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The Collective: Regarding NESARA and Other Changes Excerpt
These are “updates” you might say, that are not only relevant to your own energetic transmissions and evolvement, but relevant to what is occurring on the Earth now, and all around Her. And in various places in the Universe where much is being decided by galactic councils. Some of you sit on those councils, and are meeting nightly with those who are highly instrumental now in furthering the unfolding of NESARA.
So, in reality, on a deep level, you already know what is happening!
You know that more of the perpetrators of the old power structure are being taken off planet, with substitutes (clones, solid holograms, or “look-alikes”) put in their place. These will also be removed in future.
That future is not far away.
It's updated approx. once or twice / month.
For those who are open minded, here you go:
May 21st