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The Greatest "Disclosure" Event Ever to be Released to the World – Today in Belgium – by the Keshe Foundation
Posted on September 7, 2012

The World Peace Invitation and Release of Technology

Following the meeting of the Keshe Foundation with the world ambassadors invited to Brussels on 21 April 2012, our invitation now goes to the nations of the world through their ambassadors and their leaders

To attend a gathering on 6 September 2012 at the Keshe Foundation Center in Ninove, Belgium (or in any other place the nations may choose).

As your Excellencies have been aware, we invited representatives of every country to the first presentation of our technology on 21 April 2012.

The ambassadors of some nations attended this meeting and others chose to ignore the call, due to pressure from other nations, and decided not to attend or withdrew at the last moment.

With this second invitation (to take place on 6 Sept, 2012) we directly and unequivocally invite the leaders of your nation to appoint qualified individuals who can take part in the upcoming meeting at the Foundation on 6 September on behalf of their governments.

The reasons for this invitation and the meeting are as follows:

On 21 September 2012 the Keshe Foundation will release the first phase of its space technology and the gravitational and magnetic (Magravs) systems it has developed, to all scientists around the world simultaneously, for production and duplication.

From that point on, international borders will cease to have any real significance.

This is because, once the first flight system has been built and put into operation for the public, the time of travel for example from Tehran to New York will be about 10 minutes maximum.

The new airborne systems will enable every individual to make the same length of journey in the same time and at hardly any cost from any point on this planet.

The craft will not be detectable with present radar technology.

The energy crisis will be resolved at a stroke, and once the technology is put into practice the powers that control energy supplies and through them the present financial structures will find their hands empty.

The world water shortage will be addressed and resolved by presenting this technology to the public soon after the release of our energy and space technology.

How we have done this?

For the past six years we have used the international patent system to make sure that every nation and major scientists around the world have a copy of our patents in their possession.

(Please check the European patent and international servers downloads for number of downloads.)

Thus we have prevented any possible blocking of this technology by any individual or group and now most nations are in possession of our patents for energy generation, medical systems and space travel.

In this way the methods used in the past to prevent international development have been circumvented and now all nations have the same opportunity to work together to see that this technology is developed safely.

The principal point is that our technology is intended to be freely available to every government for the benefit of all its citizens.

Through the systems we have developed every nation can have access to as much energy, water and food as they need, as well as to new methods of health care and of transport, all at very little cost.

According to its charter the Keshe Foundation and all its technologies are owned by the peoples of the world.

The patents are the assets of every individual on this planet and cannot be claimed by any one person or organization or nation.

This means that all income generated by the technology belongs to the nation that makes use of it.

We will release the list of countries invited to the meeting on 6 September 2012 and the full e-mail addresses of those who receive invitations, so it will be up to you as a government to make it known who from your nation will be attending this meeting.

By the time this email arrives at your embassies a copy will be posted on the Foundation forum and website so your citizens will be aware of the offer that has been made to you.

Then it will be for you to make your response known to them, as well as to the Foundation, and we will gather the names of the delegates appointed and let your officials know where and how to meet.

Following this meeting, the presentation on 21 September 2012 will be the first step in the Keshe Foundation's teaching program to share its knowledge and put it into the hands of the people worldwide.

Once these new technologies and their benefits are known to the general public, the leaders of every nation will need to decide how they are going to implement them for the betterment of everyone.

At that point there will be two choices:

Either we all work together to change the life of everybody on earth for the better through the correct patterns of conduct, or

The advanced nations of the world will see in the near future a flood of immigrants in tens of thousands flocking to the major cities.

We are prepared to present the technology to your representatives in any setting, so that they can understand its implications and the changes it will bring about.

From now on, we can make sure that no child or adult will die of thirst or hunger and that no nation will be attacked by another,

Because the potential military applications of the new technology are so horrendously destructive that we will have no choice but to accept that fighting over the resources of the planet is a thing of the past.

There has been nothing wrong with protecting national assets, but now, as the leaders of small regions of the Earth, it is

Your responsibility to see that its resources are available to be shared, and that with the help of our technology, everyone's basic needs for energy, water, food and health care are met.

The Keshe Foundation takes no account of color, nationality, religion or political affiliation, thus our call is going out to every government to appoint a team of scientists to come and see our technologies at first hand.

Then they can decide whether or not to make use of them.

If you ignore this invitation, your nation will soon have no choice but to follow the lead of the nations who have decided to develop them.

We call on your nation, to start the process of world cooperation as soon as possible because once these systems are in operation, the frontiers that separate one country from another will have no meaning.

We have set the scene for a change of course for humanity and in the coming months we will see it through.

In the near future people will come to realize that we are here to serve each other, and not to be served, as all resources will be available to everyone, at the same time, and in the same measure.

M T Keshe

The founder and caretaker director of Stichting the Keshe Foundation (The Netherlands).

Here's a link:

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The Story of Blood Electrification

The Story of Blood Electrification

By Ken Adachi <Editor>
January 2000

Update!November 18, 2006: **Important 1996 Lab Report from Kaali & Lyman Detailing the Deactivation of HIV/AIDS Virus with minute Direct Electrical Currents --Seen for the first time on the internet**

Biocompatible Electric Current Attentuates HIV Infectivity (Nov. 18, 2006)

The Discovery
In the Fall of 1990, two medical researchers, Drs.William Lyman and Steven Kaali, working at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City made an important discovery. They found that they could inactivate the HIV virus by applying a low voltage direct current electrical potential with an extremely small current flow to AIDS infected blood in a test tube. Initially, they discovered this in the lab by inserting two platinum electrodes into a glass tube filled with HIV-1 (type 1) infected blood. They applied a direct current to the electrodes and found that a current flow in the range of  50-100 microamperes (uA) produced the most effective results. Practically all of the HIV viral particles were adversely affected while normal blood cells remained unharmed. The viral particles were not directly destroyed by the electric current, but rather the outer protein coating of the virus was affected in such a way as to prevent the virus from producing reverse transcriptase, a necessary enzyme needed by the virus to invade human cells. Reverse transcriptase allows the virus to enter a human T cell line (called CEM-SS) and commandeer the DNA reproduction machinery. After using the host cell to reproduce itself into thousands of new virii, the swollen host cell (now called syncytia or giant cell) will burst and spew the contents into the bloodstream or lymph system. This is how the virus spreads, but lacking reverse transcriptase, the HIV virus can't invade the host cell and it becomes vulnerable to destruction by the body's immune system. (The details of this experiment can be read from Kaali's patent application.)

Getting the Word Out?
A brief announcement of this discovery appeared in The Houston Post  (Mar 20, 1991), then in Science News (Mar. 30, 1991 pg. 207) and later in  Longevitymagazine: (Dec.1992 pg. 14). Following their work in the Fall of 1990, Kaali and Lyman presented their findings at the First International Symposium on Combination Therapies (an AIDS conference) in Washington DC on March 14th, 1991. Kaali outlined two methods for treating an AIDS patient with this new therapy: One method involved removing a small amount of blood, electrifying it and then returning it to the patient's body. The second method involved sewing a miniature electrifying power supply along with two tiny electrodes directly into the lumen of an artery. For long term treatment, the mini electrifying unit needed to be removed and relocated to a new artery site after 30-45 days since scar tissue and calcification forming around the implant unit would lead to artery blockage. Kaali (along with co-inventorPeter Schwolsky) filed for a patent on this implantable electrifying device on Nov 16, 1990 and nine months later was granted patent #5,139,684  on August 18, 1992. It's interesting to note two things here:

1. In order to obtain a patent from the United States Patent Office, Kaali and Schwolsky had to prove that the device works as claimed. Lacking solid proof, US patents are simply not granted.

Rest of info @

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As some of you know, I am a perceptic, meaning I sometimes perceive future events.  It's nothing I've ever been able to control, it just happened on occasion.  However, in the past year, these abilities have been increasing in frequency and strength, so I began a journey to strengthen these abilities and to rediscover soul memories.  I've had a few readings that have pointed me along the road.  I use three different ones to see if they agree, and they have been agreeing on major points.  I'm working on a blog about my journey, to help others to awaken and begin theirs.  The time is now.

But this isn't that blog.  Today during meditation, I was up above the veil (I see Earth with cloud-like grid lines representing the veil surrounding it), where I've been before, looking at a past life.  Today, I was gifted with what I needed to start looking at the future.  And, by the way, outside the veil is where past, present and future time all exist simultaneously.

After exploring more about that past life, and being empowered from it, I felt ready to look forward.  First, there was a very intense white light flooding my vision that lasted several minutes.  I was instructed to wait for it to pass.  When it did I saw Earth, as seen from space, and there was a TREMENDOUS explosion coming UP from Gaia, our Earth Mother, on the far horizon.  I likened the explosion to a large, reverse meteor strike.  But it wasn't a meteor.  The force of it made me immediately cry out in shock (like when you are in a car and are suddenly rear-ended, you didn't see it coming, and you go into shock from it) and I immediately started crying, nay, bawling. I was saying things like, OMG, those poor people!  Don't let those people die! 

And then a strong, but kind, voice in my head said:  Run, children, run!  The voice said it a few times, urgently, then said, Tell my children to run!

The shock began to diminish and I started thinking:  Was it a supervolcano?  I started asking questions of where, when, and all that.  The first thought to come up was Asian, then kowloon.  That puzzled me because (remembering from my love of Bruce Lee movies), I remember that word meaning "round eye," a term for non-Asians.  It didn't make sense at first.  Then an imagine of Filipino people running in fear flashed.  A blended people of Asians and kowloons.  I don't know if kowloon is a derogatory word; if it is, I apologize for my ignorance.

Okay, the where was answered.  So, I asked when.  I got soon (and you know how I feel about that).  Then I got close.  Ehh, not much better.  I was not satisfied, I wanted something more concrete.  So, suddenly I was there, on the ground in the future moment, just prior to the explosion so I could experience the signs.

As I did, I felt nauseous and disoriented.  This is your sign Phillipines.  The minute mass feelings of nausea and disorientation arise, you are to evacuate your area immediately, whichever direction will let you put the farthest distance between you and it.  DO NOT GO OUT TO SEA and stay inland and elevated as far as possible!  This means your bug-out bags must be ready to roll.  You should stock motion sickness medicine so that you can counteract the symptoms that will be coming from the subtle (at first) motion and outgassing so you can stay focused on evacuating the area.  Be orderly but move as quickly and as safely as possible.  Gaia is giving you as much early warning as possible because she knows you will be traveling travel far, so feel the urgency but do not panic.  You also will not be returning, so prepare yourselves for this as well.

A prepared mind is forearmed, meaning most of you can survive this one if you get ready.  Plan your escape routes in these waning moments.  Have more than one, just in case.  Start taking hikes with your bug-out bags to strengthen your body, form callouses, and find the correct weight you can carry.  You have much to do and little time left. 

Be ready to Run, children, Run!  Your mother loves you.

That was my vision.  Use your own discernment and decide for yourself. 

Update:  Since writing this, I've discovered that Kowloon is an area near Hong Kong, so it should be included in this warning, as well.

Copyright (c) 2012 Cheryl Nelson.  Permission to republish as long as it is reposted / reprinted in its entirety with its link to, this copyright notice is included, and it is distributed freely for no commercial gain.

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No, Really! Gov't Warns Of Zombie Apocalypse

I think DHS is trying to put preparing into the horror-thriller movie category.  Do we believe those?  No.  They are making preparing unrealistic.  A zombie apocalypse is not exactly the same as any old disaster.  You need stronger ammo to push zombies back.  How exactly do you kill the undead, anyway?  How, then, can anyone really prepare for a "zombie apocalypse." 

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Will this happen in America?  It already has, in various forms.  Remember people being trampled at Wal-Mart to buy cheap appliances at holiday sales? 

But watch Spain and the other countries that are crumbling.  It's coming, folks.  Get ready!

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Grandpappy's Website


This entire website is a gem of survival tips on a budget.  For instance, is just a wealth of information.  Keep your eye on the Discussion forum, where the main link is already posted.  Anyone who wants to bring a sub-link into its own discussion thread for more discussion is welcome to do so.

Did you know rice is one of the cheapest of foods and can last for 20 years if stored properly?  Did you know a one-year supply for one person is 60-70 pounds and currently at Wal-Mart, you can get 20-lb. bags for around $12-$13?  That means one person can have a one-year supply of rice for about $36-$40.  And combined with affordable beans, it makes a complete protein.  That is a great, economical start to building your food storage program.

Did you know you can grind rice and make rice flour, good for thickening sauces?

Did you know you can substitute it for bread crumbs in meatloaf?  Meatballs?  Poultry stuffing recipes?

Makes a good burrito.  Stewed tomatoes and rice = Spanish rice.  Curry + other spices = Indian rice.  Rice pilaf.  You can even make your own Rice-a-Roni. 

Oh, and then the dolmas.  Mmmmmmmmm.  Cabbage leaves + rice + tomato sauce + spices (and meat or boullion flavoring).

An inexpensive rice casserole uses rice and boullion cubes, butter and onion powder.

And rice puddings... you gotta check out this page.

Rice does not have to be boring and it doesn't have to be expensive to flavor, either.  And it is filling and satisfying.

For more information on meatless recipes, and complementary combining of foods, get a copy of Diet for a Small Planet by Frances Moore Lappe for more information.  Used copies are available on, starting around $3.30 ($3.99 S&H).

My personal favorite rice recipe is rice salad.  I mix garden salad fixin's with rice, and dress with my favorite dressing (currently Braswell's Creamy Vidalia).  Heaven!  Braswell's goes well on Ramen noodles too, another cheap source of carbs and calories.

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NASA Toying With Me - Or My Research Strikes Gold

by Mitch Battros - Earth Changes Media


Strange charged particles streaming from the core of our Milky Way galaxy may be a long-sought signal of dark matter - the elusive element thought to make up much of the universe, a new study reports.





Increase Charged Particles -->Deceased Magnetic Field -->Increase Outer Core Convection -->Increase of Mantle Plumes -->Increase in Earthquake & Volcanoes -->Cools Mantle and Outer Core -->Return of Outer Core Convection (mitch battros 2012)  


Researchers using the European Space Agency's Planck satellite have characterized in great detail the charged particles that form a mysterious haze at the center of our galaxy. They suspect this hazy cloud is not generated by the normal matter that makes up everything we can see and measure.




The Mayans called it the "5th Element" also described as "Ether". The definition of 'ether' described in various dictionaries such as Webster and Cambridge say: "It is a theoretical substance which occupy all space, postulated to account for the propagation of electromagnetic radiation through the universe." Mayan prophecy speaks of 'celestial events' as mentioned in the Mayan Sacred Books of 'Chilam Balam' and 'Popol Vuh' to occur at the end of the 4th world and beginning of the 5th world. We are in that time right now.




"The charged particles cannot be explained by the structural mechanisms in the galaxy, and it cannot be charged particles from supernova explosions," says Pavel Naselsky, of the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark. Naselsky added; "We believe that this could be proof of dark matter - otherwise, we have discovered an absolutely new (and unknown) mechanism of acceleration of particles in the galactic center."


The first evidence of the galactic haze was spotted by NASA's Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe in 2004, and researchers have been attempting to explain it ever since. Anisotropy means having different physical properties in different directions, usually in more than a single axis.




In the new study, researchers used Planck and WMAP data to look at the spectrum of particles in microwave wavelengths. They determined that it is most likely synchrotron emission, which is produced by electrons and positrons streaking at incredible speeds through magnetic fields at the center of the galaxy.


Dark matter is thought to be scattered throughout much of the universe, and is likely to be very dense at the centers of galaxies.





This is what I authored back on June 21, 2011


"Over the last three years and up until this date, we have witnessed monumental leaps of the scientific world's new understanding of the inter-galactic play between Earth, the Sun, and the Milky Way itself.


New information is coming in so fast, scientific scholars are seriously concerned over the re-designing, re-thinking, of established charts, graphs, formulas, templates, hypothesis, and most everything that resides in scientific journals and books.


In short: something is changing - and changing fast.


What is at the center of this "something"? Is it a core blanket of thought, understanding; a new discovery of a central "something" that changes all known paradigms? The answer is yes.


It is this "something" that our ancient ancestors have been trying to tell us for centuries. In several descriptions of this "something" coming from sources such as the Maya, Hopi, Jesus, Anasazi, Sumerians, Buddha, Dogon, Ra, and this list goes on.


It is sometimes referred to as 'holy spirit', 'creator', 'sun god', 'soul' - in more modern times it is referred to as Chi, Ki, Prana, Gaia. It is a source that connects all living things. Mayan prophecy refers to it as the "new element." They have given this "something" a name - they call it "Ether."


Specific to the Mayan Calendar - a transition to a new state-of-being (awareness) has already begun. The date of December 21st 2012 does not have the function of a light switch. There will be no difference on Dec. 20th or Dec. 22nd. This calendar date has always been meant to serve as simply a post-on-the-road telling us we have just about come to the peak of an old cycle and the beginning of a new one.


What is the "something" that drives cycles? Answer: Charged Particles"



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