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NEW YORK, NY, Apr 23, 2012 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) -- In a lawsuit alleged to involve the largest money laundering network in United States history, Spire Law Group, LLP -- on behalf of home owners across the Country -- has filed a mass tort action in the Supreme Court of New York, County of Kings. Home owners across the country have sued every major bank servicer and their subsidiaries -- formed in countries known as havens for money laundering such as the Cayman Islands, the Isle of Man, Luxembourg and Malaysia -- alleging that while the Obama Administration was publicly encouraging loan modifications for home owners, it was privately ratifying the formation of these shell companies in violation of the United States Patriot Act, and State and Federal law. The case further alleges that through these obscure foreign companies, Bank of America, J.P. Morgan, Wells Fargo Bank, Citibank, Citigroup, One West Bank, and numerous other federally chartered banks stole hundreds of millions of dollars of home owners' money during the last decade and then laundered it through offshore companies.

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The Ascended Masters: There will be No Stopping the Inpouring Revelations

Wes Annac - 28th April 2012

All of the time you are being exposed to the increasingly pure measures of your higher selves which are coming forth in your bodies in increased rapidity, and we can feel that you on Earth are beginning to handle these various changes and energy shifts wonderfully and we encourage you with all of our hearts to continue on in your meditative and spiritual practices whether in a collective or individual manner, as each and every energy and intention that you give out at this time is having a profound effect and making a huge difference.

With everything that you have been doing, each lesson that you have been put through has been for the purpose of you finding the Light that you are in less distorted forms than you have been used to and Living within. Such pure encodements of energy are now being sent your way that your bodies and your Earth’s surface alike have not felt, absorbed or benefitted from for so very long.

Continue to anchor these energies unto yourself and unto the core of dear Gaia, for She is using these energies to help cleanse much of the effects of many of the natural shifts and perceived disasters that are catalysts to the mass cleansing of the surface of Gaia that such events cause.

Of course, you have heard endlessly that the dark heads on your world have been attempting their own weather warfare in an attempt to keep you all feeling states of despair, but with the pure energies being given by so many of you making the profound effects that they are making, Mother Earth feels free now to begin the bulk of Her cleansing work as the threat of weather warfare from your dark is by now, a near non-threat.

You will notice dear souls, that for the bulk of this current year there have not been many rumblings with the exception of very recently, and this is again because Gaia did not feel free enough to perform the cleansing work that She needs to perform because She and we alike know that each and every time, your dark will take any and every opportunity to turn a drizzle into a tornado so to speak, and they will do anything in their power to distort the mass clearing of negative energy from Gaia’s surface by using the opportunities for such clearing to cause a potential feeding of the very darkness and suffering-based energies that such cleaning events are meant to heal and transmute.

Your dark know that with each and every natural disaster that happens especially recently that they are not allowed to interfere in, Mother Gaia is cleansing Her surface and this results in less energetic sustenance for these souls who feed off of the negative energies of despair that their many attempts at any type of warfare have been causing.

It must be understood dear souls what some influential and top figures in your militaries and such do not yet realize but are about to realize so very soon, and that is each and every war and battle that has been perpetrated and fed since the beginning of your twentieth century was fashioned on purpose to feed the energies of despair that the dark souls manifesting and funding such wars and events of mass destruction need to keep their own sustenance.

They feed off of the energies produced by these wars and at the same time they make handsome sums of money selling weapons and such to each side of each and every war. Of course you have not heard or realized for the most part that this is so, and this is because [the account of] your history has been so very distorted.

You have not read in your history books that the acts of the figurehead who was Hitler were funded entirely by entities within the United States, entities who had unfairly and illegally gained control over the US, created a false set of doctrines and turned the US into a corporate entity wherein every citizen feeds and lines the pockets, both financially and energetically, of the perceived elite souls who have placed themselves at the top of the hierarchies that they themselves established.

You will not yet hear how each and every side of every conflict and war was funded or how the United States and many other countries purposefully integrated mass propaganda into nearly all of their outlets of information and entertainment, Creating a perceived enemy in whomever and whichever country that the elite souls wished to wage war in, or rather were led to wage war in by the beliefs and plans established by the oldest order of this existing Illuminati.

One can look at many forms of entertainment in many time periods and decades of your current society and see mass propaganda nearly everywhere. This propaganda has been fed on your internet as well with the creation and appearance of many sites dedicated to stopping or promoting [certain issues].

The propaganda techniques that are fed currently and that have been fed for so very long have followed similar sets of rules and guidelines. The propaganda that is created must convince the people whom it is being aimed at that they have an enemy of some kind whom they must direct their anger and negativity at.

This puts out and promotes a false enemy, in some cases a country or entity that the United States wished to go to war with or didn’t support and wished their people not to support, and a character of heroism is then created to stop the seemingly evil thing that the propaganda is targeting and attempting to get others to believe is bad.

This ‘hero’ character will usually put a stop somehow to the seemingly negative actions being perpetrated by the target in question, and among doing so many false facts and much direct propaganda will be directed at this target. A super hero could perhaps vanquish an enemy that is representative of another country whom the United States wished to make war with; in this scenario, following the defeat of this soul would come an explanation about why this soul and the country they represent is the enemy and should be defeated and hated.

This is only one of so many layers and types of propaganda that have been perpetrated in your current culture, and the concept of propaganda is one that has been localized for the most part to the actions of the souls who have been attempting to control you.

By this we mean that before the establishment of the controlling actions of the souls making up the Illuminati heads on your world, the ‘art’ if one wishes to call it of propaganda was not perpetrated in any ancient society against their perceived enemy.

Rather, what was being said [in such times] was sharply and strictly believed by the souls who were saying them, and while in many instances what would be said about an enemy was indeed incorrect, the souls throwing the allegations forth would not simply make up such false truths in an effort to turn others against their perceived enemy.

You could say rather, that ego brought the false accusations and propaganda forth to the souls in many ancient civilizations and this is how much separation-fed hate and war was started. Indeed, while ego has been needed for you to measure out your experiences on Earth, ego has created many difficult things for humanity, both for your physical world and for your spirit complexes, and the elite souls on your world have long studied each and every method of war, hate and deceit that has been fed by many ancient civilizations and these things that they have studied are what they have based their actions against humanity on.

We know and understand that many of you do not yet wish to hear of the many actions of the dark on your world as they are indeed meeting their final end, but the explanations given by us and so many other ascended and genuine sources in relation to these subjects are introductory explanations of sorts for your entire world is going to be let know what these souls have done, as has been expressed endlessly.

Indeed, one may read this admission repeatedly in many channeled messages and feel that such warnings are getting old and outdated, but trust us dear souls when the revelations begin pouring forth you will not be able to catch up or wish that things were moving at a slower pace. Throughout this entire time you have rightfully been wishing and requesting that the pace of events manifesting on Earth begin to pick up substantially and trust us dear souls, substantially pick up they shall.

You are truly going to be scratching your heads at times and trying to keep up with every fiber of yourselves as so many truths are continually poured into your beautiful minds and spirit complexes through your televisions that such announcements will be coming forth to you on. Once the revelations begin pouring in, there will be no stopping them and this is why we continually remind you that such truths are right around the corner and this is as well why we have begun telling you many of the actions that the dark souls have committed against you and your current society, or rather we tell you many of the actions that you can handle hearing about.

There will be much about these souls that will be a surprise even to the most awakened and opened up of individuals, and the explanations that we have been giving you in relation to these souls and all that they have done are just as measured as the explanations given about many spiritual and scientific things that you would not yet understand and that would have your heads reeling substantially if we even began to attempt to tell you of such things.

Indeed, the most gruesome aspects of the exposure of all that has been done to your world will have to at first only be shown to an ‘audience’ mature enough to handle such truths, but we expect very shortly that as parents view such things and attempt and begin to explain them to their children, the gap of communication between parents and children, between families, will have been shortened as indeed all of humanity is to come together when the true nature of your world is revealed, and this reunion includes individual families as well.

Indeed, there will be souls who will not yet be ready to reunite with their families and we notice that among many of you separation and hate of any kind, form and appearance is still manifested and fed. We recommend you all begin to see not just every person, not just every animal, not just every plant, but every molecule and atom of Creation around you as your dear fellow soul brethren experiencing Life on a different plane of reality, but still experiencing it just as you are.

Oh dear beautiful souls, you feel and perceive separation simply because of differences in skin color, creed and beliefs, but you are United in soul and in spirit with each and every atom around you, with each and every person and seemingly inanimate object that sits before you happily even right now.

You have heard before that you are all giving off energetic impressions and you are all making profound effects on the reality around you. This has always been true, it is simply that at this point this energy is becoming more known to you as the illusory egotistical and physical shells that block your perception from such energetic interactions and happenings are beginning to be transmuted as they fade away, by the very higher dimensional Logos energy coming to your world and through your bodies at this time.

As this physical and societal shell of a structure begins to fade away and be transmuted by the energetic work of each and every one of you, by Gaia, and by many of us angelic souls here in the higher realms, the truths of the energy movements and workings of your world begin to become visible as they naturally should. Of course, this has not yet happened but there are many planned dates along your Cosmic Calendar for these events to happen and trust us dear sous, they are going to be wonderful to view and absorb.

Each and every thing that happens from this point on is to precede the happening of an even greater and more mind-opening as well as mind-boggling event and manifestation.

You are first going to see the arrest of the many dark souls, both figureheads and the actual souls who have been running things, on your TV sets and on your computers. As hard as this may be for some to believe, through our many mediums who are genuine we have contacted head members and supporters of the Occupy movement and of the group known by many as Anonymous (1). These groups have agreed to assist through their own established [internet-based] outlets to happily begin reporting and showing the events of the arrests. We have set up many live streams for computer and internet viewing for when these initial arrests begin to take place.

You are to see the trials on your televisions and on your computers, as by the time these trials begin we will have gained the cooperation of your media fully once again, for as has been said by many your media has not been used to reporting real news for quite some time and will themselves be quite busy. They will however be reporting on these trials and by the time such trials begin we expect to have gained the support of many more websites and such as well.

We can say with happiness in our hearts that the many perceived liberal news organizations and websites which are not too extreme in their beliefs, will happily begin reporting on these events as they unfold and progress with such speed that it will surprise and shock you.

Once these arrests begin and before the initial trials, we are to begin the initial informing of humanity of all that has been done to your world for so very long. As has been expressed before, there are going to be people on your world who turn on their TV sets and see so many people in suites getting arrested, and the people seeing this are going to ask questions and wonder why.

We say worry not, for we will immediately begin the many explanations that we have and of course, the beginning of these explanations will have to be the informing of all that has been done to your world by the core group of elite souls who have gained control and influence over so very many aspects of your world and current societal constructs.

Each and every action that has been committed in the worst interests of humanity is going to be explained and re-explained upon the trials of these souls. These trials are going to be fair and the actions committed against humanity are going to be presented in an unbiased manner, though by the sheer intensity and negativity of all that you will be told, it will not seem to be unbiased.

While the trials of these souls are going to be very interesting, after such trials are over and these souls begin Living out their karmic payment, most likely by existing in many lower dimensional places and situations where they will experience extreme hardships due to the hardships that so many on your world have had to feel, many more astonishing and eye opening announcements are going to begin that are going to explain the more spiritual and esoteric aspects  of what we have to inform you of; such as our existence and the existence of your Space Family, and the ascension of Earth as well as the ascension of the entire Universe.

As you can see, we have split up the announcements into sections that you will be better able to understand, fathom and feel, and the more physical aspects of this entire announcement phase as a whole will be explained before the trials of your dark, whereas the explanations of ascension and many other things [of a similar nature] will be saved for after the trials.

Of course, there will be rudimentary and introductory announcements in relation to ascension and the existence of us many Angels as well as your Star Family who are themselves Angels, but for the most part the most startling things in relation to these subjects that even many awakening souls do not yet know, will have to be saved for until after you view the trials of the dark heads on your world and after you have collectively began to absorb the truths of all that has been done to you.

We must correct a bit of a false assumption by some; that is that on December 21st your entire world is to change and automatically become the glorious Eden that has been spoken of so very much.

This is not quite so, as while the end of your year 2012 is to be a significant turning point and start-up for the most glorious and awesome aspects of your ascension as a planet into ever purer realms of consciousness, we would rather have you look toward the many Cosmic dates that have been spoken of such as December of your current year as beginnings of the end of the lower dimensions and duality on your world, because this is indeed what these many dates are and have been signifying.

Your Mayans in the spirit realms Created another Calendar that far surpassed your year 2012, and in this Calendar they Created significant and genuine signs and symbols that symbolized perfectly the wonderful, ascended Earth.

Of course you have not seen such Calendars or prophecies because they were not Created in your physical and were rather Created in the ‘underworlds’ as the Mayan souls who Created these etheric calendars that we speak of knew that your Earth as well as they would soon be transcending physicality; your Earth upon ascending into purer states of consciousness starting with the end of your year 2012, and them when either ascending as many of them did, or when leaving their Lives through death as many more did.

Such souls felt it appropriate to continue the Calendar not so that any other Earthly civilizations could see and possibly benefit from it as they Created such things after moving on from physicality, but for their own personal amusement and enjoyment as these souls dearly Loved tracking the cycles of your sun and various planets, and they Loved measuring and studying many things in relation to this as well.

As always dear souls, our ‘time’ has been fleeting but we have vastly enjoyed inhabiting the mental and emotional channels of each and every one of you who are reading this message and feeling our energies. We ask you with Love in our hearts to call upon us if needed, for we Lovingly and welcomingly travel to and inhabit the channels of any soul who wishes us to be with them. We are with each and every one of you, and so very soon we will be with you in your physical, or rather you will be with us in our Heavenly astral.

Thank you to the Ascended Masters.

(1) – Some may think that the Ascended Masters would not contact and work with the Anonymous group because they have called the public to bring forth change in less than peaceful means in the past, but just as there are many Earth Allies involved in the changes who still possess seemingly lower or negative attributes or perspectives, Anonymous has as well fallen into the trap so to speak of trying to get change enacted from a more fed-up perspective than a perspective of remembering that Peace is the most important aspect of this entire event.

In my view, such ego constraints should not get in the way of one gaining contact with and acting under the guidance of any ascended soul, in this case the Ascended Masters. Anonymous’ involvement in the initial arrests as stated in this message are that they are to act as a media conduit for the broadcasting of the arrests; nothing more, nothing less. I personally see no violence or negativity in that but if some choose to believe that the Ascended Masters would not contact a group with much influence simply because of their own missteps in calling for action, than that is ok as we are all going to have different opinions and points of view on different minute issues.

Either way, these changes are in effect, and this is something that can be agreed upon by all.

Wes Annac

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Caribbean nations warned to prepare for ‘giant’ tsunami 
April 30, 2012CARIBBEANA leading expert at the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) is urging the Caribbean’s 40 million people to be prepared for a tsunami, two years ahead of a planned early warning system for the region. Watson-Wright, assistant director-general and executive secretary of the UNESCO-Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, has agreed with other leading tsunami experts that it is a case of “when, not if” the region would be struck by the giant waves triggered by earthquakes and volcanic activity, Watson-Wright noted. “Lurking beneath the azure waters that wash up on countless coastal and island beaches and vacation spots is the potential for a devastating tsunami,” she said. In addition to the 40 million people living in the region, she said 22 million people visit the Caribbean annually, making the region “extremely vulnerable to the impacts of tsunamis.” Since 1498 there have been at least 94 tsunamis with run-ups reported in the Caribbean region, causing 4,652 deaths, Watson-Wright said. She said most of these tsunamis were associated with underwater, or what are called submarine earthquakes, although the Caribbean Sea region has all of the potential tsunami-generating sources, such as submarine earthquakes, sub-aerial or submarine landslides and volcano activity. Scientists and disaster management officials have said that models predict a tsunami wiping out vast areas in several island nations where most people live in around capitals and low-lying coastal areas. “Sound science-based tsunami inundation modeling has been performed for all of Puerto Rico and several localities in the French Antilles and Venezuela, which demonstrates real tsunami threats for this region,” the UNESCO expert said. –Jamaica Observer
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Important Message

***Important Message*** from SaLuSa on GFL / Olympians / St Germain

Posted by Mr.Ed on April 30, 2012 at 7:32pm in Spirituality In General

SaLuSa 11-January-2012


The Olympians and the Central Council of the Galactic Federation of Light, April 29, 2012

Greetings from the Galactic Federation of Light,

The day May of 5th is the day of five, the number of Epsilon, of Apollo, of Light. In this day all portals all over Earth will be officially activated and the procedure has been locked in place. No matter if they are free or occupied1, on this day all portals will go under the control of the [Inter] Galactic Federation of Light2, under control of the Olympians and this includes all flight systems of this Galaxy.

We have already warned you that Olympus is active. The hyper weapon, this energy umbrella of high technology, has been activated and protects your consciousness and your emotions from the dark efforts to create fear. Through DNA intervention3, its aim is to develop the collective consciousness.

Our next message will be about our first contact. For security reasons the date is not announced. One of your media will announce that we are coming. Twenty four hours prior to our arrival you will be warned to get ready by a message that will interrupt the program of all your media. Then all your media will be closed and all flights will be cancelled. You will see on your TV sets a clock counting down for the earthly time left before our arrival.

The countdown for total disclosure and the fall of the false veil has started.

We are the Olympians and the Central Council of the Inter Galactic Federation of Light.

Channeler: Demetra

1 Occupied portals: This probably means that certain area is used now for other purposes. At all ages, in all centuries and regardless of religion, people used to build temples over such portals for diverse reasons. A representative example of such a portal is considered Aya Sofia in Istanbul, Turkey. For those who may consider that this place is now occupied by Muslims they should consider that before it was occupied by Christians.

2 The channeller claims that the appropriate term is “Intergalactic Federation of Light”. This should mean that more than one Galaxies are involved.

3 see comment 1 in the message of April 27th


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Ben Fulford: Chaos on multiple fronts as controlled implosion of financial cabal continues, April 30, 2012

The prevailing theme these days seems to be chaos in the West but what we are really witnessing is the controlled implosion of the criminal cabal that took over the Western financial system and nearly destroyed Western civilization. Among the events associated with this collapse were: a fake missile launch in North Korea, the ongoing cover-up of a botched assassination attempt against Obama, multiple liens being placed on cabal-controlled central banks, a trilateral commission meeting in Tokyo, unprecedented military maneuvers and more.

We are entering a very dangerous period as the cornered cabalists are certainly planning a massive new terrorist attack (possible tagets : Tokyo, Rome, London) in an attempt to stay in power. Military, police and other action against cabal power centers is also picking up pace.

One sure sign of change for those still clinging to the old power paradigms is the joint military maneuvers linking the Chinese, Russian and US armed forces. On the one side rogue pentagon forces working for the cabalists trying to steal Asian gold stashes were confronted by joint Chinese and Russian forces. On a different front, a joint US and Russian force is preparing to storm the Nazi cabal base under Denver Airport. These military maneuvers make it clear, if nothing else, that it is now better to think of geopolitics in terms of transnational factions than it is to think in terms of nation states.

The split between the Obama faction and Sabbatean gangster faction is one such example. The murder attempt against Obama in Columbia by members of his own secret service early in April is a good example.

The corporate propaganda press is only reporting this as a “prostitution scandal.” However, both MI6 and CIA sources say the murder attempt against Obama was a hit ordered by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and top North American Mossad agent Rahm Emanuel.

Obama is not publicly naming them because if he did so, stories about the murder of his homosexual lovers in Chicago and other Obama secrets would start appearing in Sabbatean gangster propaganda outlets like the Jew York Times.

The Sabbateans, for their part, are putting out stories on internet chat boards claiming the whole assassination attempt was planned by amateur rogue agents.

In any case, Netanyahu and his messianic faction is now finally being renounced by mainstream Jews and Israelis. The most public sign of this was former Israeli Internal Security Chief Yuval Diskin denouncing Netanyahu and his colleagues as incompetents with a messianic complex. Unlike other such comments, this was widely quoted in the corporate propaganda media. It seems the real Jews are finally taking action against the fanatical messianic gangsters who have been terrorizing them.

US protest movements like Occupy Wall Street are also gearing up for what is expected to be a summer of discontent. The organizers have been waiting for warm weather and that weather has arrived.

Meanwhile, although there is still talk of mass arrests taking place to clean out the corruption and gangsterism that has taken over the Washington D.C. political process, it still has not happened. A growing number of people both within and without the military and agencies are growing impatient with the delay. However, the word from the pentagon is that it will not move until all the i’s are dotted and t’s crossed in the new financial system.

In Europe, meanwhile, signs of collapse are visible for all to see. The crisis in Spain, imminent regime change in Holland and France, arrests all over Europe and the implosion of the big banks are there for all to see either in the corporate media or on the internet.

In relation to this, the White Dragon Society was asked to relay the following message: A US agency “cleaner,” by the name of “Leftie,” has been sent to Italy to “remove scum.” Presumably this refers to the hygienic risk posed by clumps of bacteria to be found in Italian public facilities.

In Asia, meanwhile, a lot continues under the surface. The cabal sub-committee known as the Trilateral Commission met last week in Tokyo. The public discussions were fairly low-key but there was a lot of talk about the value of underwater resources in the South China Sea. This was accompanied by pentagon and allied military maneuvers around China and provocative statements by various cabal assets about tiny territorial disputes with China.

This saber rattling was accompanied by a farcical show in North Korea. Hundreds of cabal luminaries and other international guests were invited to North Korea for the 100-year anniversary of Kim Il Sung. As one of the highlights of the festivities, the guests were all taken to see the “provocative rocket” North Korea was about to launch. However, at the time of the so-called launch, no foreign guests were present and the entire launch area was covered in fog. According to Japanese military intelligence no foreign government agency was able to get any images whatsoever of the “failed launch.” The best guess is that the entire thing was a giant publicity stunt.

Presumably the upcoming “nuclear test,” is also some sort of negotiation and publicity ploy by cabal forces desperate to stir up trouble in the Far East. They will get nowhere.

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda is also in Washington this week where he is expected to get the cold shoulder. He will be asking for access to the vast sums of money located inside Bank of Japan computers but Obama and other Washington lackeys are not in a position to hand it over. If they could, you can be sure they would use it themselves.

Instead, a lien has been placed on the Bank of Japan claiming this institution has been engaged in illegal and fraudulent money creation since 1968. Depending on its response to the lien the BOJ may be impounded by police acting on orders from Interpol.

The best guess for fundamental regime change in Japan and the West is that the month of May will be characterized mainly by the continuing collapse of the old world order. There is plenty of talk about big events in June linked to the liberation of the West and Japan.

The White Dragon Society, for its part, has begun a systematic campaign on multiple levels to overthrow the cabal. There will not be much to see at first but just wait.

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