All Posts (63)
Even those who questioned his agenda and loyalty are astounded by the depth O's treason.
Robert Spencer in FrontPage: Obama’s Treason: Even Worse Than We Thought
By Robert Spencer
But Leftist Privilege will prevent him from ever being held accountable. My latest in FrontPage:
The artful dodger speaks to the issue, not:
Schumer Refuses to Comment on Bill Clinton’s #MeToo Answers: ‘Public Can Judge for Themselves’
BY: David Rutz
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) had no interest Wednesday night in discussing former President Bill Clinton's criticized remarks about Monica Lewinsky and the #MeToo movement,
The question has frequently been asked what is the proper attitude to take when one becomes aware of a projection charged with anger, hate or other evil intent against oneself, or perhaps another person who might not be conscious of the attack.
In cases of this kind, I have always thought that the most MERCIFUL AND DIVINELY-INTELLIGENT proceeding is to immediately SEIZE THAT ENERGY mentally, SURROUND IT completely with the Cosmic FIERY TRANSMUTING FLAME and thus CLEANSE AND PURIFY IT, before it can take the form of some destructive manifestation and start back on its return journey to its sender. I would then CALL TO THE CHRIST SELF OF THE PROJECTOR, asking it to ILLUMINE THE CONSCIOUSNESS, so that it will see and revoke the error of its ways.
It is the unconsumed evil creations on Earth that, when they meet, create those great riptides that spew forth destruction in the shape of tornadoes, earthquakes and all the other frightful manifestations the human consciousness is pleased to label as ‘accidents’.
It is an act of great merit to INVOKE THE FIERY TRANSMUTING FLAME to SWEEP into all vortices of evil and to seek out by means of its omniscient consciousness, the generators of that misqualified energy, CONSUME ALL THE MOTIVATING IMPULSES back of them and TRANSMUTE by the POWER OF ITS FLAME THE evil already created.
THERE IS NOTHING GAINED BY DRIVING MISQUALIFIED ENERGY BACK INTO ITS CREATOR, because by the very act of misqualification, the generator proves that he is ignorant of the DIVINE NATURE OF ALL ENERGY and is in dire need of the application of the COSMIC FIERY FLAME of LOVE AND MERCY, rather than an intensification of the QUALITY OF EVIL, which would be caused by the return of his own ENERGY before the discord was consumed, with the added qualification, perhaps, of the witness’s disapproval or resentment.
Persistent and consistent use of the PURIFYING AND TRANSMUTING FIERY FLAME OF FREEDOM’S LOVE, will ultimately FREE the individual entirely from the accumulation of discord which makes the present karma and limitation. It will also build an impregnable WALL OF LIGHT around the user, keeping out the discord that is continually floating in the atmosphere caused by the emanation of others. When PERFECT HARMONY Is evident in the daily life of the individual, then it may be said that he has used the MERCIFUL AND FORGIVING POWER OF GOD’S CLEANSING FLAME ENOUGH.
Here, I would remind the students that the creative centers (thought and feeling) in the consciousness, must be employed in molding out of the Universal Light, the manifestations and substance they require to REPLACE the appearance to be dissolved.
There is no substitute for the VISUALIZATION OF DYNAMIC, POSITIVE THOUGHT AND FEELING FORMS, THAT WILL EXTERNALIZE AS GOOD OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Generalities are not specific. When we choose to precipitate a dinner, for instance, every loaf of bread, every piece of fruit is designed within the consciousness. Our life is breathed into the light substance to form the design and not until then is it lowered into form. So must it be with everyone who chooses to enjoy the beautiful manifestations of the third dimensional plane.
Experiment with your creative faculties. I did this myself for years before I attained my complete emancipation from the limitation of the human consciousness. Choose a simple design and mold it out of the light substance. Then, when you hold its manifest form in your hands, you will have more confidence in the POWER OF YOUR OWN LIFE ENERGY TO CREATE AND SUSTAIN YOUR HEART’S DESIRES WITHIN YOUR OWN SPHERE OF INFLUENCE AND IN THE ATTAINMENT OF YOUR OWN, INDIVIDUAL GOVERNING POWER. TAKE THE MOTTO - ‘ KNOW, DARE, DO AND BE SILENT’. This makes for success.
Book: The Service of the Seventh Ray
page 77 (AMTF - The Bridge)
Do not be fooled. Globalism aka Communism is on the move and more militant than ever.
The following article remains pertinent to this day. It also gives insight regarding the "establishment" hatred and vilification of Trump bordering on a collective psychosis.
He has definitely upset the applecart and the more apples that fall, the more intense the effort to smear and overthrow him. He remains in danger, and the only shield he has is the electorate who continue to support him.
There are two related links at the end of this article.
Forget Agenda 21: UN’s 2030 Agenda Will ‘Transform the World’
(A version of this article was originally published Sept. 2015)
If you think Agenda 21 was bad, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Wait until you learn what the creepily utopian 2030 Agenda has in store for us all.
Once again Germany has stepped forward with their ideas of how to speed up the arrival of a one-world government.
While all eyes were on Obama and his creepily NWO speech, the German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier gave an address which went largely unnoticed. It was a lengthy speech – you can read his entire address here – but these are some takeaway points:
Gloom and doom was the mantra of Democrats and the mainstream media, referring to presidential candidate Donald Trump. They swore that his policies would surely send America into a financial tailspin that would take years to recover from, if recovery was even possible.
Trump promised to end Obama’s war on coal and oil, which sent liberal environmentalists crazy. Instead of wasting billions of taxpayer dollars on one failed green energy project after another, Trump ended many of the anti-coal and anti-oil regulations imposed by Obama and it’s working.
The whole msg @ link!
In the name of my Soul
In the name of the LIGHT FORCES
I cancel and nullify all and any past agreements and contracts with the Dark Forces.
All dark contracts are now, regardless of their content, regardless of my subconscious programs, and with my free will, I now declare myself free from those contracts, and from all influences of the Dark Forces, And now I decree full conscious cooperation between me and the Light Forces.
I now decree and I command, that my life be guided in full alignment with the Divine Plan, I decree miracles to be manifested in my life, in a way that will manifest happiness for me and for everybody involved.
So be it and so it is.
A conversation with ex-Illuminati insider Ronald Bernard and Sacha Stone
The Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele, June 3, 2018
The following two excellent articles discuss the fall of Western Civilization.
The first addresses the decay of the American leftist intellect resulting in the inability to deal with facts and engage in civil discourse. The term "groupthink" comes to mind.
The second one is a sad and frightening commentary regarding the UK's de facto fall into the abyss of absolute rule.
It appears as though the English Bill Of Rights is dying an ignominious death.
Both well worth the read.
Dems now the party of mob rule:
Democrats Can’t Control Their Extremism
The party car has no brakes.
The UK's relentless march toward totalitarianism:
The Death of Britain
Arbitrary arrests of foes of jihad terror herald the end of Britain as a free society.
If someone, out of the goodness of their heart, were to give you a nugget of 100% pure gold to do with as you wish - would you then take that nugget, melt it down, add some toxic impurities to it and then toss it into a beautiful clean pond thereby contaminating the surrounding living environment?
If your answer is NO, then ask yourself this:
Why would I, a living creation of GOD, take some of GOD's perfect and pure energy - freely given to me out of pure unconditional love - then add my own negative impurities to it and send it outward into the universe thereby causing potential harm to other living beings?
This is essentially what happens every time you criticize, condemn, judge, become hostile or angry, or generally say and do anything that diminishes peace and harmony towards another or yourself.
GOD Bless you!!
Beloved masters, for a moment, imagine that you are fully aware of your origins and that you can tap into your personal cosmic history files any time you wish. Imagine that you have the ability to communicate with those around you without words, mind to mind. Imagine that you have the natural ability to see everyone’s auric field, and therefore, you can read or understand a person’s state of Being at any given moment. Imagine that you can envision clearly that which you wish to manifest, and it takes only a little time and effort for your visions to become reality. Imagine that you have the ability to communicate and interact with the archangels and the vast angelic realm, as well as the ascended masters and the great Beings of Light. All of these attributes and abilities are a part of your natural state of Being in the higher realms, and you are now in the process of regaining these God-given talents, as well as the ability to assist in the evolutionary process of humanity and the Earth.
We have explained many times and in many ways how you separated your Divine Self into a masculine Spark of Essence with the characteristics and qualities of our Father God, and a feminine Spark of Essence with the virtues and attributes of our Mother God. Since that first separation, each Facet of your Self has refracted into a multitude of smaller Sparks of Divinity, and you have assumed a myriad of forms and innumerable missions throughout this universal experience. The next grand stage of universal expansion and the evolution of all sentient Beings are well under way, and each of you has an integral part to play as a StarSeed and a bearer of Divine Light.
The ascension process requires a letting go of those things that have kept you in the stifling, restrictive reality of the Third and Fourth Dimensions. It entails returning to balance and harmony in all facets of your earthly Being, which will result in your memory banks being cleared of all the discordant energies/events of your rich and varied past. All that will remain is the wonder, joy and successful endeavors you have attained as a cocreator in the material realms. As you traverse the path of ascension, you are reclaiming the wisdom stored within your Sacred Mind, and you have tapped into the rich storehouse of Creator Light called Adamantine Particles. You are beginning to demonstrate and use many latent abilities that have been kept in reserve until you were ready to reclaim them.
You were designed to be a transmitter of Light in a world of illusion and shadows. You are on Earth to become a master conveyer of energy. Your breath is the mechanism by which you draw forth the Primal Life Force Substance of Creation while you are functioning in a third- / fourth-dimensional environment. However, as you open and activate your Sacred Heart and Sacred Mind, you have the ability to gain access to the Full Spectrum Light of this universe, and also the Divine alchemical properties of the Violet Flame will be available to you in full measure.
The Law of the Circle insures that the vibrational patterns you send forth will be returned to you, along with an accumulated measure of similarly-qualified energy (or vibrations of the same frequency patterns). You are the center of an energy vortex that is made up of a circle/loop of vibrational patterns that you have projected from you via your Solar Power Center. Your solar plexus is aptly named; for just as the Earth receives cosmic energy from the Sun of your solar system, so do each of you radiate life force energy from your own Solar Power Center. For a moment, envision yourself as the central focus of your world. You are the power source and your thoughts, actions and intentions radiate forth from you in a loop of energy that connects with like energy. That energy magnifies and manifests in the world of cause and effect and then returns to you, reinforcing your picture of reality. Your body absorbs a portion of that energy, creating pain and suffering or joy and blessings, depending on the frequencies. The remainder flows out behind you, creating the other loop of your Infinity pattern, while the residual gradually flows into your personal wheel of creation. You are constantly adding to your personal prison of energy or your vehicle of Light and your personal reality on Earth. Have we not told you that you came to Earth as cocreators with the God Force?
Returning to balance and harmony is a prerequisite to staying centered within the Sacred Heart. In order to do so, you must constantly evaluate and upgrade your awareness of Self. Your emotions are affected by your beliefs, and your intentions are affected by your emotions. Listening to the nudgings of your Soul, the wisdom of your Sacred Mind, and the emotions of your Sacred Heart will help you to fine-tune your discernment abilities so that you can make the right decisions and always choose the highest path. Reverence for all things and God-inspired choices lead to Self-mastery.
One of the most important things you can do to initiate the process of returning to balance and harmony within the reality you have created is to apply the Law of Forgiveness to all your miscreations and interactions with others. Doing so will immediately accelerate the process of returning to center, for it erases or breaks the energy cords you have attached to other people’s solar plexuses, and it will also shut off the radiations to and from any negative collective consciousness belief systems that you have taken as your own. You are taking back the vibrational patterns you have exchanged, added to or participated in, thereby allowing you to move into the state of grace process. Be aware that as you do so, you will experience the transformational clearing process and all it entails; however, it will not be as traumatic or as drawn out as it would be if you had not willingly and whole-heartedly agreed to take the initiative.
The Law of Forgiveness includes aligning your will with the greater WILL of our Father /Mother God for the highest and best outcome for All. The Divine Plan for this universe is at a critical stage of the evolution process, and time is of the essence. Becoming an active member of the Light Brigade and a new World Server will open a portal of new possibilities. Those of you who have diligently stayed the course will reap the rewards of Self-mastery and discipleship. As you move into the realm of Self-mastery, you automatically begin to view your life and the world from a higher vantage point and with much wiser insight. You begin to embrace your reality through a filter of Love/Light, and non-judgment and discernment become a natural part of your State of Being.
A good affirmation to remember and use is: I EMBRACE THE WHOLENESS OF MY DIVINE REALITY. There is power in humility. There is power in forgiveness. There is power in gratitude. Love is the power which contains all the virtues and qualities of God Consciousness.
Many of you are aware that in the beginning stages of the initiation process there is a crisis as the battle for supremacy begins between the ego and the Soul. Each person must endeavor to clear his/her illusionary, distorted reality of the astral planes. The ego desire body is controlled by the energies and impulses of the three lower chakras, and these imbalanced inclinations must be brought under the control of the Soul-Self once more. This period is often called The Dark Night of the Soul or traversing the valley of shadows. When you are in the midst of the process, it is important that you understand you are not being punished. After you have successfully traversed the shadow lands and emerged triumphant, you will look back in retrospect, and you will realize that you were given a great opportunity. A spiritual aspirant is a consciously aware human Being who is seeking en-Lighten-ment and Self-mastery. In the beginning stages, he/she is still somewhat “self-focused” – often prone to temper and irritability, and may experience bouts of self-doubt and depression. A spiritual aspirant should endeavor to develop sensitivity and a loving, understanding nature. The aspirant’s life purpose will gradually move away from personal ambition and love of power into a desire to be of service to humanity. A desire to serve others is a Soul instinct.
An aspirant gradually begins to let go of the “It is all about me,” and the “I, me, my” concept, as the external focus slowly begins to fade. There is a gradual turning inward, and the major focal point becomes the Solar Power Center, which comprises the solar plexus, heart, thymus and throat. As this area is bathed in the higher frequencies of Light, the Three-Fold Flame in the chest area begins to blaze forth once more in preparation for the opening of the portal to the Sacred Heart.
Allow us to give you a few more important key points to assist you in integrating the wisdom necessary to become a full-fledged spiritual aspirant on the path of en-Lighten-ment:
** The Emotional Body is a reflector. It responds to external stimulation, such as other people, events, emotional attachments and addictions.
** Tread the path of life gently and reverently. Speak softly with discernment. See that your actions reflect the purity of your God Self and leave footprints of Light for others to follow.
** There is an ebb and flow to the cycles of the Soul, just as there is throughout the Cosmos.
** The Soul draws forth the Essence of life from its I AM Presence in preparation for a new life cycle of experience. At the end of that cycle, the life Essence is slowly withdrawn and the physical death process results; however, the real You in Spirit form remains, for you are immortal.
** The Soul’s impulses and influence are much stronger in a Being who has stepped onto the path of awareness than in an unawakened person who is still caught up in the illusion of a Third- / Fourth-Dimensional existence.
** You must strive to maintain an ever-expanding state of Soul-consciousness in order to progress on the upward spiral of ascension. It is time for those who will be among the new World Servers to become aware of each other.
** Criticism is a faculty of the ego and the lower mind. Criticizing or finding fault with yourself or others is detrimental to the extreme. You add energy to that which you focus your attention on; therefore, it is of the utmost importance that you look for the good in everyone and everything.
** Constructive criticism is sometimes necessary. However, it should only be used to assist someone to correct harmful behavior, take the right action, or find the appropriate direction.
** YOU CAN ONLY FAIL IF YOU QUIT TRYING. You may lose time; however, you should gain some knowledge with each failure. Growth and wisdom come from learning what not to do, and in perfecting the skills that will help you become proficient in your chosen field of endeavor.
** Lower vibrational energy creates discordant frequencies within your Soul Song. The vibrations of discord cause discomfort within the area where it originated or where it is focused within the physical vessel. If the negative energy patterns are strong enough, they can create disease and will eventually contaminate the entire body.
** You must tame and gain control of your emotional body via your Higher Self, guides and angelic helpers in order to become receptive to the refined frequencies of Cosmic truth. You must clear the mind of distorted, negative, defeating thoughts. Only a clear vessel can receive and transmit the wisdom teachings of the cosmic libraries of God-consciousness.
** A spiritual seeker refuses to pay attention to public opinion, judgment or failure. Aspirants are recognized by their vibrational frequencies or Light quotient, not by their knowledge or their deeds.
Remember, beloveds, THE CLARION CALL FROM YOUR SOUL SELF WILL CONTINUE TO ECHO UNTIL YOU HEED THE CALL. Many of you have begun or are ready to begin your true mission, whatever that may be, but never forget that the ultimate goal is to be a conveyor of Creator Love/Light. We are aware that the future is uncertain and everyone is experiencing pain and discomfort in varying degrees. We ask you to focus on the miracles and progress you are making and not allow the fear of the masses to infect your mind as you move through and beyond all the massive changes that are taking place in your world. Know that, together, we will overcome all adversity. Our mission is to open the way for any dear Soul who expresses a desire to return to harmony and attunement with their God Self.
Dear ones, when you feel alone or are in doubt or despair, come into your Pyramid of Light and we will give you courage, uplift and inspire you. When you feel lonely or unloved, move into your heart center and we will be there, waiting to fill you with the radiant love of our Mother/Father God. I AM your constant companion. I AM Archangel Michael.
Transmitted through RONNA VEZANE ** ; E-mail:
The details of the presented evidence are breathtaking.
Well worth the read.
BOMBSHELL! Three former high-level US intelligence officials conclude that only Obama could have been behind the conspiracy to destroy President Trump
by Thomas Madison
I have heard some refer to the Spygate/Obamagate/Russiagate scandal in terms of “spy thriller novel.”
It is NOT a spy thriller novel!
This is a treasonous conspiracy participated in by an army of scumballs, mostly in the upper levels of the US government, led by Barack Hussein, to spy on an opposing presidential candidate, who eventually became President of the United States, and to attempt ultimately to dishonestly frame him for manufactured misdeeds of which he was in no way guilty.
Pelosi is not daft, she simply espouses the leftist viewpoint
The following post is but one of many examples.
Crumbs’ Pelosi Pans Latest Jobs Numbers as “Meaningless” and “Bad for Middle Class”