so that you would be prepared to serve until those new lifestreams are raised up to carry forward the light which you have guarded and expanded, thus far.

Book: Journal 4, The Bridge to Freedom, Ascended Master Teaching Foundation – AMTF

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The Seven Sacred Weeks

"Hurry" a dangerous habit
Our beloved Saint Germain says:
These days are days of great acceleration, as the Earth’s axis is being permanently straightened and the planet moves rapidly forward at the same time. The entire system of which beloved Helios and Vesta are Sun-God and Goddess is also rapidly moving forward which, of course, makes it necessary for the vibratory action of your bodies to be "stepped up" a certain amount, every twenty-four hours, just as much as you can comfortably stand. Here may I bring to your attention this important point that, because of this acceleration of the speed of your four lower bodies (your emotional bodies – feelings, your mental bodies – thoughts, your etheric bodies – memories, and even your physical – flesh bodies) there is often the tendency to hurry.
You see, it just naturally follows that the vibratory action of your world must accelerate as you purify yourselves more and more. Then too, it must accelerate as you accept our assistance, which comes to you through the radiation of our light and love. This "radiation" which we give, is our very own life, the actual substance of our being and that substance quite naturally vibrates much faster than do your own worlds here. So you can easily understand why your worlds vibrate faster than those of the masses of the people. NOW, WITH THE ADDED ACCELERATION OF THE PLANET, ITSELF, YOU SOMETIMES INDIVIDUALLY FEEL THE TENDENCY TO HURRY, AND HURRY ALWAYS BRINGS DISTRESS OF ONE KIND OR ANOTHER.
It is very necessary for the chela to clearly understand this at the present time, so that he will consciously control these feelings. Calling to any of the Ascended Host (particularly to beloved Gautama, New Lord of the World) in the name and authority of your own beloved I AM Presence and asking us to charge your world with our feelings of perfect balance in all you activities, will enable you always to take the middle way. This will enable you to enjoy and benefit by this natural acceleration, which must take place as our planet Earth moves into the orbit of Uranus, first, and, later, into the orbit of the planet Venus the "Love Star," in the system above.
Such a conscious, watchful control of your energies will enable you also to enjoy, in practical daily living, greater emotional stability, mental alertness, etheric clarity and more physical strength and energy, all of which will allow you always to hold the feelings of balanced poise, dignity and general self-control which are the God qualities and real nature of the Seventh Ray and all who sincerely serve me and my cause. Remember, you now belong to the royal house of freedom! You are accepting my life and love, using my name and representing me to the world. In this regard, to the very best of your individual and collective abilities, I know you will endeavor, always, to represent me worthily!
Oh, we are such happy beings and sometimes, informally, we laugh and just enjoy life. However, there are other times when we are embodied dignity and there will times in your own personal experience, yet to come, when that magnificent quality of Ascended Master dignity will stand you in good stead, were you to develop it now! There will be times in the near future when the qualities which are mine as Lord of the Ceremonial (Seventh Ray) and which I would like you to allow me to invest in you, will help you through certain experiences through which you shall yet pass. Will you give me opportunity so to help you?
Book: Journal 4, The Bridge to Freedom, Ascended Master Teaching Foundation – AMTF

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