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Economy News for Thurs 9 May 2013

JPM Eligible Vault Gold Drops To Fresh Record Low

Fed's Fisher To Santelli: "This Can't Go On Forever"

These 20 Charts Show That The US Jobs Market Continue To Be A Huge Mess

The Price Of Copper And 11 Other Recession Indicators That Are Flashing Red

Gerald Celente: Crash, Depression, Currency Wars, Trade Wars, Then Real Wars - The End Game Approaches

Fed's Plosser:  We've Dug Ourselves A Very Large Hole

World Bank Insider:  Western Power Structure Collapses

Stanley Druckenmiller: Bernanke Running The Most Inappropriate Monetary Policy In History. The Commodity Situation Is Deadly, And The Aussie Dollar Will Come Down Hard. I See Storm Coming, Bigger Than 2008

Our Current Financial System Is So Toxic, A Collapse Is Imminent

The Fed Is Creating Class Warfare And The Recovery Is Being Distorted

S&P Slips, Snaps 5-Day Streak Of Record Closes;_ylt=AugZtY6NmW9kI0OZFvwjhViiuYdG;_ylu=X3oDMTNyNzNvNW9nBG1pdANGUCBUb3AgU3RvcnkgTGVmdARwa2cDZWMzZWE2OTUtY2M2Ni0zMGI5LThjN2ItYmIyNDg4YzQxMGIxBHBvcwMxBHNlYwN0b3Bfc3RvcnkEdmVyA2QzN2JjMDkwLWI4ZjQtMTFlMi1iN2VmLWFkYmJiZjg4NzBhOA--;_ylg=X3oDMTFkcW51ZGliBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdANob21lBHB0A3BtaA--;_ylv=3

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Many have a lot to learn in consideration of this list.
Let the world know when ‘Validation’ of this is available.
~ Drake

Subject: Post from McHaffie on NESARA Blogspot

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Message to: Mr. Lew, Mr. Dempsey, & CEO of Wells Fargo —— GET IT DONE NOW!

Message to:  Mr. Lew, Mr. Dempsey, & CEO of Wells Fargo

OK, it’s been said
  1. Supposedly, Christine Largarde of IMF pressed the button in front of the World Court at 4:45 pm EST on 5/6 and this sent the RV in motion
  2. Supposedly, 200 WF bankers were arrested over the weekend on 5/3 – 5/5
  3. Supposedly, over 5/4-5/5 weekend, all the banks in US updated or replaced file Servers to work directly with the US Treasury and not the Federal Reserve.
  4. Supposedly, all the banks of 208 countries are on the same banking system
  5. Supposedly, WF, Chase, CB applied for Sovereignty Papers to remove themselves from Federal Reserve System and allowing themselves to be US Treasury banks during week April 28th and was granted
  6. Supposedly, said this week May 5th, new US Treasury dollars to appear 5/15 backed by GOLD and other precious metals
  7. Supposedly, April 28th week, Judge Roberts release the Gold Certificates for the Farm Claim Lawsuit recipients
  8. Supposedly, April 28th week, The Supreme Court Justices have  been in RENO witnessing the release of the Farm Claim Lawsuit documents
  9. Supposedly, April 28th week, WF CEO was fired, thought arrested, however, appeared before the US Supreme Court to argue the case in behalf of George Bush (Sr./Jr.) to stop the Farm Claims Lawsuit release. Judge Roberts supposedly told them to take a hick and ordered the release of the funds.
  10. Supposedly, New file servers were installed over the weekend at Treasury freeing them from the Federal Reserve System on April 27 / 28 while under protection of special forces
  11. Supposedly, the numbers has been on the WF screens for weeks and no one pulled the trigger.
  12. Supposedly, Wells Fargo owner Warren Buffet (with silent partners  Bill Gates, George Bush, Queen of England) has sold their controlling interest in WF to the Old Chinese Family (69% ownership).  Just got to ask the question:  Why would they Buffet (Bush, Gates & Queen) who do not want the RV to happen, who do not want the Farm Claim Lawsuit to be paid out, or who do not want the prosperity packages released to the people every sell their ownership???
  13. Supposedly, Wells Fargo was always a gold backed bank since Queen was involved with them too …
  14. Supposedly, All Bankers have the entitlements from England as do the BAR attorney’s which makes them British Citizens and not US Citizens who control your money & laws who are manipulate countries for WAR profiteering
  15. Supposedly, Citibank was not able on their own to achieve Basel 3 banking compliancy, so Russia came in and bought controlling interest and later sold to the Old Family Chinese who backed them with enough gold to qualify for Basel 3.
  16. Supposedly, Chase CEO Jamie Damon resigned;
  17. Supposedly several weeks prior Jamie Damon was arrested and questioned on bad banking practices and he squealed about all the plans against the We THE People.
  18. Supposedly, Chase is now Basel 3 complaint where I fine this funny since they were one of the worst on derivatives with Gold Certificates.  Do you smell a deal done!!
  19. Supposedly, On the Tom Hennigan report, Flag Officers have been assigned to US Treasurer Jack Lew to run this process on taking down the US Corporation and installing the Republic form of US Constitutions government plus releasing of the RV, Farm Claim Lawsuit and prosperity packages
  20. Supposedly, On the Benjamin Fulford report, US Military led by General Dempsey & the military need to temporarily take over the key centers of power. They need to send troops to occupy the following places: the Federal Reserve Board branches, the Congress, the Senate, the White House, the Supreme Court, the Justice Department, the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, the major media companies and the Council on Foreign Relations. General Dempsey, the Republic is waiting on YOU Sir, how many orders do you need, get with it.
  21. Supposedly, Governor of CBI, US Treasury Secretary, & WF CEO (old Chinese Family Nephew?) to make the final arrangements.  So, make the arrangements and get on with this …

So with all this said, WHERE is the evidence to show TRUTH! It’s all talk with no evidence of action.

  1. OK, public announcement, General Dempsey, get on with it.
  2. OK, public announcement, US Treasury Sect. Lew, get on with it.
  3. OK, public announcement, CEO of Wells Fargo, get on with it or we will remove your Bank Charter effective immediately and you will be out of business
  4. OK, public announcement, Old Family of China, get on with it, enough talk, American’s move much faster and expect actions.  Our culture is take action; your culture is allow time.  Must understand Sir, our Government, Banking, Legal practices are corrupt and need a complete overhaul per our Declaration of Independence circa 1776 and circa 2012.

We THE People who are the Civilian Authority, under Original Jurisdiction of the Constitution 1789, Bill of Rights 1891, with original 13thAmendment having superior position over US Corporation and the US Military. We the people do here by say GET IT DONE NOW!
REF:       Declaration of Independence 2012            Order #1 – 10

Posted by John MacHaffie at  1:36 PM
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Steve Quayle Alert, take it FWIW...


- An official presidential motorcade is now travelling from Damascus on the Damascus-Homs motorway, with all the roadside lights off
- #SYRIA #Damascus: Strange odors throughout the capital city are causing runny eyes and coughing
- Members of Assad's inner circle fleeing to Beirut with the lights of #Damascus-Beirut road power off completely, activists say #Israel
- According to Syrian activists, the Israeli Airstrike targeted the following locations:
- 105th Brigade (Republican Guard)
- 104th Brigade
- Missile Brigade (Qasioun Mount)
- Arms Depot (Qasioun Mount)
- Jamraya Scientific Research Centre
- Defense Factories near the town of Hameh.
- One location near the premises of the Fourth Division in Qudsaya.
- Arms Depot for the Fourth Division in Qudasya.
- Scud Missile base between the towns of Ma’arbeh and al-Tal.
- Radio_FreeSyria unconfirmed reports Assad ordered forces to mobilise in Golan Hts-set to declare war on Israel
- According to an Israeli channel, Israel has officially cancelled all schools/day jobs tomorrow in case #Syria decides to attack Tel Aviv.
- @AlArab_Qatar Israeli channel ten confirms that 12 raids took place in #Syria #damascus and its suburbs
- Israel's Channel 10 is reporting a loss of contact with two Israeli warplanes over Syria #damascus
- Interfax news agency: Russian naval ships move at this time of the Black Sea in the direction of the Syrian port of Tartus
BTW... Russia already got 6 WARSHIPS off Syria/Israel... and 6 more are coming.
Russia currently has six ships in the Mediterranean, including the Azov, which made frequent trips to the region before, calling at the Russian resupply base in the Syrian city of Tartus.
Another six ships of the Pacific Fleet are on the way to the Mediterranean and expected to join the task force later this month.
Can you say WW3???
The ONLY ones at this point who can stop this madness from going full on chemical war/total war between Iran/Lebanon/Syria perhaps even Egypt vs Israel is Russia...
Remember that in 73, when Israel was nearly overwhelmed, they deployed their nukes for use... then the war turned around... if anyone launches anything chemical or biological at Israel, Israel is gonna nuke someone.

May 5, 2013

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Benjamin Fulford 5-6-13

One of the world’s leading terrorists, the Satan worshipping mass murderer Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel has been summoned to China where he will be confronted with evidence of his involvement in the March 11, 2011 nuclear and tsunami terror attack against Japan, according to Chinese government sources. The evidence is a tape recorded phone call to then Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan in which Netanyahu threatened to destroy all of Japan’s nuclear reactors if Kan did not order the Japanese government to write off its holdings of US government debt, according to Japanese military intelligence. In exchange for sweeping this issue under the carpet, the 180 nation BRICS alliance will demand an end to all further war-mongering in the Middle East. The Israeli use of a nuclear bunker buster bomb against Syria just before Netanyahu’s departure was a futile gesture of defiance as the worldwide crackdown on the Sabbatean Satanic mafia unfolds.

In a related development, the UK Police and Crime Commission have opened an investigation into the Thames Valley police, Sara Thornton in particular, concerning, among other things, the murder of bio-weapons specialist Dr. David Kelly. This is part of a wider police investigation into the cabal that fooled the UK government into participating in the invasion of Iraq. The heads of MI5, the London Metropolitan Police counter terror squad and of UK Special Forces have all left their posts, according to an MI5 source. Several journalists have also been arrested, he said. Many witnesses of substance (military) are coming forward in support having realized the UK police have been acting outside correct procedures in many instances, according to an MI5 source. “The emphasis will now be on internal investigations of corruption in the Police and Civil service,” the source said. The Cabinet Secretary, Sir Jeremy Heywood, Head of the Civil Service, will also find his position under close scrutiny. Then Prime Minister Tony Blair has already been investigated and has basically sung like a canary. Blair has already implicated many EU leaders as having accepted bribes in exchange for allowing the Soviet Union modeled EU to gradually usurp the sovereignty of European nation states.

This of course, is a preliminary to investigations that will finally bring justice to the perpetrators of the 911 terror and mind-control attack against the US. The wheels of justice will roll towards George Bush Jr., Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Frank Carlucci, Michael Chertoff and the entire fascist cabal that seized control of the US following the rigged year 2000 election, according to patriotic CIA and Pentagon sources.

The question remains just how far down the rabbit hole the whole crackdown on the perpetrators of 911, 311 and related events will go. The problem is concentrated at the top and it is very difficult for military and law enforcement types used to following orders from above to take action against their “superiors.”

When you have a supreme court that has been threatened and intimidated into submission, a Congress and Senate that have been mostly bribed and a President who is a puppet, then going through them is not a realistic option in dealing with the criminal fascist takeover of the US.

My understanding is that the joint chiefs of staff of the Pentagon are the best hope for restoring the US Republic and freeing the American people. What they need to understand is that it is not going to be any court case that will settle the problem.

If the American people are to be freed, the military need to temporarily take over the key centers of power. They need to send troops to occupy the following places: the Federal Reserve Board branches, the Congress, the Senate, the White House, the Supreme Court, the Justice Department, the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, the major media companies and the Council on Foreign Relations.

Once this is done, it will be a fairly simple job to figure out who has been part of the fascist cabal: follow the money. Anybody who is living way beyond their salary and cannot explain the source of money should be suspended pending further investigation.

There is also a need to remove all US/Israeli dual citizens from any government offices. Dual loyalty and service to your government are not compatible.

The Pentagon types rightly point out the lesson of history that the military are not good at running governments as the reason they have not taken action yet. That is true but, the military are very good at restoring order and then returning to their barracks.

The military take pride in the fact they have never interfered in government since the founding of the United States. However, they need to realize that never before in the history of the United States has the country been surreptitiously taken over by a foreign power.

This of course brings us back to Israel. Israel was founded by Jews who murdered other Jews in order to force them out of their European homeland as part of a criminally insane project to carry out ancient biblical prophecies. It sounds too far-fetched for us normal people to fathom, but history makes it clear this is exactly what has been going on. That is why there has been no solution to the Palestinian issue despite over 5 decades of “peace negotiations.” Peace would prevent their planned Armageddon.

~ Benjamin Fulford – May 6, 2013

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