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The ongoing battle over control of the global financial system has entered a new phase with some heavy under the radar maneuvers, according to Chinese government, Illuminati, CIA and Asian secret society sources. Despite the departure of the old pope, the surrender of the Rothschilds and the neutering of the Bush family, a stalemate has continued with the Rockefellers, the new Pope, Queen Elizabeth, Obama, the Japanese Emperor and other old world order power-brokers refusing to finance a major campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction.

In order to break this deadlock and free human potential, a secret campaign has now been started to identify and deal with the precise obstacles to freeing humanity from financial slavery. This will mean more and more prominent people will be suddenly vanishing from public view, according to members of several different secret societies.

For example, have either George Soros or Nat Rothschild been seen in public recently? Also, Japanese right wing politician Shintaro Ishihara has dropped out of view again despite the appearance of a reported double on TV following his long “hospital stay.” We do not condone “disappearing” people and hope they all make a public appearance soon so that we can confirm they are alive and safe.

Nonetheless, some very dangerous people are justifiably angry at various mass murder campaigns carried out at the behest of the Sabbatean mafia, are very impatient with the ongoing deadlock and are not easily held back.

To try to prevent a bloodbath among the elite, action is being taken to ensure a major campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction begins sooner rather than later. That is why there will be a push to break the freeze on lawsuits aimed restoring the rights to the world’s historical treasure to the legal owners. This is a tricky process because it involves undoing 100 years of secret Sabbatean Mafia global financial control via privately owned central banks. For that reason, the US agencies, the Chinese government, Asian Secret Societies, the Gnostic Illuminati, the Vatican and the Swiss, among others, are being consulted about the best way to go forward.

The best research indicates that rights to 85% of the world’s historical treasure belong to Asian royal families, notably Chinese dynastic families like the Qing, Ming, Lee and Sung.

Neil Keenan, who claims to have the backing of the Pentagon and US agencies, says there is a (sic) “Xing” Empress who is fully in charge of, and managing the rights to, 85% of the world’s money. However, Chinese government and Asian Secret Society sources have not been able to confirm this. Nor does it appear to be the reality on the ground. We await further confirmation on this issue from Asian sources but since this requires non-digital communications, it will take time.

Also, our own research indicates the “Dragon family” appears to be the Merovingian, i.e. European, royal families. The head of a major royal Asian secret society claims not to have heard of a “Dragon family.”

In any case, historical rights to treasure is one thing, current geopolitical reality is another. Even if the Asians have historical rights to 85% of the world’s treasure, Western governments are not about to stand by and let them translate that into control of 85% of the world.

Nonetheless, the situation at present is that the people de facto in charge of the Federal Reserve Board and the European Central bank got control by defrauding Asian royals of their gold and need to be removed. However, this needs to be done in a way that does not lead to the dysfunction of the financial system subsequent collapse of Western civilization.

The best way to go about this is to systematically audit the books of all financial organizations and remove fraudulently created money, especially derivatives created via astronomical leverage and complex computer algorithms. Traditional futures markets should be restricted to the maximum 10 times leverage that historical experience shows is the limit needed for long term market integrity. It is time to go back to plain vanilla.

It is also necessary for Western governments to recognize that most of them have been borrowing from the rest of the world, especially Asia, at an unsustainable rate for the past 30 years or longer. They need to negotiate a restructuring of their overseas debt.

There also needs to be a major realignment of currencies. The Euro needs to shed Southern Europe and become a Northern European Mark. The Southern Europeans need their own competitive currency. That is the cultural and economic reality. It will mean cheap Greek holidays for Germans and expensive Mercedes limousines for rich Greeks until the natural balance is restored.

Also, and I cannot repeat this too often, the U.S. dollar is not and never was American and the United States government needs to start issuing its own greenbacks. The only other choice, and this is the one made by Sabbatean Mafiosi who run the US government, is to wait until 90% of Americans’ incomes to fall to Chinese levels.

The bottom line for Europeans and Americans is that no matter how hard they try to avoid it, reality has a way of catching up.

On the bright side, once an agreement is reached on new financial architecture, humanity has the potential to experience a spurt of growth and progress on par with the birth of agriculture and the start of the industrial revolution.

Finance is the process of deciding what we as a species do in the future. That has been stolen from us by a family mafia of religious cultists obsessed with turning ancient prophecies into reality. Once these people are removed from control of the creation of dollars and Euros humanity will be able to decide its own future.

Traditional political and religious organizations can play a major role in this process once the financial rot (bribed politicians etc.) is cut out. The Vatican, the British Commonwealth, the restored Republic of the United States and other such venerable power centers have the institutional ability to carry out vast projects.

We also need to build entirely new institutions from the ground up to work in harmony with existing ones. The White Dragon Society has proposed that these new institutions be run on the basic principles of equality and finding win-win solutions.

Asian financial leaders have already agreed to generously finance non-military Western ventures once the financial stand-off ends. There is plenty to do. China, for example, needs Western expertise to clean up its increasingly toxic environment. Turning the deserts green and replenishing the oceans are other big projects waiting to start.

Western technology and science also now stand at the brink of accomplishments that will outstrip our imaginations. Immortality, super-powers, exploration of other dimensions, the creation and colonization of new digital realities and much more are now within our reach. What are we waiting for?

~ Benjamin Fulford – May 14, 2013

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The sun unleashed a colossal Mother's Day solar flare on Sunday (May 12) in what has become the most powerful solar eruption of the year.

The giant solar flare, which registered as one of the largest eruptions the sun can unleash, peaked Sunday night at 10:17 p.m. EDT (0217 GMT) and was captured on camera by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory. It sparked an hour-long high-frequency radio blackout, according to the Space Weather Prediction Center overseen by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Sunday's solar flare registered as an X1.7-class sun eruption — the strongest type of solar flare the sun can fire off, according to the SWPC officials.

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21 Traits of an Awakening Soul

21 Traits of an Awakening Soul

Flickr-NASA-NASA-Goddard-Photo-and-Video-300x300.jpgChristina Sarich

Activist Post

You can say its because of a global shift in consciousness, a destiny we have arrived at due to spiritual evolution, or the outcome of strange times, but, many people all across the globe are going through intense personal changes and sensing an expansion of consciousness. Personal changes of this magnitude can be difficult to recognize and to understand, but here are 21 traits of an awakening soul, a ‘sensitive’, or an ‘empath.’

1. Being in public places is sometimes overwhelming. Since our walls between self and other are dissolving, we haven’t really learned to distinguish between someone else’s energy and our own. If the general mood of the crowd is herd-like or negative, we can feel this acutely, and may feel like retreating into our own private space. When we have recharged our batteries with meditation, spending time in nature, far away from other people, or just sitting in quiet contemplation, we are ready to be with the masses again. In personal relationships, we often will feel someone else’s emotions as our own. It is important to have this higher sense of empathy, but we must learn to allow another person’s emotions while observing them and keeping our empathy, but, realizing that not all emotions belong to us. Social influence can dampen our own innate wisdom.

2. We know things without having to intellectually figure them out. Often called intuitive awareness, we have ‘a-ha’ moments and insights that can explain some of the most complex theories or phenomenon in the world. Some of the most brilliant minds of our time just ‘know.’ Adepts and sages often were given downloads of information from higher states of consciousness after meditating or being in the presence of a more conscious individual; this is happening for more people with more frequency. As we trust our intuition more often, it grows stronger. This is a time of ‘thinking’ with our hearts more than our heads. Our guts will no longer be ignored. Our dreams are becoming precognitive and eventually our conscious thoughts will be as well.

3. Watching television or most of main stream media, including newspapers and many Hollywood movies is very distasteful to us. The mindset that creates much, but not all, of the programming on television and in cinema is abhorrent. It commodifies people and promotes violence. It reduces our intelligence and numbs our natural empathetic response to someone in pain.

4. Lying to us is nearly impossible. We may not know exactly what truth you are withholding, but we can also tell (with our developing intuition and ESP skills) that something isn’t right. We also know when you have other emotions, pain, love, etc. that you aren’t expressing. You’re an open book to us. We aren’t trained in counter-intelligence, we are just observant and knowing. While we may pick up on physical cues, we can look into your eyes and know what you are feeling.

5. We may pick up symptoms of your cold, just like men who get morning sickness when their wives are pregnant. Sympathy pains, whether emotional or physical, are something we experience often. We tend to absorb emotion through the solar plexus, considered the place we ‘stomach emotion’ so as we learn to strengthen this chakra center, we may sometimes develop digestive issues. Grounding to the earth can help to re-establish our emotional center. Walking barefoot is a great way to re-ground.

6. We tend to root for the underdog, those without voices, those who have been beaten down by the matrix, etc. We are very compassionate people, and these marginalized individuals often need more love. People can sense our loving hearts, so complete strangers will often tell us their life stories or approach us with their problems. While we don’t want to be a dumping ground for everyone’s issues, we are also a good ear for those working through their stuff.

7. If we don’t learn how to set proper boundaries, we can get tired easily from taking on other people’s emotions. Energy Vampires are drawn to us like flies to paper, so we need to be extra vigilant in protecting ourselves at times.

8. Unfortunately, sensitives or empaths often turn to drug abuse oralcohol to block some of their emotions and to ‘protect’ themselves from feeling the pain of others.

9. We are all becoming healers. We naturally gravitate toward healing fields, acupuncture, reiki, Qi-Gong, yoga, massage, midwivery, etc. are fields we often find ourselves in. We know that the collective needs to be healed, and so we try our best to offer healing in whatever form we are most drawn to. We also turn away from the ‘traditional’ forms of healing ourselves. Preferring natural foods, herbs, and holistic medicine as ways to cure every ailment.

10. We see the possibilities before others do. Just like when the church told Copernicus he was wrong, and he stood by his heliocentric theory, we know what the masses refuse to believe. Our minds are light-years ahead.

11. We are creative. We sing, dance, paint, invent, or write. We have amazing imaginations.

12. We require more solitude than the average person.

13. We might get bored easily, but we are really good at entertaining ourselves.

14. We have a difficult time doing things we don’t want to do or don’t really enjoy. We really do believe life was meant to be an expression of joy. Why waste it doing something you hate? We aren’t lazy, we are discerning.

15. We are obsessed with bringing the truth to light. Like little children who say, “that’s not fair” we want to right the wrongs of the world, and we believe it often just takes education. We endeavor to explain the unexplainable and find answers to the deep questions of life. We are seekers, in the Campbellian paradigm. ‘The Hero With a Thousand Faces.”

16. We can’t keep track of time. Our imaginations often get away with us and a day can feel like a minute, a week, a day.

17. We abhor routine.

18. We often disagree with authority (for obvious reasons).

19. We will often be kind, but if you are egotistical or rude, we won’t spend much time with you or find an excuse to not hang out with people who are obsessed with themselves. We don’t ‘get’ people who are insensitive to other people’s feelings or points of view.

20. We may be vegan or vegetarian because we can sense a certain energy of the food we eat, like if an animal was slaughtered inhumanely. We don’t want to consume negative energy.

21. We wear our own emotions on our sleeves and have a hard time ‘pretending’ to be happy if we aren’t. We avoid confrontation, But will quietly go about changing the world in ways you can’t even see.

These 21 traits of an awakening soul are a reminder of how important it is to maintain awareness, clarity and strength in these interesting times. If you are experiencing something that is not on this list, please add it to the comments section below.

Christina Sarich is a musician, yogi, humanitarian and freelance writer who channels many hours of studying Lao Tzu, Paramahansa Yogananda, Rob Brezny, Miles Davis, and Tom Robbins into interesting tidbits to help you Wake up Your Sleepy Little Head, and See the Big Picture. Her blog is Yoga for the New World. Her latest book is Pharma Sutra: Healing the Body And Mind Through the Art of Yoga.

This article appeared at
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Poofness 5-12-2013

Poofness 5-12-13..."Let the Good Times Roll"

Greetings and Salutations

I haven't been responding to emails nor on the computer much but have not missed a beat on the conclusion on this 'never ending story.' It is ending and that's all that matters. Hong Kong is very pleased right now and there is definitely major forward movement.

April showers certainly bring forth May flowers so be prepared to pick your bouquets. That's right!! It looks like most of the bad guys are put to bed, no more sweet lullabies for them.

I'm certainly getting the rest I've needed and am looking forward to freedom, as we all are! Consultations available until my doorbell rings.

Love and Kisses,

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----- Original Message -----
From: Doc Art
Sent: Sunday, May 12, 2013 10:31 PM

Clif Highs current Update on 'Global Coasting FLOODING Event', released yesterday... Very detailed release.. Black Star Researcher Terral 03 is warning of a Black Star ( PLANET-X ) Earth Crossing Event on 5/17 & Terral sees this event as a high degree of probability of causing a Geographical Pole Shift, so he's driving from Florida to the Ozarks to hunker down into the Caves with his Survivalist group..

Courtney Brown also maintains we need to wait until June 1st to see what really happens with his experiment from last year, which also sees a Global Coastal Flooding Event by June 1st..Courtney now thinks that the Meteor that came down over Russia & injured 1200 back in February may've actually BEEN the event but in a different timeline or dimension, but he still goes on to state that we need to wait until June 1st...

Earth has also been egressing out an Electrical Alignment with Saturn over the last week or two which is another HEAVY MASS Celestial Body & not sure if this factors in ???

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Why a government-orchestrated distraction event is highly likely to occur in the next 7 days      

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False Flag-O-Meter reaches the red zone

Mike Adams NaturalNews May 12, 2013

This is a short but urgent warning: A false flag event, an act of war, a bombing or some other headlines-grabbing orchestrated event is very likely to occur in the next seven days precisely because the Obama administration is under intense fire right now and needs a quick distraction. In stage magic, it’s called the “art of misdirection.” In politics, it’s called the “Clinton method.”

This is exactly what Bill Clinton did over and over again during his administration: Any time he was about to be raked over the coals for some political scandal, he would simply order the bombing of another “terrorist factory” somewhere around the globe. Magically, the Clinton News Network (CNN) would shift coverage to this heroic act of “national defense” and stop asking questions about his scandal back at home. That would give the Clinton administration enough time to intimidate, threaten or murder whoever might have been involved. (Vince Foster, remember?)

Right now, Hilary Clinton and President Obama are facing the possible downfall of their political careers over the Benghazi cover-up. Thanks to recent testimony, we now know that the Obama administration actually ordered the stand-down of U.S. military forces, directly causing the death of a U.S. ambassador as well as those in the embassy who attempted to save his life.

This is a scandal many times more explosive than Watergate. As the Benghazi investigation unfolds, it may very well end up in the forced resignation of Obama himself.

“Greenlighting” a pre-planned operation

To avoid that from happening, Clinton, Obama and all the other globalist minions in Washington D.C. are trying to figure out what false flag scheme they have ready to go right now. They desperately need to pull the trigger on something: a bombing, a mass shooting, a hundred dead kids bleeding out on public sidewalks or something that can distract the media (and the public) from asking too many questions on Benghazi.

Hence the red zone of the False Flag-O-Meter. It’s now sitting in very dangerous territory, and the worse the scrutiny gets over Benghazi or the recent revelations that the IRS targeted conservative groups and Jews for punitive scrutiny during the 2012 elections, the more likely a false flag event becomes.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Just so you understand real history here, false flags are the primary way governments affect sweeping policy changes. They are acts of political theater played out for the purpose of causing enough real mayhem and carnage — and blaming the right culprits — so that the public will demand government action. This plays right into the hands of government which incessantly wants to concentrate power and destroy civil liberties. Every crisis that unfolds allows it to move one step closer to its goal of dictatorial police state control.

Watch for a major event in the next 7 days

Understanding this, there is a high probability of a false flag event occurring within the next seven days: A staged terror attack on a U.S. embassy, a shooting on U.S. soil, a bombing of a government building, someone blowing up a bridge… anything to get the attention off Benghazi-gate.

FBI agents are no doubt scurrying across the country right this very minute, taking inventory of all their pre-planned terror plots and trying to determine which one they can make “real” at short notice. The FBI, in case you didn’t know, openly plots and carries out terror attacks all across the USA in order to show that it’s “stopping terrorism.” This has been confirmed by the New York Times, which rarely admits anything true about terror plots.

Whatever it is, this false flag event needs to be visually and emotionally shocking. So expect children to be sacrificed as part of it. Nothing grabs headlines on CNN faster than the blood of children, and that’s what Hilary Clinton needs right now more than anything else: a powerful, revolting distraction from her own abject criminality.

And believe me, these people would order a thousand children killed if it was necessary to save their political careers. Have no illusions about the kind of power-addicted monsters who are running the U.S. government today. There is nothing they won’t do to weasel out of being caught in a devastating lie.

I hope I’m totally wrong about this prediction, but just in case you may want to be extra vigilant for the next week or so, and if something does happen, don’t believe the White House narrative which is almost 100% guaranteed to be complete fiction.

Read more…  The first time you click this link it may not work X out and do it again, it works

Months after the Sandy Hook incident, the abundance of evidence is beginning to look like there may have been no shooting in Newtown, Connecticut after all! Was it all just an effort to promote the administration's anti-gun bill? Watch the show for yourself and then make your own decision. (Hint: The most important pieces of evidence are saved for near the end of the show!)   I wonder if Ray still has a job.

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