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Executive Order -- Assignment of National Security and Emergency Preparedness Communications Functions


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By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Policy. The Federal Government must have the ability to communicate at all times and under all circumstances to carry out its most critical and time sensitive missions. Survivable, resilient, enduring, and effective communications, both domestic and international, are essential to enable the executive branch to communicate within itself and with: the legislative and judicial branches; State, local, territorial, and tribal governments; private sector entities; and the public, allies, and other nations. Such communications must be possible under all circumstances to ensure national security, effectively manage emergencies, and improve national resilience. The views of all levels of government, the private and nonprofit sectors, and the public must inform the development of national security and emergency preparedness (NS/EP) communications policies, programs, and capabilities.

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Approximately one (1) month plus ago, 05.26.12, I said, "There is constant & increasing magma flow and tectonic adjustments in the Pacific region.  This will continue.  It has been a busy year.   Just look at the increasing number of earthquakes in this greater area."

"And now this second earthquake, July 6, 2012,  "M4.4  2012-07-06  17:50:29 UTC".  This earthquake is three weeks after the June 19, 2012 report:  "M5.2 - 2012-06-19 13:40:57 UTC" .   This new quake is a report of a  4.4  earthquake on the Richter scale located 251 km (156 miles) due west of Bandon, Oregon (the southern coast of Oregan).  This is in-fact the same area where the volcano is expected to 'pop' off & trigger the subsequent earthquake, the 'cosmic event', I have spoken of."

More at

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Higher/lighter Vibrations

Greetings: I am Adrial, celestial of this universe, and I am Bren-Ton of Andromeda. We are most pleased to be communicating with you today.

For several years now we have been saying to you that the time of choosing would come. Now is that time. We have been telling you that Earth would be transforming herself to a lighter density. We have been saying that all that would remain with Earth are required to raise their vibrations to match hers.

At this moment there are three choices before you. First, you may raise your vibration to the point that you ascend to a higher/lighter density thereby removing yourself from the Earth plane. Second, you may choose to remain in the 3rd Density that currently holds the majority of Earth humans in a fear-based paradigm. Or third, you may choose to remain with Earth as she transitions herself to a higher/lighter density.

A fundamental law of the universe is that you can only exist in those vibrations with which you are compatible. If you are surrounded by vibrations that are dissimilar to your own, you will find yourself in a situation that you cannot tolerate. That is happening to many at this moment. They are feeling incompatible with the prevailing density of fear, violence, separation, and self-focus. They are removing themselves from those situations that are incompatible with their higher vibration. This leads some to physically relocate to a situation more to their liking, more compatible with their higher vibration. Others find retreats at their existing locations.

We wish to remind you that it is not enough to merely wish that you reside in a certain vibration, you must attune yourself to it at every moment. If you are now vibrating in the 3rd Dimension, you are constantly reinforcing your existence in that vibration by giving your consent to hold that energy. If you are in a fear-based environment you are telling yourself that this is where I wish to be. Oh, you may have moments of desiring something different, but in the end you settle for what you have, and accept it as your lot in life.

On the other hand, if you are living in a love-based vibration, you are constantly reinforcing your existence in that environment. So you have a choice of two vibrations, a higher love-based one and a lower fear-based one. How do you choose?

If you are settled in a fear-based existence, know that you will not continue with Earth, nor will you ascend to a lighter way of being. Both paths are incompatible with your lower vibration. Those of a lower vibration will either choose death and reincarnation, or they will be transported to another location where they may continue their fear-based existence until they eventually awaken to the light. We make no judgment of them; they are merely making a choice.

Those who are vibrating at a higher/lighter density – notice we did not say those who “choose” to vibrate at a higher/lighter density. Those who are actually vibrating in the light have two choices before them: They may choose to ascend to an existence without form, what you might call a spirit form where they will be embraced by those of a similar resonance. There they will choose their next step on their upward journey toward uniting with Source.

An alternative to this path is what we have been calling the path of the Caretakers. The Caretakers of the new Earth will be a special breed of humans never before seen in this universe. The Caretakers will enjoy physical form but with bodies infused with lighter densities. These new humans of Earth, endowed with crystalline bodies that are youthful, healthy and vibrant, will exist for hundreds of years. These new humans of Earth will enjoy telepathy and manifestation, and will resonate as citizens of the cosmos. They will create a new civilization on Earth, a glorious civilization that will become the destination for many star system visitors to admire and to interact with.

So we reiterate that you are now in that moment of choice. How are you living your life? Are there things holding you from becoming all that you can be? Now is the moment to discard them, for you cannot exist in a higher/lighter density if you are stuck with the baggage of the lower density. Do you have habits, addictions, beliefs, attachments, or residual emotions and thoughts that do not serve you? Rid yourself of them. Do you have fears of taking the next step of your progress? Move beyond those fears, for they serve you not. Do you have distractions in your current existence, detach from them.

Now is the time of your choosing. Do not worry about what surrounds you, the news of the day, the actions of others, or your established beliefs. Rise above them. Look to the glorious future that awaits you. Your new life is just beyond your next decision. You do not have the luxury of delaying further. Your personal transformation is at hand. “Business as usual” is there to lure you to continue without change. Act for what serves your long-term interests, not what is a retreat into established patterns.

If you believe that you will be able to cling to the higher/lighter vibrations when the chaos of the transformation is about you, you are sadly mistaken. You will be able to maintain the higher vibrations only by looking forward to what is before you, not by running away from your old life out of fear.

It will require practice to maintain these higher vibrations. Practice until the higher vibrations become a second nature, practice until you can easily maintain the higher vibrations in the face of what you now encounter as 3rd Dimension, and practice so that your conventional life, whatever it might be, is left behind. Begin this very moment to engage yourself in the higher vibrations. Practice this day.

It has been our pleasure to share our understandings with you.

Adrial and Bren-Ton

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The Brown Dwarf's extream outermost planet Sedna



There are members in this group that have abilities with Computer Programs I would almost die for, So I am turning to you for you're help.

I simply fail not to be amazed by the amount of information we know about this Dwarf System, and how much was hidden right in plain site.

Here is the orbit of the outermost planet of this Brown Dwarf Star ... the Planet Sedna

Dwarf System outermost planet Sedna 2010 

I am wondering what the orbital tilt angle is? If you notice from this image, the Planet Pluto appears to have almost the same angle to its orbital path. Dr. Robert S. Harrington projected it to be somewhere between a 40 to 45 degree up/down to our systems ecliptic plain.

I am sure that if we were to center this CGI image of the Dwarf System into center of the Gold orbital track of Sedna, we will finally have what we need.  It's size will habe to be adjusted to allow the red highlighted planet Nibiru orbit through our system near the orbit of Mars.

Dec 2009

According to the Anunnaki, Nibiru orbited through our system at about the same angle as Sedna's orbit shown here ... and also orbits Clockwise as apposed to the Counter-Clockwise movements of the planets in our system.
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SaLuSa 6-July-2012

Do not let your guard down after such a long time lifting yourself up into the Light. At present there is much disinformation being spread, but not always deliberate and sometimes by people of good intent that are simply uninformed. Also strong beliefs are difficult to change when often they are planted in your mind at a very young age. Those that have sought to mislead you have been very clever and even altered your history to persuade you their teachings are correct. We will therefore have quite a task on our hands to put right much that is given to you as factual when it is false. This also applies to the sciences that have made their proclamations without understanding the more spiritual aspects of life and how they fit in. Your intuition is, and always will be your best guide, but by all means consider any source of information that you are comfortable with as a means of verification.

When we give you our accounts of your history, what will be decisive is the fact that we can back it up with absolute proof by way of introducing you to people who can relate events first hand. We can even go back in time and show you an actual replay so that there can be no argument as to the facts. Some of you will be allowed to go back in time into any period of your history and see with your own eyes what happened. Not only that but you will also understand what is being spoken. Be assured that in time only the truth will remain, and of course you will have made great advancements in your knowledge.

Our coming is to bring you the truth and that will help create Oneness between you, whereas at present you are very much divided. A most important area is concerning the many religions and their attempts to place you under the One God, but lack the true understanding or facts to be able to do so. The truth will be given by the Masters who will speak to their own, but it will show that each set of beliefs will have to be greatly amended if they are to bear some semblance to the truth. If some souls cannot make those changes to a more enlightened state, they will naturally be allowed to continue to pursue their old beliefs. We know that in time they will realize that if they are to move on, they will have to look beyond them.

There are souls who have been taught that extraterrestrials are devils in disguise, and are out to get them. Whilst Galactic history shows that there were wars started by evil entities that invaded or destroyed planets, you are in no danger of that happening now. You have been protected by us for eons of time, and we have been given the authority to control who is allowed to visit Earth. We are of service to the Universe in God's name and are called the Galactic Federation of Light for good reasons. As we have informed you previously, there are exceptions when for karmic reasons contact has been allowed with the Greys, but even so they have never been a real threat to your world.

When we introduce you to members of our Federation you will find no reason to question their purpose for being here. Our whole demeanor has been one of approaching you in peace, and in no way will our conversations or manner pose the slightest threat. As has often been pointed out any advanced civilization with the intent to take you over, could have easily done so. That is right up to quite recently as you are now more able to protect yourselves. In fact recently we repelled an invasion that was a last ditch attempt to take you over. The Light on Earth attracts a lot of attention and certain dark groups have tried their hardest to prevent your Ascension, without success. We will say again that Ascension is by Divine Decree and absolutely no one can prevent it from taking place. Our presence is also intended to ensure that only the minimum interference takes place.

So Dear Ones, your Ascension is not dependent on the many changes that you are aware of that are beginning to happen. They are to advance you very quickly so that you are prepared for a new life that is befitting of souls that have risen into the Light. You are required to make good the damage and destruction of Earth so that Mother Earth is also ready to ascend. In that task we are already prepared to make short work of the extensive cleansing that is required. It presents no problem at all bearing in mind our advanced technologies.

We know of your frustration at the delays in getting everything going, but it has already commenced if only in a small way. The preparations are complete and as always it is the timing that is critical, but as you know, there is a final date by which it must start at full speed. So do not worry as you have yet to experience the ways in which we work, and they will astonish you when you realize how fast we move. You obviously tend to see the challenges based on your own abilities, but remember that the Galactic Federation are thousands of years ahead of you. We are in control of your future and promise you a glorious victory over the dark Ones.

We might give hints at when a major event is about to occur, but we have learnt that Humans are prone to take them as certainties, hence the uproar when they do not happen. Plus we cannot always tell you the reasons for delays, and we do have to be prepared to change course at short notice as circumstances necessitate. All that you really need to know is that come what may, we will keep our promises to you. We realize that your patience has worn thin, and we can understand it as you have quite rightly expected action by now based on what you were told some time ago. However, we reiterate all proceeds well and in the end we do not anticipate any lasting problems. In any event we are ready for all possible permutations of what is needed to bring you safely through the remaining period to Ascension.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and can tell you that the mere mention of arresting top members of the cabal brought about a new feeling of hope. After all conditions on the Earth were deteriorating quickly and heading for a complete collapse of your civilization. You re-acted positively to the good news and it gave you a lift knowing that those responsible for your circumstances were going to be removed - and so it is.

Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey

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How can you detect if your computer has been violated and infected with DNS Changer?

An industry wide team has developed easy “are you infected” web sites.  They are a quick way to determine if you are infected with DNS Changer. Each site is designed for any normal computer user to browse to a link, follow the instructions, and see if they might be infected. Each site has instructions in their local languages on the next steps to clean up possible infections.

For example, the will state if you are or are not infected (see below).

  • No Software is Downloaded! The tools do not need to to load any software on your computer to perform the check.
  • No changes are performed on your computer! Nothing is changed on your computer when you use sites like
  • No scanning!  The “are you infected with DNS Changer” tool does not need to scan your computer.

If you think your computer is infected with DNS Changer or any other malware, please refer to the security guides from your operating system or the self -help references from our fix page (

The following table is a list of all easy “are you infected”  sites. It includes the links to the security organizations who are maintaining the sites. Each site has instructions in their local languages on the next steps to clean up possible infections.

www.dns-ok.usEnglishDNS Changer Working Group (DCWG)
www.dns-ok.deGermanBundeskriminalamt (BKA) &Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI)
www.dns-ok.fiFinnish, Swedish, EnglishCERT-FI is the Finnish national reporting point for computer security incidents and information security threats. CERT-FI is also responsible of maintaining the national information security situation awareness system.
www.dns-ok.axSwedish, Finnish, EnglishCERT-FI is the Finnish national reporting point for computer security incidents and information security threats. CERT-FI is also responsible of maintaining the national information security situation awareness system.
www.dns-ok.beDutch/FrenchCERT-BE is the primary Belgian contact point for dealing with Internet security threats and vulnerabilities affecting Belgian interests.
www.dns-ok.frFrenchLe CERT-LEXSI est la division de veille et d'enquête sur Internet, dédiée à la protection du patrimoine en ligne des organisations.
www.dns-ok.caEnglish/FrenchCanadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA) and Canadian Cyber Incident Response Centre (CCIRC)
www.dns-ok.luEnglishCIRCL (Computer Incident Response Center Luxembourg) is the national Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT - CERT) coordination center for the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg
www.dns-ok.nlDutchSIDN (the Foundation for Internet Domain Registration in the Netherlands) Australia, Stay Smart Online, and Australian Communications and Media Authority joint page on DNSChanger Information
dns-changer.euGerman, Spanish, EnglishECO (Association of the German Internet Industry)
dnschanger.detect.myMalaysian, EnglishHosted by CyberSecurity Malaysia and MYCERT
dns-ok.jpcert.or.jpJapaneseJPCERT/CC - Japan Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Center
www.dns-ok.itItalianoTelecom Italia Security Operation Center - IT.TS.SOC

If you are not affected by DNS Changer then do nothing.

If the Check-Up Site indicates that you are affected then either follow the instructions on that site or go to the “FIX” page.

Manually Checking if your DNS server have been Changed

The following pages would help check to manually see if you have DNS Changer DNS servers configured on your computer. Use of the “check up” pages are more effective, but some would want to check manually.

Would my Service Provider Help Me?

Many service providers are notifying their customers. They are creating help pages that will help you detect and clean up DNS Changer from your system. Here is a partial list. Please contact your SP if you do not see them on the list.

AT&TAT&T DNS Changer information page for Home and Business Customers and8 Suggestions for Mitigating and Preventing DNSChanger Malware in your Enterprise - What Can Help You Avoid Being a Victim
Bell CanadaImportant information about DNS Changer malware
CenturyLinkCenturyLink DNSChanger Customer Notice
ComcastDNS Changer Bot FAQ
COXCOX DnsChanger Malware Information
Shaw CommunicationsShaw Virus Protection
Telecom ItaliaAssistenza Tecnica per DNS Changer Malware
Time Warner Cable & RoadRunnerTime Warner Cable & Roadrunner Website for DNS Changer Malware
VerizonVerizon's Virus Help Website for DNS Changer Malware

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HIGH SOLAR ACTIVITY: Behemoth sunspot AR1515 is crackling with M-class solar flares and appears to be on the verge of producing an X-class explosion. NOAA forecasters estimate an 80% chance of M-flares and a 25% chance of X-flares during the next 24 hours. X-flare alerts: text, voice.

NEW SUNSPOT: A new sunspot is emerging over the sun's southeastern limb, and it appears to be a big one. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory caught a first glimpse of the spot's dark cores during the early hours of July 6th:


Solar activity is already high. The addition of this new active region could boost the chance of flares even more. For a better view, check back later today as the sunspot turns more squarely toward Earth.

INCOMING CME: On July 4th, sunspot AR1515 hurled at least four minor CMEs into space. Most flew south of the ecliptic plane (the orbital plane of the planets), on track to miss everything. One of them, however, appears to be heading toward Earth. Click to view an animated forecast track of the incoming cloud:


According to analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab, who prepared the forecast, the cloud will reach Earth on July 7th around 0600 UT. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras on that date. Aurora alerts: text, voice.

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Searches of yellow flames at the Vatican
It 's the first time, touched the diplomatic incident

Checks on the accounts of two hospitals for a hole to over 800 million euros

AP Photo / Lapresse
17:45 - For the first time the Italian police came to the Vatican for a search. Touched the diplomatic incident when finance has sifted through the records of the Institute of the Immaculate Hospital and dermatology San Carlo, which refer to the congregation of the "Sons of the Immaculate Conception", in an investigation a hole of more than 800 million euros.
The men of Flames yellow, coordinated by the prosecutor Michele Nardi, waited hours before the authorities of the Papal States gave their green light, after repeatedly chieso strict compliance with the procedures laid down by the Treaty of '29 church and state. The investigations include investigations on the financial scandal that hit the two hospitals.

The story so far has involved 4 people, including Father Franco Decaminada, father, master of the institution for years, then was forced to resign just because of the happy financial management. He is accused of conspiracy, aimed all'appropiazione unwarranted and a series of tax offenses. Also searched the headquarters of the provincial head of the congregation, Father Paritanti.
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For your consideration...
2012 July 2
Posted by Steve Beckow

We have a team of transcribers working away on Archangel Michael’s discussion today in An Hour with an Angel. But because I suspect that many people are waiting to hear what was said, I’ve made a summary of some of what AAM discussed.
In this section of that summary, we look at what he tells us about what he calls the “Containment,” his word for what we’ve thought of until now as the mass arrests.
Prior to hearing from AAM, what we had before us was SaLuSa saying today (July 2) that the mass arrests had begun:

“The really exciting times have arrived as you are getting confirmation of the arrests that have started taking place.” (1)

And Blossom Goodchild’s Galactic Federation sources saying today as well:


“This is the time that you came here to be part of. This is the moment that you have been longing to happen. This is the reason you came down here. This is the purpose you came to serve. This is what you have been preparing for all along.” (2)

And now Archangel Michael is saying that the negative heads of state, and top military, social and financial leaders have been placed in energetic restraints, or “containers,” and have had their sphere of influence effectively cancelled. The resistance to Disclosure and NESARA is now gone.
“Now comes the time that you have awaited,” he said. “Now comes the purpose that you have returned to [carry out].”
“The tide has turned. The worst is over.”
Let’s look at this notion of placing the cabal under restraint.
Change of Terms
Looking at the term “mass arrests,” Archangel Michael said,

“… really the idea or the term ‘mass arrests,’ whether it is with the Intergalactic Council or the [Galactic] Federation or your star brothers and sisters scattered far and wide, it has a very different meaning and that is why I wish to address this usage of language. Because, dear heart, when you speak of mass arrests, you are speaking of violence, … of retribution, … of revenge and that is not who you are, not who you have ever been, and it is certainly not why you have come. So let us alter this phraseology slightly.”

“Each soul, each essence, each being carries the bright essence of love, carries the divine spark of Source, of Mother/Father One,” he said. “So they are not to be judged.”
He urged us to change the language because language is how we communicate upon your dimension and using terms like “mass arrests” is like reaching back into the quagmire that we seek to leave. “This we truly do not understand.”
If we’re looking for storm-troopers or the activation of military or police forces, then we’re looking in the wrong place for what is happening.
The Energetic Containers
Are those who are the resistant group, the hold-outs, who have been responsible for what we think of sustaining and directing many of the institutions that are not of love and light and not for the benefit of the collective, being dealt with? He says they are.
The Company of Heaven is using a process to restrain them which takes them out of action – at least the negative actions. He reminded us that each of us is familiar with the bubbles, shields or layers of protection that we operate in who make use of celestial protection. Nothing that is not of love can penetrate these.
Now what he’s discussing is that restraints or containers have been placed around those (what we call “the cabal”) who don’t wish to contribute to the shift of the human race. Their sphere of influence has disappeared.
He suggested that containment was less harsh than having paramilitaries arrive at the cabal’s doorsteps. He invites us to think of it as putting a box around a person. These boxes are containers of pure light or love energy. The individuals, or in some cases the group, are placed in these containers.
Their disruptive, old-paradigm energies of hatred, greed and control cannot escape from these containers, which are sealed by the celestials (Michael, Gabrielle, Raphael, Uriel, and Yophiel). In that sealing, their negative actions and emotions cannot be transmitted. They remain there continually and constantly penetrated by light and love until their purification is absolutely complete. The Mother and Father make that decision.
This is a method of bringing peace that has not often been utilized since the time of the Intergalactic Wars. Even when the ETs who were abducting and enslaving us were removed a decade ago, they were not subjected to this method of confinement.
The Company of Heaven is containing these individuals so that the rest of the Divine Plan (Disclosure, NESARA) can go forward. They can act out or not within these containers but it will not go anywhere. This began last Monday, June 25, 2012. When AAM said to us that the boulder bounding down the hill was picking up speed, this was part of what he was talking about.
They have begun with negative heads of state and military coup leaders. It is not the military themselves that will be affected because they are for the most part loving servants of the state. The leaders’ effective power is removed.
(Readers will recall that AAM said that the crisis in Syria would end within a week. At the time, I could not understand why he would give so tight a deadline but the imposition of containment does explain it.)
This group includes people in positions of social and financial leadership, people in all militaries around the world who only want to engage in wars and profit from them.
We should watch for things to get “terribly quiet” all of a sudden. ”That is your sign,” he said.
“Now comes the time that you have awaited,” he tells us. “Now comes the purpose that you have returned to [carry out].”
“The tide has turned. The worst is over.”
There is more to relate but I’m going to stop here for now.


(1) SaLuSa, July 2, 2012, at
(2) The Galactic Federation through Blossom Goodchild, July 2, 2012, at

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Received in email...
Posted on 2012/07/04

Commentary from

Kauilapele's Blog "Kind of like a vast puzzle, in his update, David continues to fill in pieces in the Obama part of the story. If you think the more modern U.S. President has any real say in anything, I would have to say, you are mistaken. However, that is because the so-called “elected” (namely, and actually, “selected”) person in that office, is simply another “worker” in THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION (although it’s actually only in “District of Colombia).


I appreciate what David has written here about all this, as it also aligns with everything we have heard from respected channeled information (Matthew, SaLuSa, Archangel Michael), that in his own way, President Obama is working with the Light, and is on a daily basis, and in what has to be an incredibly politically foul place, namely, the City-State of Washington D.C. (and please, that is not talking about those who live and work there; I’m talking about the “corporate government USA” over there (and I love the buildings, and I love the Smithsonian), is doing the very best he can. In my own view, he is masterfully playing the DC and World game.

Anyway, so I’m going to just list, in order, the “Obama” bits from David’s 7-3-12 update."


The Obama Bits from David’s Update…


Icke also linked to an article I once wrote in 2009, entitled “The Power Elite Do Not Control Obama.”

I did hear from trusted insiders that Obama had no idea what he had gotten himself into — until the day all the presidents met before his inauguration.

This was when all the threats were issued — and he was told what the President of the United States really was — little more than a paid shill for the Federal Reserve.


I was shown a picture of a manila envelope left on his desk that had all the briefing documents in it — telling him what his real job would be.

I can say, quite confidently, that extraordinary death threats have been given to Obama and his entire family. I have documented some of them in the past.


Under such pressure, it would be almost impossible for anyone to have handled it differently.

I had high hopes for Obama to overcome these vested interests. In the early days of 2009, he really did push for the change he had promised — but it simply did not happen.


I do deeply regret that. I think an opportunity existed — but Obama did not choose to take the same path John F. Kennedy had in the past.



We also received very high-level intel that a Disclosure event was indeed planned for November 2009.


Obama would have taken the lead on this one, by introducing us to five different groups of human ETs who were here to help.


This too was foiled — apparently by five different insider opposition groups.


However, the following year, NBC came out with a television series, “The Event”, that almost perfectly duplicated the intel that had aired exclusively on this website.


Although Disclosure did not happen at this time, the story itself is still quite interesting.



Apparently, Obama had decided to go ahead with a Disclosure announcement in his Nobel Prize acceptance speech in Norway, in early December — even though his original two-hour TV special in late November had been thwarted.


HAARP was fired up the day before and a giant spiral was created in the air — causing a huge buzz on the Internet. The location was directly next to where Obama would receive his Nobel prize.

The “Norway Spiral” event moved us closer to Disclosure. I extensively investigated it at the time, and clearly proved that HAARP was being used at the time it occurred.


The pattern, contour and shape was utterly consistent with the use of HAARP — based on their own documented materials.



I have since found out, from very reliable sources, that if Obama said anything during his Nobel speech, the Cabal told him they would create one of these HAARP microwave spirals in front of his plane.


He would not survive. Everyone would assume it was a tragic accident. The bodies, burned inside out by microwaves, would have been consumed in the fire of the plane crash.


The Norway Spiral was a last-minute desperation move by the Cabal, in which they had to do something public and grandiose to scare Obama into submission.


It worked like a charm — and no one figured out, at the time, why it was really done.



I do understand why some investigators simply cannot wrap their heads around this story. Part of it is lack of access…..

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2012 July 2 8:27 pm
Posted by Steve Beckow
I’m now acting on Archangel Michael’s request, made in An Hour with an Angel, Jan. 2, 2012, to change our phraseology from “mass arrests” to “containment.

In this next article in our series, I’d like to look at the advice from SaLuSa and Archangel Michael on how to respond to the containment of the cabal, which according to SaLuSa, on July 2, 2012, has now begun:

“The really exciting times have arrived as you are getting confirmation of the arrests that have started taking place.”

Despite alleged channelings recently that tell us that we should hate the cabal and rejoice over their destruction, our sources here tell us that to do so would be to lower ourselves to the dark levels of the planetary controllers. They warn us against it.
SaLuSa cautioned us in May 2012 not to allow the expected revelation of truth to stir us to vengeance but to allow justice to follow its course.

“Once the media commence reporting the arrests that are already underway that include many public figures, there will be calls for retribution. We do however ask that everyone avoids their emotions running away with them, as we assure you justice will be seen to be done. Unlike earlier times, no one will be able to cheat justice or buy their way out of it.” (1)

He warned us that, if we seek revenge against the cabal, we may end up little better than they.

“We wish you to concentrate on the future and seek first to maintain the Light upon Earth, without wasting your energy by directing your anger at the Illuminati and their minions. These will be hard times for anyone who has recently lost loved ones or friends as a result of their actions. It will however be a test of your ability to stay within the Light, and show your strength by forgiving those responsible.

“If you do not do so and seek any form of revenge you end up little better than what they are, and you form a link of energy with them. They may not deserve much sympathy, but see them as souls who have gone badly astray and almost lost their spark of Light. It will take a lot of Light to raise them up again but it can be done. We feel sure you will see that it is far better to lift the fallen up again, than compound their situation by linking them to more negative energy.” (2)

He advised that all of us have had lives where we too descended to dark levels.

“All of you have experienced stages where you have gone against the Light. However, with few exceptions you have understood the reasons that brought it about, and stand today as examples of those who have overcome the challenges of duality. You are all the stronger for it and that is indeed the reason you elected to spend many lives in the lower dimensions.” (3)

He suggested it was fine to speak about matters but without getting into our emotional energy of hostility.

“By all means speak about matters, but do it from an impersonal angle without empowering it with your emotional energy. Remember as we have informed you on a  number of times, you do not know another soul’s life plan or why they have chosen their experiences. In the higher Spirit worlds souls are of a vibration that gives no energy to judgement or condemnation, they hold the love vibration and it is not in their way of thinking.” (4)

He reminded us that there is no reason to “concern yourselves too much with the fate of the dark Ones. They will be treated with full justice and be given every opportunity to make amends, and every help to find a path back to the Light.” (5)
Archangel Michael on An Hour with an Angel in March 2012 echoed SaLuSa’s request.

“We ask for you not to join in any way, shape or form in judgment or relishing what is happening to another, for that cannot be of love. So, yes, there is divine justice, and there is an absolute balancing that is taking place. And we want you to understand that, as it is taking place on Earth, upon your beloved Gaia, that those ripple effects are felt throughout the Universe, that that rebalancing is taking place far further than any of you can even imagine.

“But the key to that amplification effect is for you to hold love, is for you to hold peace. You do not stand as judge and jury, my friends, … of your children, of your family, of your friends, of your neighbors – not of anyone. Do we sometimes pick someone up and say, “No, you are not permitted to continue in this manner any longer?” Of course we do! That is my job. And that is your job, as you work with me.

“But we do not fall into that old human paradigm of old Earth and say, ‘Now we will punish you. We will judge you. We will seek retribution.’ No. That is not loving. That is not kind. That is not gentle.

“Retribution comes in the rebalancing. It comes in the brilliant light of a new dawn. It comes in you stepping forward and assuming your rightful place, as light-holders and showers of the way. It is its own reward.” (6)

When we ponder the rebalancing that will take place, we might think of it not in terms of more or less, but in terms of returning to the center from extreme states like greed and hate. Love and peace reside in the center. Thus rebalancing means a return to the center, some would say, to the heart.
He asks us to join him in the new world rather than perpetuating the old.

“I ask you, we all ask you – for you are our beloved family; yes, a family of billions, it is an extended family – we ask you to join us in the new. And in the new there is no place for fault or blame or guilt. That does not mean, my brothers and sisters, that there is not room for acknowledgment and responsibility, for that is the bedrock. For when there is self-responsibility and mutuality, then there is joint responsibility and there is not an exercise of greed, of taking, of usurping power, for that power is already there. It is within you.

And so, as you see those who have tried and succeeded in many ways to control – and I could go down a list, but why would I wish to do that? – as you see that happening, feel the compassion – not sympathy, compassion – understanding about fallen angels and lost souls, and send them love. Send them forgiveness. And then begin with me – with all of us, with the Company of Heaven and far beyond, with your brothers and sisters from the stars – and let us build anew, because that is what this transition is about.” ( 7)

He reminded us that we have not yet finished our work. There is more to go and it makes it important for us to let thoughts of vengeance go.

“The old can only drag you down. Do not go there. My mission of peace has just begun, and I have need of you. You have travelled with me forever, in faith and trust and hope. So now you see the fulfillment of what we have talked about, the crumbling, the elimination, and yes, the destruction of the old. But let it go, and come with me, for there is further yet to go.” (8)

Thus our sources urge us not to allow the containment to stir thoughts of vengeance in us. There is no reason to fear that justice will not be done this time, as it has not been done in the past.  If we seek revenge, we’ll lower ourselves to the level of the cabal. They remind us that all of us have spent lifetimes in the lower dimensions.
We are encouraged to speak about matters and as lightworkers we’re expected to. But we’re also encouraged not to go into emotional negativity or extremes.  They remind us that all members of the cabal will be given the opportunity to return to the Light.
The notion of rebalancing is explained. The cabal are returning to the center rather than living in the extremes of qualities like greed and hate. In the center resides love and peace.  We’re invited to join the Company of Light in the new world of the divine qualities like love and peace.  We’re asked to forgive and put these events behind us, turning our faces to the future.


(1) SaLuSa, May 11, 2012, at
(2) SaLuSa, June 20, 2012.
(3) Loc. cit.
(4) SaLuSa, Feb. 27, 2012.
(5) SaLuSa, Feb. 22, 2012.
(6) Archangel Michael, An Hour with an Angel, March 5, 2012, at .
(7) Loc. cit.
(8) Loc. cit.

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