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Short Situation Update
Clearing of the etheric Archon grid is progressing slowly, but effectively. This clearing must be completed before the Event can happen.
Due to certain security related issues in the beginning of 2013 the clearance to publish detailed intel from the Resistance was withdrawn in January. Probably some of you have noticed that not much substantial intel was published in my blog since then. This situation is now finally being resolved and I will be again able to slowly publish more, especially after the activation of the portal on May 25th.
Galactic energies preparing us for the activation of the portal on May 25th are beginning to accelerate. Venus-Mars conjunction this weekend was the initial trigger point of that process, bringing some much needed balance in relationships between male and female polarity. Partial lunar eclipse on April 25th will bring much of the remaining anomaly of the implant hemispheres into the awareness of the surface based Lightworkers so that it can be processed and transmuted through conscious awareness. Annular solar eclipse on May 10th will bring a strong pulse of Light from the Galactic Central Sun towards the surface of this planet and make the final push for the opening of the portal. And finally, a penumbral lunar eclipse on May 25th will open the portal itself.
There will be no drastic changes in the global financial system before the portal opens. I am not yet allowed to speak about what will happen after.
But one thing is certain. After the portal opens, I will be allowed to release a great part of the Ascension Plan to the surface population, after so many months of delays.
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I'm finding a lot of this true...

The Pleiadians ~ Be brave and excell in your tasks at hand for they are very significant and they play an important part   (as channeled by Méline Lafont)

The Pleiadians

The first contacts with us become ever more real and truthful due to the way you are evolving now. Gigantic leaps have been taken by the collective, partly thanks to the numerous lightworkers who never gave up hope remaining in their power and who continued passionately creating a strong basis for cooperation. We say to you : thank you, all those ones who have kept working so profoundly deep and who persevered with their missions. It will really all be worth your while, this is generally understood and known.

There are several ways of contacting us, some of you already have been able to establish a direct contact with us such as for instance through telepathic connection and even through direct visual contacts in their own reality. However, most forms of contact pass by unconsciously but that is now changing gradually into a more conscious contact, such as the contacts that are made in the dreamstate.

Many collective hearts still choose this way of communication as it feels comfortable to them. We are in agreement over this and we proceed not only with what is expected from us from the Cosmic Order but also with the actual contacts with you and the merging with us. We call this merging with us your “vindication”, where you come to a point in which you return to your true Self. We are your higher aspect and your future Self in the real time that you call the “future”; we have stated this fact in many previous messages.

We are approaching “full contact” and are working tirelessly on the possible effects that they will have in your collective world. We explicitly take everyone of you into account, we also take the collective of humanity, still holding dormant souls, into account. Rest assured that the time does not stand still and this applies also to our actions and the energies we all invest in this TOGETHER with all of you.

A consensus has already been reached on the scope of our language and of ourselves towards you and what we shall bring and offer to your world. The first thing we gladly would bring is an offer of Love and peace all over the world. This applies to everyone and everything on your planet and it is our greatest conviction that the hearts of humanity will be most grateful for this and really wouldn’t want anything else on this planet.

Nevertheless, this is our biggest concern and requires lots of energy as still up to this day there are too many disputes over power and ego, over separation. Ominous warmongering is still on the table and that is totally unacceptable, it can no longer be tolerated in your current and higher world. It has to do with the very last dormant souls who still dwell in their delusion but who will be shaken up quite boisterously.

Be thankful for who you are and for what you have already experienced, seen and felt so far. Be grateful for knowing and helping one another, for cherishing each other and for cooperating together. There is nothing as wondrous as what is now taking place on this beloved Gaia. Behold the blessing and the opportunity in everything as it is an extremely blessed and special process. Admittedly, this global Ascension and reformation of your world is a rather difficult and harsh school of learning, but it will all be worth it in the end.

You are truly the pioneers of Ascension, you are the new world leaders, all of you as One! You are now a more pure and clear collective unit with all your aspects and your Being. You bring renovations to this world, you bring this world out of duality, so go ahead and wait no longer. Get out of your lazy chairs on which you have adopted a waiting pose and see the world as it is. Declare your own freedom, embody your true Self once again and step forward into the world of manifestation and of multidimensional Being. Do not delay any longer, as we can only wait for you to be ready pushing yourselves into full consciousness and into your higher reality.

We are present with you and for you! Together we will work and build on the manifestation of a new world. This is what you are currently doing and the time is right. Let us tear down the last vestiges of duality, wait no longer but take action! Do not wait for the messages nor for the messengers to do it for you; be realistic and look from your heart to find out how far things have evolved. Help where necessary, use your talents and enrichments and avail yourselves of your wonderful energy and Light to assist all this and guiding it to a blissful and perfect outcome for the entire collective of humanity.

You are so close and we are near to all of you: this is a fact and not a fiction! It only pertains to understanding and viewing things from a different stance : from your heart and your inner core, not from the outer world nor from scenes playing out there. It is from within that we attune and adjust, it is from within that we extract all our knowledge and where we duly find ourselves. Be brave and excell in your tasks at hand for they are very significant and they play an important part. We supervise your safety and that of Gaia, but we also keep on working with hope in our hearts on our first real contacts with all of you! Ultimately this all is in your hands, do not let us down, but especially do not let yourselves down.

We love you with all of our hearts and we hope and know that we shall see you soon and that you will be able to see us in your reality. For several years we are already amongst you. Many of you are us while others are different “species” of Light and are Galactic brothers and sisters. We all form one entirety, representing the entire Cosmos and we all are part of the Cosmos.

Remain now the hopeful and joyful souls that you essentially are and enjoy everything that you do, that you bring and that you think. Be kind and happy and lift yourselves out of the rut and the depressing emotions of duality! See yourself radiating again and see how your tintillating energies reach out and share their bliss with every heart on Earth. Godspeed, our beloveds. Be blessed and beautiful for that is what you are, each and everyone of you!

The Pleiadians

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Until this battle is finally over and the cabal is dealt with, the world faces real risks of another major terror attack. Asked for his reaction to the ongoing takedown of the cabal, a senior member of the fascist P2 freemason lodge said “take a look at the radiation in Fukushima and the flu in China.” He then continued, “millions will die in America on the West Coast.”  Here is a counter prediction: “thousands will be arrested or killed until the cabal surrenders.”

The Sabbatean mafia that illegally seized control in the West is planning to stage nuclear terror attacks and blame them on North Korea, intelligence agency sources say. Google chief Eric Schmidt and basketball start Dennis Rodman recently visited North Korea as envoys of US President Barak Obama, MI6 and Japan-based North Korean sources say (shortly after Schmidt’s visit to North Korea, there was an attack on South Korean banking and media websites that was originally blamed on North Korea and China turns out to have originated in the US, most likely courtesy of Google).

The visits were aimed at encouraging North Korea to make nuclear provocations so that it could later be plausibly blamed for nuclear terrorist attacks carried out by the Sabbatean mafia, the sources say. To under-score this, the Mossad linked website had an article last week that basically threatened a North Korean nuclear terror attack unless Israeli interests were served.

Here is, in part, is what it said:

“So long as the Obama administration sticks to its current separate policies on Syria and Iran, Iran and Korea, Moscow and Beijing won’t lift a finger to apply the brakes to Kim Jong-Un before he drives the world to catastrophe.”

This is not even a fig-leaf of plausible deniability; why would North Korea risk nuclear annihilation to serve Israeli interests?

Both the official North Korean News Service and the pentagon are dialing back tensions even as the Zionist media continues its hysterical campaign to demonize North Korea. The fact of the matter is that two Sabbatean/Zionist/Nazi submarines have been sent to carry out nuclear terror attacks to protect Zionist’s fascist rule of the West. The Navy Intelligence information/disinformation site Sorcha Faal says the submarines are likely to attack either Yokohama (i.e. the US Yokota naval base in Yokohama, Japan), Busan in South Korea, Portland Oregon or Los Angeles.

Nobody will be fooled though and the Gnostic Illuminati are promising a retaliatory attack against Jerusalem if the Sabbateans try to pull off another nuclear terror attack. A South Korean government official also said his government knows North Korea is not planning any attack.

The same cabal is spreading bio-weapons in China, dumping nuclear waste in Japan and threatening to trigger an earthquake in California in a sign of vicious desperation.

The desperation is being triggered by an international dragnet that is closing in on them from all directions.

The attacks against the cabal are being carried out by multiple intelligence and police agencies using various covers. For example, the US agency backed hacker group anonymous has hacked Israeli database and found the names of 30,000 Mossad agents around the world. These names have been forwarded to the relevant authorities. Anonymous has also announced an attack on Israel’s web presence.

The other big agency attack against the Sabbateans took the form of a release by the “International Consortium of Investigative Journalists,” of the names of holders of offshore bank accounts worth $32 trillion dollars (over twice the US GDP). Before the website was taken down and put up again in sanitized form, it released the details of accounts held by people like Barak Obama, Tony Blair, the Governor of the Bank of England, Hillary Clinton etc. For example, the Obama offshore account totals $30 billion and is held under the name Henry Ansbacher.

Another attack was the release by Wikileaks of millions of documents linked to arch-cabalist Henry Kissinger including such juicy Kissinger quotes as “the illegal we do overnight, the unconstitutional takes longer.”

The financial attack on the cabal is also intensifying. The widely reported physical gold shortages, such as the line ups at gold outlets in Thailand, are being caused by cabalists desperately trying to use their fiat paper currencies to buy physical gold. In the case of Thailand, the Saudi Royal family and their buddies the Bushes are working with Japanese crime syndicates to buy Thai and Persian royal family gold.

The wife of the Prime Minister of a major Asian country even phoned this writer last week to ask where gold could be found (Hong Kong, Switzerland and Indonesia was my best guesstimate answer).

In Japan, the big monetary easing announced by the Bank of Japan last week is actually a massive move to protect Goldman Sachs and the Rockefellers, according to the executive of a Japanese securities company. Goldman Sachs is in severe trouble in South Korea, Japan and elsewhere and is using yen in a desperate move to keep itself afloat, he said.

“The entire South Korean financial system is controlled by Goldman Sachs and it is imploding under bad debt,” he said. A South Korean government official denied this.

However, a White Dragon Foundation delegation to Seoul was recently shown photographs of large amounts of gold for sale supposedly held at a secret location in South Korea. However, the South Korean side, including representatives of the 6 largest conglomerates and the South Korean government, were unable to provide a photograph of a recent newspaper being held in front of the gold.

There is also a desperate move by North and South Koreans in Japan to liquidate their yen holdings and either buy South Korean won or gold before their money is confiscated by the Japanese tax authorities, the executive said.

The Japanese monetary easing and the attempts to grab Korean assets are a sign of desperation by cabalists stooges in the Japanese political scene who see their Sabbatean bosses being pulled down above their heads.

Until this battle is finally over and the cabal is dealt with, the world faces real risks of another major terror attack. Asked for his reaction to the ongoing takedown of the cabal, a senior member of the fascist P2 freemason lodge said “take a look at the radiation in Fukushima and the flu in China.” He then continued, “millions will die in America on the West Coast.”

Here is a counter prediction: “thousands will be arrested or killed until the cabal surrenders.”

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Detonating a nuke over the western, center edge of the satellite orbital path detail (the green lines) would take out a larger chunk of the US, than detonating it where the House marker is, don't you think?  Thus, people west of the satellite orbital path are not out of danger.  I don't see a nuke being exploded up in Canada if the target is the US east coast.  And why waste a nuke detonated too close to the ocean when you can affect more of the US by detonating it further inland.  (I hope I'm not teaching Chubba-bubba how to nuke a nation!)

10958034259?profile=originalThanks to PatR for this information.

A nuclear device exploding anywhere will knock out the electric grid for a very long time (years to forever).  And there will be fallout to deal with.  If you are going to take this threat seriously, now is the time to execute your plans.  If you are going to dig a fallout shelter in your backyard, you better get moving on it because it takes two-three days.  Chubba-bubba says he can't guarantee the safety of diplomats after Wednesday.  And check out the latest Benjamin Fulford.  He's saying the dark forces are going to try to detonate a nuke and blame it on North Korea, which has really set itself up for something like this. is not the most credible source, mainly because it seems anyone can post anything.  However, with the situation escalating, I'm not going to withhold ANY information at this point.  Just be discerning and don't give in to fear (because it won't stop anything and it won't solve anything).

Take steps to protect your sensitive electronics by making a Faraday cage:

Also take precautions for nuclear fallout.  Search our site, the internet, and definitely click on the first link and print a copy of Nuclear War Survival Skills by Cresson Kearney at:, just in case.

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Greetings and Salutations;

So, like the beatles said, 'christ you know it ain't easy, you know how hard it can be', and that one said he'd be back 'soon', 2,000 years ago! Every week since the late 90's I've been talking about the things to come and the events that would shape them. It takes fire to make a phoenix egg break open so, this past week, the furnace was turned up and the eggs began to crack open. Some contractors in Iraq had their smart card loaded, one's they could use internationally, too. That should tell you 'something' is locked in place. The folks in the rafters also put the rvs into the system and let them process thru it. That started the final countdown so you could start exchanging your currencies. It also began the the final move to the new metal backed banking system. Let the good times roll.

This is no secret, Canada has the machinery that controls the western banking system, it's been that way for years, from the arctic to the antarctic. Should have remembered from junior high, I know it was boring, who cares? Well, it means something now, as all this stuff comes to a head. When is always the question, the answer is, it's all relative. Jamaicans are fond of saying, 'soon come', which you learn means, when it's 'time', like 'shaman time' amongst the native people. A clock watcher would find themselves very frustrated. As a farmer looks into the sky and feels the wind, he gets a reading on the weather. Even the moon phases tells him much about 'when' to plant, he using farmer time. City folk check their televisions and sometimes that's iffy on accuracy. A watched pot never boils, is what the old folks say. But, there are measurements one can use internally to have a 'feel' for 'when'. The Now is a broad range, as I learned, thru the years. The actual 'moment' is pinpointed somewhere in the now. Did I make That clear enough?

Bankers are not patriotic. Their game is money, they don't care about politics unless it results in more money for them. Wall St is killing it right now, so much for the political rhetoric you hear on Rupert Murdoch's franchise in NY, fox news. Shades of '1984', 'big brother loves you', 'war is peace'..etc.

You are entering the 'time' when you'll enter 'non time', it'll take some getting used to. Babies use it all the time, until we teach them to pay attention to the ticking on the wall. Your dog or cat doesn't have a wrist watch but something tells them to go stand by their bowls. Not compare anyone with an animal but, it's 'time' to stay close to your bowls. As you consume, you needn't worry about a bigger dog cleaning out your bowl, they'll find a cattle prod tapping that backside. Yipe, yipe. You're getting a 5 star trust for the programs, work from a position of safety. The folks in the rafters had to work thru government politics to get things right for all, and you wanted to know what took them so long. Watched DC lately? The good news is, the long and winding road is at it's end point. Consultations until the door bell rings.

Good luck and let the good time roll.


Love and Kisses,
Poofness []

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