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Asteroid or glitch? Strange glowing rock believed to be in our solar system?

June 6, 2012SPACEA user has found a ‘huge asteroid’ while scanning the virtual heavens using Googly Sky. Youtube user planetkrejci, who has investigated other anomalies on NASA pictures, claims the object – found using the Google website which transports the heavens to desktop computers and smartphones – is an asteroid which is heading towards Earth. He says the asteroid – which, if real, has not been spotted by other scientists or astronomers – has only appeared recently on Google Sky, which receives updated images every few months. Announcing his find on YouTube, he says the black object, mottled with green spots, is so clear that it must be within the solar system. The user had been exploring the region a few months earlier, and had ‘bookmarked’ a spot just to the left of the asteroid – so he is certain the object was not there previously. One thing that planekrejci does not substantiate is his claim that the object is moving towards the Earth, as it is not apparent how this calculation could be obtained without more information than the image provides. However, if planetkrejci has found a new object, it will be quite an achievement for an earth-bound Internet user to discover a new object in our solar system before NASA or other observatories. The object is easy to find on Google Sky, by typing in the co-ordinates 5h 11m 33.74s -12 50′ 30.09″ – although conspiracy theorists might read something into the fact that the search function on Google Sky is currently down. –Daily Mail


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No official word from NASA yet on this Youtuber’s findings. We’ll keep you posted…
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The Delusions of John Kettler: the Cabal’s Tokyo Rose

by Former White Hat

There is fellow in California that claims his ET/ED (extraterrestrial/dimensional) buddies have informed him I am a government disinfo agent. Hmm, right there this shows me this fellow is full of it and being duped. If his alien pals are so knowledgable, why can’t they tell him my true identity and whereabouts? The same with you so-called psychics out there who think you have unmasked me: tell me my true name, my former rank, and what country I am in and let’s see how truly psychic you are. Since I have what we shall call “a cloaking device” that prevents any psychic or alien triangulation on me, I can tell you right now, anyone who says they know who I am is either lying or being duped.

But here is the 411 on John Kettler:

His father had some rather dubious ties to the military Cabal. Young Kettler exhibited certain talents and was originally slated for Project Green Sprout (an early version of Monarch) but a better use for him became apparent: he was a match for a host body for the soul of John von Neumann, the first director of Project Rainbow and Montauk.

Von Neumann was reported having died in 1958 but was actually given a new identity. He was ill and near death in 1963. Young Kettler was sent to Montauk where they had the technology to transfer souls from one body to another, a little bit of nifty tech given to them by the the Orion greys, who use manufactured bodies for their souls — think of the grey alien bodies as diving suits and our reality as the ocean.  The same tech was used on Montauk agent Ed Cameron, his soul placed into the body of  child known as Al Beilick. This is a method of government-made reincarnation.

It was hoped that von Neumann would be of further government use with his new body, but they found that, like reincanation, the soul would lose memory of its prior self once in a new body. Howver, Kettler did exhibit some talents despite his lack of a formal degree and training, and he went into military defense research and analysis.  He worked heavily on the cloning research done at the Univ of Calif San Diego, later Camp David, and Montauk’s Project Looking Glass.  After some rather nasty incidents when things went wrong during the reverse engineering attempts on an ancient Vimana vessel found in Turkey, killing a dozen scientists,  Kettler’s mind was wiped, different memories of dull defense research were put in…an unfortunate side effect was that Kettler began hearing voices in his head.

This was put to use: send Kettler on a disinformation project concerning Panama and see how fhat worked. It went well and Kettler was then used as an unwitting and unknowing disinfo agent. The Cabal made him beleive he was in contact with aliens who gave him bogus info to spread on the internet. The voices in his head are really just some CIA guys beaming it all into Kettler’s mind, these guys sit around with a six-pack of Dos Equiis (“stay thirsty, my mind-controlled friend”) from a transmitting station in Tijuana and make bets on what they will tell Kettler next.

You see, the Cabal wants people to think there is the vast fleet of benevolent ETs out in space battling the evil reptoids and grays and winning, that sun flares are destroying Cabal ships and whatnot. They want us to believe the good guys are winning in space and even on earth so that we will relax, let our guard down, go weak. Think of Kettler as a modern day Toyko Rose, sending out false info not on the air waves but online.

The horrible truth is, the good guys are not winning in space. Oh there are battles up there, but it is a stalemate. Yes, the white hats have been able to destroy some reptilian bases on earth, with the help of the Andromeda Council, but the space battle is not faring so well.  The “bad guys” have better tech and the true benevolent beings are more watching than acting…we don’t even know if they will help us if we start losing. We could make great use of their superior technology and weapons but they are limited in what they can do, unless nukes come into play and the earth could be greatly damaged, which would have galactic repercussions.

Think about it: if the good aliens were winning like Kettler and Tolec want us to believe, why is the Cabal still in power, why is Obama’s plan for war in Iran still going, why are the Cabal bankers still manipulating the concept of wealth, why are children still being abducted, eaten and raped by the reptilians, and why are mind-controlled soldiers still being activated for evil?

The fight is still going on and strong. The White Hats have been compromised and many have been turned to the Cabal. But the Brethren of the White Robe, the Knights of the Silver Sword, the uncompromised White Hats, the White Dragon Society, the Abecedarians, the Light Brigade and many others who fight the Cabal are determined to rid this planet of all negative beings, human and otherwise.

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Ben Fulford June 5, 2012

Cabal begins peace negotiations, detailed discussions begin

June 5, 2012

The cabal that illegally seized power in the Western world and attempted to set up a fascist world dictatorship known as the New World Order is trying to negotiate a peaceful transition to a saner planet. Although there is much we cannot discuss in order not to endanger ongoing negotiations, the talks are focusing on how to smoothly carry out a transition away from fossil fuels and nuclear energy and how to arrange a harmonious rapport between East, West, North and South.
It is not clear, however, if the families that own the US Federal Reserve Board are acting too late and offering too little to prevent a revolution against their secret government. It is also worth mentioning that the Bilderberger meeting that just ended has turned into a media distraction to draw attention away from the real secret meetings that are taking place, like the one planned for June 21st.

The June 21st meeting is due to take place at the Kimball Castle in Colorado and will consist of people like the Bushes who give orders to the flunkies attending the Bilderberger meetings. Previous gatherings there have featured human sacrifice. The following site has good information about this.

The White Dragon Society is also now compiling specific, detailed evidence of human sacrifice and Satanic murder and abuse from victims who are bravely coming out a great personal risk. Message to George Bush Junior: "If you are lucky, you will spend the rest of your life in jail."

The Pentagon and US agency white hats are not feeling as forgiving as the White Dragon Society and it is becoming increasingly likely the 1 million Satanist controllers in the West will have to face justice.

The Situation in Europe is also looking grim for the Satanists. In a recent report we noted that a "US agency `cleaner' by the name of `leftie' was going to Italy to `remove scum.'" Well it is interesting to note that immediately after the P2 fascist lodge was informed of this, the Italian government assigned 20,000 police officers to guard 550 individuals. We would like to thank the Italian government for self-identifying people they considered to be "scum."

We would also like to point out that any agency sending a "cleaner" must be a cleaning agency and that the "scum" they were after was the variety that grows between bathroom tiles and around toilet bowls. It would be nice, though, for the Italian authorities to question their self-defined "scum" about their knowledge of the 311 nuclear and tsunami terror attack against Japan.

As far as the Euro is concerned, people need to understand they are dealing with extremely sophisticated and intelligent secret groups who plan events decades or even centuries in advance. It is looking increasingly likely that designing the European Parliament building to look like the tower of Babel was deliberate.

In other words, the blueprint for a unified currency was designed to fail right from the start because, if you recall, humanity split off into many separate factions after the collapse of the tower of Babel. The countries like Greece, Spain, Italy and Ireland that are having their real assets seized by bankers need to note this.

In the US, meanwhile, a critical intellectual mass has been reached and events like the arrest of the Ron Paul majority representatives at the Louisiana Republican convention are becoming impossible to cover up.

The Pentagon and the agencies are just making sure they will continue to be funded by the international community before they let a new legitimate government ease US tax-payers defense burdens.

This brings us to the ongoing negotiations in Asia. One of the stumbling blocks to a resolution is the fact that the Federal Reserve Board issued thousands of trillions or even quadrillions of dollars to Asian gold owners in exchange for use of their gold. The Asian owners think they have umpteen trillions when in fact world GDP is only about $75 trillion.

Up until now, the Fed's response to attempts to cash legitimate, but impossibly large denomination bonds, has been to kill the people trying to cash them. The most radical example of them doing such a thing was the 911 terror attacks designed to stave off the return of gold shipped from China in 1938.

The Feds are also saying they actually did not get delivery of a lot of the gold they gave bonds for so they are not obliged to pay back all the gold the Asians say they owe. They also say that it is physically impossible for them to pay everything they owe. In other words, they are declaring force majeure and bankruptcy but refuse to leave the premises.

The White Dragon Society is proposing to cut this Gordian knot by offering a new 50/50 split between East and West for all new projects carried out around the world. There is also a need for a jubilee and universal debt write-off.

This would break the deadlock at the top of the financial system and free unlimited funds for spending on mutually agreed upon projects.

The big question that will be examined in negotiations this week is what to do about free energy technology. If done properly, the new technology can be introduced in a way that would lead to a golden age of universal abundance and freedom. If done in the wrong way, it would lead to chaos and warfare with people owning back-yard nuclear weapons.

The White Dragon Society is proposing a step by step introduction designed not to cause social disruption and chaos. This would mean large energy corporations would be given protection in certain areas until they were able to manage the transition away from using hydrocarbons as an energy source. These corporations are capable of carrying out huge projects with multinational staff and would be ideally placed to do things like turn deserts green, build underwater cities and create new eco-systems. They would be given the job of putting the spark of life back into the fossils they got their fuel from.

Detailed, concrete negotiations at setting up a pilot project are now underway.

The White Dragon Society has also told the US government they need to set up a new currency to replace the US dollar and devalue it relative to the internationally traded US dollar. The only other way to make the real US economy competitive again is to wait for US living standards to fall the Chinese and Indian levels.

In Japan meanwhile, the Japanese stock market is plunging because all the carpet baggers and "hedge funds" who illegally took ownership of a large percentage of Japan's listed companies are dumping their shares and fleeing the market before they get confiscated by the new government. Japanese shares are now a rare bargain.

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This one talks about earth and moon changes....

9 Ahau, 13 Pax, 8 Manik

Selamat Balik! We return! A great deal is happening! What now remains to be done is some internal paperwork resulting from several important legal issues that are close to being resolved. What is essential is that our Earth allies complete these tasks and obtain the final legal judgments as this is what is temporarily slowing down the recent thrust toward the changes that we all long for. The dark cabal has been using our legal schedules to convoke a number of 'conferences' to once more examine your many global crises for ways to perpetrate more of their skullduggery. Our defense forces have been put on alert and are monitoring your global flash points to ensure that nothing serious erupts. On another front, we have been busy with last-minute discussions between the personnel of your new governments and our liaison teams. It is vital that a good rapport be maintained between us as the first announcements will be accompanied by a flurry of vital activity which must proceed rapidly and with no unforeseen hitches. We will make sure of this, which is why we have teams working closely with your new governments.

Our fleet is assigned to watch Gaia and to ask her Spiritual Hierarchy about what is needed, from moment to moment, to keep her relatively stable, because the ongoing rape of her resources destabilizes the interdependence of her many systems. The continuous attack on the planet by your multinational corporations disturbs the uneasy balance we have established, which is why we constantly need to rectify the new damage. This situation will persist until the world's governments are forced to change the laws allowing this depredation to continue. On another front, we have put the dark cabal on notice that the sites of their trials have been changed, and they will be advised of the new sites shortly after the mass arrests are complete. We have discovered that a particular group is planning to disrupt these court proceedings, and so these individuals will be detained before the hearings get underway. Those who support the would-be disruptors seem to think that such unwarranted activities are somehow going to save them, but this is not the case.

In the meantime, Gaia is slowly setting the stage for her massive makeover. Our planetary scientists are noticing a large increase in anomalies occurring across your planet, which is Gaia's way of preparing for her swift rise into the fifth dimension. The sheer quantity of these anomalies jumps out at us as they proliferate across the world; she is very serious about this shift as she longs to reunite her inner and surface worlds. Preparations for the shift are also seriously affecting your Moon whose wobble is getting much more pronounced, making the lunar orbit most unconventional as it reacts to the eccentricities of Gaia's changing gravitational pull. Another anomaly is the clusters of large rock fragments trailing behind or just in front of the Moon at various points in his orbit. These are the foregatherings of the materials that will be used to create your future two-moon system and are a typical example of the immense and 'perplexing' changes happening throughout your solar system.

Your entire solar system is undergoing crucial alterations in preparation for your new 5-D reality. Many groups of Elohim are engaged in removing the old grids and setting up the preliminaries for your new reality, and we daily watch them working with your local Time Lords to make ready for your primary timeline. This new timeline will usher in an age of full consciousness and a sacred return of your presence to the Main Council of the Galactic Federation of Light. Your appearance is to seal the Galactic Peace and permit you to be part of the grand return to the Light of this section of physicality. This, in turn, will herald the next unfolding of the divine plan. We are proud of what you are doing to make all these events manifest as rapidly as divinely possible. We have prepared your Light chambers with joy and with Love for all. The time quickly approaches for a series of awesome announcements which, at a stroke, will alter your world forever.

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters!  We arrive on this day with good cheer, bringing interesting news for you. Presently, those working under our advisement are preparing to set the dates for the completion of their assigned tasks. Accordingly, our Agarthan friends are coordinating with these associates to firm up the schedule for the mass arrests and the many announcements that will follow. Galactic Federation liaison teams are keeping their fleets apprised, moment by moment, of the rapidly developing scenario. These are indeed blessed and exciting times for this reality! You are about to embark on an adventure that will liberate you from your cruel worldly masters and give you the Heaven-sent opportunity to be restored to the divine consciousness that was so callously snatched from you 13 millennia ago. We are here, blessed Ones, to assist you and lead you back to the elation of full consciousness.

We are approaching the lockdown stage for the removal of the dark cabal. Arrests will be made shortly across the board and will include: Presidents, Prime Ministers, government cabinet members, judges in the court system, members of national legislatures, as well as heads and officers of major banks and multinational corporations. Ranking members of the dark cabal's ruling bodies will be detained as well. This is being done to isolate these ones from the institutions through which rule your world, and all of them will face various forms of penance. The different types of sentencing are to be uniquely adjudicated by specially prepared common-law magistrates who fully understand the legal implications of the trials they are to preside over.

The process of isolating 'special interests' from government will be a major occupation of the caretaker governments. This is a period in your history which will sever your global society from all that has gone before it. Seemingly overnight you will no longer be chattel subject to the whims of the cabal; you will be free and sovereign individuals. A huge amount of information will be presented to you by those who are to head up your new governments for the next 8 to 9 months. We suggest that you diligently pay heed to this information as it forms the basis for what is to transpire over the next 6 to 9 months. Included in this time span is the coming of us, your Ascended Masters. We will manifest among you in order to reacquaint you with a range of spiritual knowledge which may at first take you aback, but which will eventually lift you up and pave the way for your spiritual rebirth. Verily, humanity is about to revel in a most blessed moment!

Today, we resumed our weekly appointments with you to keep you informed of what is taking place on your world. Gaia is preparing in every way for her glorious ascension into the fifth dimension. Likewise, Heaven is preparing each of you for your ascension, and with it, a return to full consciousness. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

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Maybe you have followed Bob, on the Alex Jones show or the Power Hour with Joyce Riley. For many he was foremost in bringing us light on what is going on in the financial world as it really is, he being a former stock broker and had an intimate knowledge of how the Elite are controlling the financial world. He was publisher of of a monthly news letter 'International Foercaster'  read by thousands, , though I have never read it myself.

he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and went downhill very quickly in the past few weeks, I could tell listening to him, he was not his former self. So, he has finally passed to that great realm of peace and love and is on step closer to Eternity. He will be missed, his words of wisdom no longer carried by their mellow tones over the Internet. I send my own prayers and thoughts to his family and pray he is even now into the Light.

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From an email...

This is absolutely a thing of beauty and what we've been waiting for. Glenn Beck obviously is in the know as to where this world economy is headed. He states it clearly in detail.

Now WE know that a new equity based financial system is tested and waiting to replace the old debt one and it's bleak bleak bleak scene to take place.  Beck doesn't seem to have a clue about that of course here.


It's the end of the world as we know it…and Glenn finally isn't the only one saying it! Raoul Paul, who previously co-managed the GLG Global Macro Fund and is a Goldman Sachs alum, has a pretty bleak prediction for what is coming to Europe and the rest of the world. What does he think is coming? The worst economic shock the world has ever seen and, even worse, there's nothing we can do to stop it!

"The world has no engine of growth with most of the G-20 countries approaching stall speed at the same time. Now, what is that? G-20, that's the 20 biggest countries in the world. Approaching stall speed. We have no engine of growth. Ask yourself this question: What is the engine of growth in the United States? Currently it is being set up that the engine of growth is the stimulus package, is the United States government. Is that real growth? I contend&#12288;- and you know the answer&#12288;- no," Glenn explained.

"The western world is about to enter a second recession in an ongoing depression. For the first time since the 1930&#8242;s, we're entering a recession. Before industrial production, durable goods orders, employment, and private sector GDP have made back their previous highs. Hear that again. For the first time since the 1930&#8242;s before we've made if back up on our feet. Usually we have a recession, it starts to grow again, and then we come back down. This is&#12288;– this is a new trend."

"Fact: This will to be the lowest cyclical peak in GDP growth in G-7 history. These are the weakest ever foundations on which to enter a recession."

"The problem is down to one thing: Debt."

"This is significant. The 10 largest debtor nations on earth have total debts of over 300% of world GDP. History tells us that when sovereign defaults occur, what does that mean? Sovereign defaults? Sovereign default, if a sovereign default occurs, that means Greece goes out of business, Spain goes out of business, Portugal goes out of business. The Euro is a bubble. It will crash," Glenn said.

"History tells us when sovereign defaults occur, they come in a series of defaults. We need to understand history in order to grasp the present. The domino effect. In history when you have a default, one falls into the other and the other and the other. So, he says, what is coming? EU sovereign debt defaults. UK sovereign default. Japan sovereign default. South Korea, sovereign default. China, sovereign default."

"So, he says all of these will default and the biggest banking crisis in world history. Then he's got a few of the charts saying the end of finance, the end of Europe, the end of world trade. Then he has a picture of a hurricane and the eye of the hurricane. He says, We are here. We don't know exactly what is to come, but we can all join the very few dots from where we are now to the collapse of the first major bank, with very limited room for government bailouts.Why is that? Do you remember when we spoke two&#12288;– four years ago now, maybe almost close to five, we said that there would come a time that these bailouts wouldn't work, that they would throw money at the system, and then I said, When they do this and it doesn't change any of the factors, they have to immediately shut the faucets off and go the other way. Otherwise, they'll continue to print too much money, they'll digitize too much money. They'll flood the market with too much money and the engine will stall because you flooded it or you will have a rocket ship on your hands and you will have hyperinflation and you'll have out of control interest rates eventually. With very limited room for government bailouts, meaning we've got nothing less&#12288;– nothing left now. There's no bullets in the gun except meaningless printed. We can easily join the next dots from the first bank closure to the collapse of the whole European banking system and then to bankruptcy of the governments themselves. There are almost no breaks in the system to stop this and almost no one realizes the seriousness of this situation."

"The problem is not government debt, per se. Listen carefully. The real problem is The 70 trillion in G-10 debt, the top 10 governments around the world, The 70 trillion is the collateral for $700&#12288;trillion in derivatives. That number equates to 1200% of global GDP and rests on very, very weak foundations."

"Imagine the UK defaulting. What do you think would happen to Japan and China? Would they not be next? And do you think that the U.S. would survive unscathed? This is the end of the fractional reserve banking system and of fiat money. It is the big reset. This is what we've been talking about for quite some time. The big reset. This is what George Soros has wanted, the big reset."

"When the system has to be rebooted, who are the players that are designing that? This is why when people say to you, George Soros, why would anybody want this to happen? Because if you know the reset is coming, anyway, if you know it's unsustainable, then you want to be the one to design what the future looks like."

Glenn continued to read, "From a timing perspective, I think 2012 and 2013 will usher in the end. You have to understand that the global banking collapse and massive defaults would bring about the biggest economic shock the world has ever seen. There would be no trade finance, no shipping finance, no finance for farmers, no leasing, no bond market, no nothing. The markets are, frankly, at a terrifying point of realizing that there is nothing they can do including quantitative easing to prevent this collapse. The next phase, as Spain and Italy go, will be to see nationalization of banks&#12288;– the nationalization of banks and the assumption of bank debts on government balance sheets. This is what we talked to you about on Friday. We have Tim knee Geithner coming out and saying, The governments have to take this debt on. Then expect to be shut out of financial markets. Bonds will be stuck at 1% in the U.S., Germany, and UK, and Japan for this phase. The whole bond market will be dead. That means nobody wants to invest in companies. Short selling on bonds will be banned. Short selling stocks will be banned. CBS, banned. Short futures, banned. Put options, banned. All that will be left will be the dollar and gold. As defaults in governments and banks come to fruition, we risk a closure of the stock market entirely and a closure of the banking system as occurred in Argentina in 2001, Russia in 1998, and Brazil in 1999. We have around six months of trading in western markets to protect ourselves or make enough money to offset future losses. Spend your time looking at the risks of custody safekeeping, counterparty, et cetera. Assume that no one and nothing is safe. After that put your tin helmet on and hide until the new system emerges. I wish I could see another option with an equally high probability, but I can't find one. All we can do is hope that I'm wrong, but either way, a new system will emerge and it will open up a whole new set of opportunities, but we are going back 40 years in time and 1500 to 3000 years in trading."

"This, again, from not a schlub. This again coming on the heels of what George Soros said this weekend. George Soros said that he felt the EU had three months. They're saying the same thing."

"Now, the question is: What do you do about it? What does this all mean? That's what this whole week is about on the Glenn Beck Program and GBTV. Four steps. And I want you to seriously consider them with your family. I want you to seriously consider actually getting involved more than you already are," Glenn said. "I promise you by the end of the week that you will see that there is a way out and all you have to do is not panic. The first step is to commit, not to tune out because you can't handle it. You can, you will, and you'll lead the way out."

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Truth Rub In Your Face

Truth Rub In Your Face

Comment: We didn't quite believe it at first, but apparently the following videos are part of an advertising campaign for Hulu, an online video service jointly owned by NBCUniversal, News Corporation and the Walt Disney Company and essentially part of the move to saturate the Internet with mind-numbing garbage while the world burns.





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Return of the Goddess

By Cobra, Portal 2012 – May 27 2012

After the great success of World Liberation Day and even greater success of Reboot of the Grid, our efforts for planetary liberation continue.

This time, we will meet in groups large and small, as individuals and couples, at the exact time of the Venus transit on June 5th. Masses will gather and visualize the arrival of the Goddess energy so that, for the first time in 5,000 years, we will have the chance to co-create our own spiritual destiny in harmony, and replace the outdated society of war and conflict with a more advanced one of spiritual understanding. We need to have 144,000 people doing this visualization with focus to achieve the desired effect.

On June 5th/6th there will be a Venus transit, a rare cosmic event when planet Venus passes in front of the solar disk (Ed: our Sun). This Venus transit will mark a completion of the 8-year cycle of the Return of the Goddess, which started with a previous Venus transit in 2004.

Goddess energy is a pure feminine essence of Love that will help us easing the planetary liberation process. Both masculine energies of action and feminine energies of receptivity are needed to complete this process successfully. Removal of all dark entities will be a direct consequence of a newly-achieved balance of female and male energies on this planet.



We will all be doing this visualization at the same time, the moment of the Venus transit, which comes this June 5th /6st. Exact times for different time zones are:

3:30 pm HAST June5th (Hawaii)

5:30 pm AKDT June5th (Alaska)

6:30 pm PDT June5th (Los Angeles)

7:30 pm MDT June5th (Denver)

8:30 pm CDT June5th (Houston)

9.30 pm EDT June5th (New York)

10:30 pm BRT June5th (Rio de Janeiro)

2:30 am BST June6th (London)

3:30 am CEST June6th (Paris)

3:30 am SAST June6th (South Africa)

4:30 am EEST June6th (Bulgaria)

5:30 am MSK June6th (Moscow)

7:00 am IST June6th (India)

9:30 am CST June6th (Beijing)

10:30 am JST June6th (Tokyo)

11:30 am AEST June6th (Sydney)

If your place is not listed, you can find the exact transit center time for your location:


1. Relax your mind and body by watching your breath for a few minutes.

2. Visualize a pillar of electric blue Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, going through your body to the center of the Earth. Keep this pillar of Light active for a few minutes. Then visualize a loving feminine presence in the shape of a beautiful Goddess descending from the sky and entering your physical body. If you are female, this presence will harmonize your inner woman and make you more loving. If you are male, this presence will make you more balanced in your actions. Stay united with that presence for a while.

3. Visualize bright new spiritual future for humanity, with men and women in perfect understanding, with our society growing beyond need for wars and conflicts as all dark entities, physical and non-physical, are removed from our planet. Visualize all wounds of humanity being healed, all humanity being inspired and guided with everybody having their own connection with their own Soul and the Source in perfect balance of their inner male and female aspects.

Please do this visualization as instructed and do not change it as otherwise it will not have the desired effect.

More information about the Venus transit:

About the Goddess energy:

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Dear Loved Ones,

The recent events of Lothar and AlexR coming here with their stories triggered my past history in Scientology, some of it not so good, but therapeutic to revisit in a new unit of time.  You can't run from your experiences.  They tend to follow you everywhere you go.  There comes a time when you have to turn and face your darkest fears.  Only then can the fear shatter and release you from its grip.

There are a number of similarities Scientology shares with poleshift.ning/zetatalk and those coming from that culture share the same confusions and fears anyone feels coming out of a closed society in which they were heavily invested -- physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  I have intimate knowledge of what it feels like to have the rug pulled out from under one's feet.  I feel great compassion for each and every one of you, and I have never lost my intense love for poleshift.ning, its people, and Gerard.  I have forgiven Nancy and I will leave it at that. 

We are the forward thinkers, the leaders, those who are going to make a difference in the Aftertimes (both groups).  We wouldn't be here if it weren't so.  But we got sucked into third density crapioli. 

So, in the spirit of healing the wounds between our groups, I humbly offer the following, which is the Foreword to my novel on life in the fictitious cult of Religinon (which is very much modeled after Scientology).  It is my hope it will help verbalize for you what you have gone through.  Being able to identify what happened is a key component of healing.  And it helps to raise your awareness so it hopefully won't happen again.  The U.S. is suffering a similar fate for lack of those who would stand up and just say no to tyranny. 


Looking back, the 80's were a time of great anxiety. Like knowing in the back of your mind that if you were to look over your shoulder suddenly, you'd catch someone following you; or if you dared to look up, a TV screen would be ruthlessly reporting your activities to Big Brother.

The horizon, it seemed, was a constantly churning sea of black funnel clouds, and you never knew when one would suddenly turn in your direction. So the sensible thing to do was duck back into the sea of ignorance where it seemed safe. But safety was just an illusion. The unease was intentional to keep the ignorant from ever getting their heads above water long enough to see what was really floating on top.

Truth, that once bright light, grew dim as it was blitzed by lies that buzzed like flies over its blood-spattered cadaver. Its perverted corpse, floating face down in the sea of unease, was used to paint minds into corners and push souls over the edge. Truth-in-fact was concealed well for many years. If leaks sprang up here and there, the resulting harsh actions were explained away as inevitable birth pangs that accompany any paradigm shift. After all, who could argue with the mantra: What price freedom?

Perverted truth is the genesis of thought reformation. Why do analytical sentries stand at unblinking attention, guarding the gates of the mind, while thought reformation processes breeze right past unchallenged? The answer, at least partially, may lie within the story of the Trojan horse. People are easy to deceive because they tend to see what they want to see, and hear what they want to hear. Especially, if the war (or sales interview) has gone on for too long. The outward appearance, if attractive enough, is accepted without question by some and by others, who may be more resistive, with the assistance of hard sell tactics. Once sold, justification becomes a way of saving face for one's mistakes. Or one becomes comfortable with the language, the friends, the business connections, and making a change would be too costly in terms of losing those connections and that comfort zone.

Even though an argument can be made that a modern day Trojan horse – for instance, one framed not in wood, but in a pseudo-scientific language, children's art and literature (Scientology's Key to Life course), or purported communication exercises (Scientology's TR's) – would not likely raise red flags in people's minds, the underlying amoral purpose could never be accomplished if people had a firm enough grasp of their own core beliefs so that they could recognize and challenge new ideas. The outward trappings of most successful lies appear intelligent, reasonable, even innocent or humorous, but they are lies nevertheless. There is truth in the old adage: "The devil has blue eyes and wears blue jeans."

Once begun, and allowed to proceed, the onslaught of thought reformation processes create a continuous erosion until suddenly, without warning, critical reasoning faculties short circuit and shut down. Night becomes day and day becomes night when poorly understood core beliefs are challenged with half-truths and lies, and then beaten into submission with abusive tactics. New beliefs slip in, snuggling up against old, eventually gaining a stranglehold, until old beliefs fall easy prey. What follows is the destruction of the foundation of personal ethics and integrity.

Each passing day the malignant processes continue their mute progression, gnawing at the underpinnings of reason and logic, until one day the bridge is crossed and a mental coup d'etat is achieved. Right becomes the old way of thinking and wrong becomes the new standard of righteousness.

As a result of continuous mental assault, it becomes accepted that any atrocity, no matter how heinous, is righteous if it assists in achieving the goal of emancipating civilization from the horrors of murder, madness, and mayhem. The reformed mind becomes "enlightened" so that it can now understand how murder, madness, and mayhem are morally justifiable methods to employ in the war against murder, madness, and mayhem. The beauty and simplicity of the logic becomes clear: the end justifies the means.

For unsuspecting soldiers in pursuit of this "new" civilization, logic becomes circular, life becomes insular, sleep becomes irregular, and friends, family, and finances become expendable extra-curriculars. Deception encourages surrender and sacrifice of independent thought on the altar of a "higher" consciousness.

This soldier woke up right in the middle of a counterfeit spiritual renaissance, like awakening from a bad dream ... heartsick and disoriented; not sure what was fact and what was fiction; what to do or where to go; who was friend and who was foe; searching for a light strong enough to force the darkness back into the recesses of a wounded psyche long enough to escape and recover from the damage done.

This story, though a work of fiction, gives the reader a glimpse into those disheartening days.

Cheryl Nelson
January 2001

The above was written to explain the following poem I wrote, which is all about mind control.  I can tell you they did not like this poem when I posted it on an anti-Scientology site, not one whit....

To Infinity and Beyond
The Trip Will Blow Your Mind!

Where meet unknown seas and wizen'd suns

and minds marching toward blank horizons

where roaches roar and seafood scream

and captive souls dare not dream

Where leaves turn fiery with trees yet green

as you ride the high tide of a breeze unseen

turning brown, withering, landing in a yard

raked into a pile, set ablaze and charred

Where ashes to ashes and dust to dust

mean nothing to you because the next gust

will whip you up… up… up and away

to infinity and beyond ... so they say

Where terminal velocity no longer applies

moving faster and faster you continue to fly

and gravity can no longer hold you down

or keep you chained … eclipsed … earthbound

Where Damocletian swords hang by a hair

as you sit for hours in your chair and stare

those swords ready to sever old mind from new

some go in a moment … others, in a few

Where truth has died, blitzed by lies

that feast like flies on its blood-spattered cadaver

its perverted corpse melts the mind and warps

the soul pushed off the wharf adrift forever

Where bridges are burned at critical points

when mental coup d'etats surreptitiously anoint

newly enlightened minds with how to achieve

a new civilization…simply said, the end justifies the means

Where deception demands sacrifice of your personal morality

in the fiery furnace of a "higher" reality

and sadly it's surrendered with nonchalance

a living sacrifice to the ersatz religious renaissance

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From Rawstory website

Military gives NASA two space telescopes more powerful than Hubble

Photo:, all rights reserved.

Although America’s space agency has perpetually seen its funding threatened and reduced in recent years, few would argue that the nation’s defense agency, the Pentagon, suffers from the same problem.

That disparity is so great that Pentagon official dialed up NASA last year and revealed that the National Reconnaissance Office had secretly developed not one, but two space telescopes more powerful than Hubble, adding that the military just didn’t bother to deploy them.

For an agency credited with some of the most incredible technological innovations in human history, the revelation that two more powerful Hubbles even existed must have been a complete shock, especially considering that the Bush administration less than a decade ago almost cut NASA’s funds for a crucial Hubble repair mission.

Then they really dropped the bomb: Since the Pentagon never got around to using the telescopes, they figured NASA might be just the place to offload the old hardware.

Pentagon officials didn’t say what they’d planned to use the telescopes for, and NASA officials told The New York Times that they were in “bits and pieces,” lacking key parts. They’re also designed to be shorter and wider than Hubble, giving them a much wider field of view.

NASA said it is preparing to re-purpose the telescopes to boost their studies of dark matter, which currently sits atop the National Academy of Sciences’ priorities list.

The National Reconnaissance Office refused to offer any comment on the story.

By Stephen C. Webster
Monday, June 4, 2012 16:24 EDT

Rawstory website

From Kerry Cassidy blog


For an agency credited with some of the most incredible technological innovations in human history, the revelation that two more powerful Hubbles even existed must have been a complete shock, especially considering that the Bush administration less than a decade ago almost cut NASA’s funds for a crucial Hubble repair missiion. 

Then they really dropped the bomb: Since the Pentagon never got around to using the telescopes, they figured NASA might be just the place to offload the old hardware.

Wow, I had no idea NASA with her fleet of world class scientists and engineers not only couldn't afford a decent telescope (nor could they build one). But instead they have to rely on THE PENTAGON hand-me-downs, several years old in order to 'scan the sky'.  


Not to mention, that this ludicrous article PLANTED as it is appears to be a build up toward a disclousre whereupon no doubt NASA will "suddenly" now be able to SEE PLANTE X / THE DARK STAR / SOMETHING WICKED THIS WAY COMES in the sky whereas in the past they certainly couldn't do so because they didn't have the several years old telescrope from the PENTAGON (their wealthy cousins)...

Thank God or I mean "the Pentagon".  Now we can all sleep at night.  What with Hubble supposedly no longer operational.  Right.


Gimme a break.

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There are three types of people who are reading this here today:
Those of which who have an open mind and are not afraid to boldly step forward into the darkness that is our future with open hearts and open minds, but not blindly … caution will have to be ever present.
Then there will be those who will willingly follow others and their leadership, but will keep their options open.  They may not be as open minded as this first group, but they me be ready to take the chance … knowing full well what they are leaving behind is far worse than what they believe is ahead of them.
Then there will be the rest … far to timid or unwilling to either listen to reason, or too afraid to see with their own eyes what is happening around them … refusing to remove the blinders until it is far too late to do anything about it.
I started the research whether or not there was any validity to the myths and legions behind Nibiru.
And, over the last several years, not only did our research find enough information to validate the existence of Nibiru, but also for its Brown Dwarf Home Star and five sister planets.
But, in doing so, we discovered that not only was Nibiru already within our Solar System, but that US President Eisenhower (And others from around our planet) and his personally invited guest, Bishop McIntyre from Los Angeles, California, were all warned of Nibiru & its home star’s upcoming arrival back to our system by the three Alien Races they met with there at MUROC Air Field in 1947.
There are far too many sources of this information to just ignore what happened during what should have been a historic meeting between Humanity and other Life Forms from the heavens above.
And there have been way too many warnings signs that have been ignored within our Solar System and here on Earth over the last 20 years that should have awoken humanity to the approaching danger, were it not for a carefully crafted disinformation campaign led by our world leaders and the Catholic Church.
We have finally arrived at the point I think we all have dreaded … surviving what lays ahead.
The affects upon our planet and Sun are growing every day, and can no longer be ignored or dismissed.
The Brown Dwarf Star is seen in the Southern skies.  It has been slowly shifting away to the left of our Sun, and can no longer be dismissed as Sundogs or Refection or Camera screw-ups.   People on a high-flying airliner recently photographed it.
So, I will be adding a few articles that will hopefully be helpful should the shit hit the fan.
This list should be extremely helpful as a starting point …all of the links you will find here will be added to the links page of our group.
The documents below contain hundreds of pages from  books, reports and booklets on how to perform first aid, prepare temporary  shelters, build bomb shelters, defend against terrorism, chemical  contamination, shield against nuclear fallout, survive earthquakes, storms,  floods, and dozens of sudden emergency situations. Feel free to download the  books and reports, or if you prefer, these reports and others are now  available FREE ON CD by request when you purchase $20 or more of emergency  products from SurvivorMall.
·          NEW! Family Emergency Plan
·          NEW! Ready Business Brochure
·          NEW! Ready Brochure
·          NEW!  Grab & Go Bag
Checklist of Recommended    Emergency Home Survival Kits & Supplies:
Due to the likelihood of disastrous    circumstances following a catastrophic event, carries QUALITY products at discount prices (less    than manufaturer's suggested retail). Most of our products can be purchased    separately though we recommend at least one survivor kit sufficient to meet    the needs of the number of people in your household. Our line of emergency    kits are    for 6 DAYS, compared to the kits you find elsewhere that are good for only    72 hours (and at the same price!) and    come in easy to carry containers with the following supplies to keep you    prepared for the worst circumstances:
Emergency Food & Water Supplies - Just keeping bottled water and      preserved food at home is not enough... each of's Emergency Survival Kits come      with a 6 day supply per person of United States Coast Guard Approved      emergency food and water both with a 5 year shelf-life (even in extreme      temperatures). proudly uses the ER      Bar, a revolutionary emergency food bar, and Aqua      Blox water boxes with straws. Since water remains the most      important survival item to have, each home survival kit also comes with      water purification tablets to purify extra water on the road. You can      also choose to supplement the emergency food with Sopakco      MRE Meals. We will gladly deduct an additional 10% from the already wholesale      cost of either a Half-Case      Sopakco MRE Meals or a Full      Case Sopakco MRE Meals when purchased with a survivor kit.
Emergency Shelter      Supplies - Since you may be forced to stay outdoors for several days      if not weeks,'s Emergency Survival Kits also come with basic shelter      supplies. These supplies include emergency ponchos, thermal blankets, and      a tube tent which can save you from harsh weather conditions. You can      also choose to upgrade the emergency shelter with one of our traditional      tents and if purchased at the same time as a survivor kit we will deduct      an additional 10% from the already wholesale cost of either a Bivouac      Shelter - G.I. Type or a Camouflage      2-Man Trail Tent.
Emergency Lighting - As electricity will be out,      your family will be stuck in the dark which is why each of's Emergency Survival Kits come with      essential emergency lighting devices for operating in the dark. All of      our deluxe survival kits come equipped with a Transformer      4-in-One Generator Radio, Flashlight, Siren, Cell Phone Power and are      recommended due to the limitations of battery use. Our survival kits also      come with emergency 12 hour lightsticks, emergency candles and waterproof      matches for extra long-lasting light. On request, we will gladly      substitute the Solar      - Generator - Battery Powered Light & Radio for the Transformer      4-in-One Generator Radio, Flashlight, Siren, Cell Phone Power in any      deluxe kit.
Emergency Radios - In the event of an emergency      you will need to know where to go in order to get to a safe location.      That is why each of's Emergency Survival Kits come with      proper radio communication devices for listening to emergency broadcasts.      Our deluxe survival kits come equipped with the Transformer      4-in-One Generator Radio, Flashlight, Siren, Cell Phone Power due to      not requiring batteries. On request, we will gladly substitute the Solar      - Generator - Battery Powered Light & Radio for the Transformer      4-in-One Generator Radio, Flashlight, Siren, Cell Phone Power in any      deluxe kit.
Emergency First Aid      Supplies - All of's Emergency Survival Kits come with a      comprehensive 52 piece first aid kit. In addition to the assortment of      compresses, antiseptics, bandages, gauze pads and rolls, etc. in's First Aid Kits, you can also choose to      upgrade the First Aid kit with a 25      Person OSHA Recommended Kit. If purchased at the same time as a      survivor kit we will deduct an additional 10% from the wholesale cost of      the 25      Person OSHA Recommended Kit
Emergency Search      & Rescue Supplies -'s      Emergency Survival Kits also come with basic search and rescue      supplies including emergency lighting and radio. The Transformer      4-in-One Generator Radio, Flashlight, Siren, Cell Phone Power will      power and recharge all popular cell phones for calling after the battery      has gone dead. Each kit also includes a multi function folding plier      which serves as five valuable tools. For setting up camp or shelter, each      kit has vinyl rope, duct tape, work gloves, Rothco Super Whistle with      compass, thermometer & lanyard, and dust masks for protection from      dangerous debris. You can also purchase a Personal      Safety Set and Search      and Rescue Kit separately.
1 per single
1 per family of 2
1 per family of 3
1 per family of 4
1 per family of 5
1 per family of 6
1 per cat
1 per dog
6 Deluxe MREs
12 Deluxe MREs
Each = 3 Day Supply
Each = 3 Day Supply
Dog Ration
Each Is 5 Year Shelf
Cat Ration
Each Is 5 Year Shelf
Each = 3 Day Min
30 Tablets Pkt

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The 2012 Transit of Venus.

This seems to be a rare event and according to some, generally 6 months after the transit, major earthquakes have happened.

Now, if this is the case....6 months from now will be 12/5/2012....just 16 days before the 12/21/12 date.  I am wondering if this event will herald in the Mayan prediction?

Here are some blogs discussing this.  Any thoughts?

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Just gotta love these guys

It may be a little older, but,.... I really like the way this was written. Like from heaven above. The Angel Monsanto!

I think I will go and de-weed my garden with round-up! :-) After all, It's too good to be true.

P.S. Strange as it may seem, the corn rootworm is now no longer effected by R-U.  Maybe just straight agent orange would work better?

This whole thing really hurts me because I love my corn products and don't know where to buy %)

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