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From Breibart:

Conservative African American economist Thomas Sowell says that the term “systemic racism,” which is central to the Black Lives Matter movement, has “no meaning.”

Sowell is set to appear on Fox News’ Life, Liberty and Levin on Sunday evening with host Mark Levin at 8 p.m. ET (5 p.m. PT).

According to Fox News:


Thomas Sowell: ‘Systemic Racism’ Has ‘No Meaning’

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From Breibart:

Conservative African American economist Thomas Sowell says that the term “systemic racism,” which is central to the Black Lives Matter movement, has “no meaning.”

Sowell is set to appear on Fox News’ Life, Liberty and Levin on Sunday evening with host Mark Levin at 8 p.m. ET (5 p.m. PT).

According to Fox News:


Thomas Sowell: ‘Systemic Racism’ Has ‘No Meaning’

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Suzy Ward - Channeling Matthew Ward - September 3, 2020

"Stopping labeling yourselves and others will be a firm step forward. Liberal, conservative, socialist, populist, globalist, nationalist and other terms were devised by the Illuminati to separate society and place you in partisan sections. Labeling not only keeps the divisiveness they want firmly entrenched, but their minions infiltrate all sections and promote rancor and staunch opposition to any other ideas and beliefs.

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As I Began to Love Myself

As I Began to Love Myself

1 As I began to love myself I found that anguish and emotional suffering are only warning signs that I was living against my own truth. Today, I know, this is "AUTHENTICITY".

2 As I began to love myself I understood how much it can offend somebody as I try to force my desires on this person, even though I knew the time was not right and the person was not ready for it, and even though this person was me. Today I call it "RESPECT".

3 As I began to love myself I stopped craving for a different life, and I could see that everything that surrounded me was inviting me to grow. Today I call it "MATURITY".

4 As I began to love myself I understood that at any circumstance, I am in the right place at the right time, and everything happens at the exactly right moment. So I could be calm. Today I call it "SELF-CONFIDENCE".

5 As I began to love myself I quit steeling my own time, and I stopped designing huge projects for the future. Today, I only do what brings me joy and happiness, things I love to do and that make my heart cheer, and I do them in my own way and in my own rhythm. Today I call it "SIMPLICITY".

6 As I began to love myself I freed myself of anything that is no good for my health - food, people, things, situations, and everything the drew me down and away from myself. At first I called this attitude a healthy egoism. Today I know it is "LOVE OF ONESELF".

7 As I began to love myself I quit trying to always be right, and ever since I was wrong less of the time. Today I discovered that is "MODESTY".

8 As I began to love myself I refused to go on living in the past and worry about the future. Now, I only live for the moment, where EVERYTHING is happening. Today I live each day, day by day, and I call it. "FULFILLMENT".

9 As I began to love myself I recognized that my mind can disturb me and it can make me sick. But As I connected it to my heart, my mind became a valuable ally. Today I call this connection "WISDOM OF THE HEART".

10 We no longer need to fear arguments, confrontations or any kind of problems with ourselves or others. Even stars collide, and out of their crashing new worlds are born. Today I know THAT IS "LIFE"!

~ Charlie Chaplin
Poem: AS I BEGAN TO LOVE MYSELF - Charlie Chaplin am 16. April 1959 [Originaltext]
My personal note: This Chaplin poem touched my soul a lot. Everything that I have reflected a lot in the last weeks. As many of you know, I am 50 years old and in October I will be 51, and I see the importance of loving myself, of freeing myself from everything that weighs me down and only pulls me down. I believe that the internal maturity and the years, flooded me with the intense desire to surround myself only with things and people that fill my heart with joy and motivate me to move on. Of course, in the same way, I also want to bring the same motivation and constructive feelings to all the people I contact daily. A big hug to everyone!

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by M Dowling

Vice President Mike Pence told miners and workers in the Iron Range on Friday that President Trump stands with them.

He will continue to protect their jobs, Pence said at a campaign event. President Trump narrowly lost Minnesota in 2016.

Republicans are now the party of the working man.


Six Democrat Mayors in Minnesota Endorse Donald J. Trump for President

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Healing through love by providing free health care

Thought I just would share for those that may be suffering hard times.  A Mission of Mercy - Healing through Love by providing free health care.  The Mission of Mercy provides free medical and dental services through a mobile van to those who have lost insurance and or cannot afford it.  It was originally started in Arizona circa 1990 by Dr. Michael Sullivan and his wife Gianna and has spread to many states over the years.  I have had friends who needed their services due to hard times.  We need more of these around that is for sure especially in this day and age of the economy being purposely wrecked.   I am glad there is one in my area!

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How To Use Nikola Tesla Divine Code 369
to Manifest Anything You Want.

Dear help us by sharing this GREAT info...
SO that others also change their life ...
Than suffering for nothing ... Be Blessed

Let's talk about how to manifest anything you want in 17 seconds and leverage the Nikola Tesla secret divine codes 3,6 and 9.

I was able to manifest over $10,000!
Now let's talk about how exactly you can do it.

A few years ago I came across the work of Nikola Tesla. I learned that this man is a brilliant, brilliant scientist and inventor, and without his invention, our world wouldn't function the way it is today. Also, it is said that he has done some amazing work in the field of time travel.

Nikola Tesla is divinely inspired to unveil the secrets of the universe. I don't know if you have heard of his secret code.

According to Nikola Tesla, numbers three (3), six(6) and nine (9) are divine numbers. These numbers are encoded in our numbers system and they reflect the quality of the divine.

What is the quality of the divine? Indestructible. It is said that a circle has 360 degrees, three plus six is nine (3+6=9) and no matter how many times you divide the circle, you always get the number of either three or six or nine.

I don't want to go into the mathematical details of this, but this idea really fascinates me. I have been asking my spirit guide to show me a way to really leverage these numbers In my day to day manifestation technique. A few months ago I was inspired to create this method. I call it Tesla Code 369 method.

I combined the power of 3,6,9 with Abraham's 17-second rule. According to Abraham, if you focus on a thought for as long as 17 seconds, that thought starts to attract other thoughts and other energy forms to make these thoughts bigger. If you could hold it for 68 seconds, manifestation will begin.

So that is the power of 17 seconds. Interestingly, Seven minus one is six (7-1=6) So you see the divine is always speaking to us. It always depends on whether or not you want to listen to it.

I tested it for 33 days and here are my results.

I set out an intention to manifest some unexpected financial abundance and I was able to manifest over $10,000! Now let's talk about how to do this for yourself in order to get started. Let's go back to Abraham Hicks 17 second rule.

Remember, when you hold a thought for 17 seconds, that thought is going to gain momentum. Actually here we don't need to do something for exactly 17 seconds. You don't really need a timer, but make sure that your thought is going to last longer than 17 seconds. So what I do is I will craft a statement and when I write that statement, that statement should last longer than 17 seconds.

For example, if your goal is to manifest a dream job. Instead of saying " I want to manifest a dream job" , what you want to do is say, "thank you"- Remember, always start with gratitude. "Thank you for this amazing job that brings satisfaction, joy, financial freedom, and love and amazing people into my life."

When you're writing a statement like this, remember I mentioned a lot of feelings States, right? like joy, amazing people, financial freedom, whatever you can associate with this dream job. That's crucial. Often, The Reason why you are having trouble manifesting what you want is that your feeling States are not amplified, So with this statement, your goal is to amplify that positive feeling place by focusing on the essence of what you want.

This is really the starting point of this technique - it's also the start point of any technique. When you are writing it, the writing will take longer than 17 seconds.

So now you have it. Every morning when you get up, you're going to write it three times. And when you're writing, make sure that you focus on the feeling. When you are writing it, imagine yourself, visualize yourself being in your dream job, in your dream relationship. Whatever you are manifesting, you have to get yourself in that being place. Write 3 times.

Now we're leveraging the secret code three. We're using three to initiate this 17-second magic.

Now sometime during the day. I prefer lunchtime. I'll take out my notebook. Again, I'm going to write this statement six times. When you're writing this time, you're going to feel that the energy will be different because you already initiated the energy in the morning. You may think that when you activate a desire and you let go of it, the desire is no longer there. You may think that only when you're consciously focusing on it, it's manifesting. That's far from the truth.

It's very important to get in the feeling place, the positive being essence, feeling place and then get out and completely let go.

And then sometime around lunchtime, It doesn't have to be precise. Sometime during the day you can, when you find a moment, write your statement six times.

This time we're leveraging the secret code six. Remember what you have already initiated in the morning is still working, and now we're amplifying it six times. So you do that six times and you get in the feeling place and after you're done, simply get out and then before bed, this is going to be your last rounds of writing this statement.

You're going to write it nine times again. This time you want to get in the feeling place and then get out. Preferably you do this right before your bedtime. That way you can go into your dream state, going to your sleep state with the positive feeling that you have generated.

If you want, get yourself a notebook and dedicated this notebook to this practice.

So in the morning, you initiate your manifestation with secret code three and sometime during the day you amplify your manifestation by using six and before bed at night, you complete your manifestation using the secret code Nine.

Three, six and nine will be embedded in your manifestation energy This will amplify your power in manifesting your dream life, and make whatever you wish to manifest come to you much faster, much more effective, much more in alignment with the rhythm of the universe.

Remember, every day you are completing a circle of three, six and nine.

I have personally tried this, and this is the most powerful manifestation technique that I have ever tried and I highly, highly recommend that you try it!

If you could do it 33 days, which adds up to six or 45 days, which adds up to a nine, you are going to see your life transform.

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Arcturian Group Message 9/6/20

There will always be some people you dislike which frequently comes as the result of some past life interaction having nothing to do with the present. Other times it is because certain individuals seem totally out of sync with your belief system. Do not judge yourself or them as bad or un-spiritual but rather bring to mind that no one is good or evil in and of themselves since God is the reality of every individual. Know that they are hypnotized and acting out from impersonal false beliefs based in duality and separation regarding themselves and others.

This does not mean you try to be best friends, or ignore what may be troublesome or hurtful actions on their part but rather means that after you remember the truth about them, you then take whatever human footsteps may be required. Being a loving and spiritually empowered person never means being another's doormat, nor does it mean "walking on eggs" in order to keep a false sense of peace. Silently greet every person you meet as the Christ, and send Light to those far or near in the realization that they "know not what they do".

We are the Arcturian Group

Donations are welcomed

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"Iran: "American Soil is Now Within the Range of Iranian Bombs"

by Majid Rafizadeh
September 5, 2020 at 5:00 am

One day after the United Nations Security Council voted in favor of lifting the arms embargo on Iran, for instance, the ruling mullahs unveiled a ballistic missile that reportedly can reach the United States.

The report [by Iran's state-controlled Afkar News] boasted about the damage that the Iranian regime could inflict on the US:

"By sending a military satellite into space, Iran now has shown that it can target all American territory; the Iranian parliament had previously warned [the US] that an electromagnetic nuclear attack on the United States would likely kill 90 percent of Americans."

The report also threatened the EU....,


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"Iran: "American Soil is Now Within the Range of Iranian Bombs"

by Majid Rafizadeh
September 5, 2020 at 5:00 am

One day after the United Nations Security Council voted in favor of lifting the arms embargo on Iran, for instance, the ruling mullahs unveiled a ballistic missile that reportedly can reach the United States.

The report [by Iran's state-controlled Afkar News] boasted about the damage that the Iranian regime could inflict on the US:

"By sending a military satellite into space, Iran now has shown that it can target all American territory; the Iranian parliament had previously warned [the US] that an electromagnetic nuclear attack on the United States would likely kill 90 percent of Americans."

The report also threatened the EU....,


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