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2014: Breakdown or Breakthrough?

"CHAPEL HILL, N.C. (MarketWatch) — There are eerie parallels between the stock market’s recent behavior and how it behaved right before the 1929 crash.

That, at least, is the conclusion reached by a frightening chart that has been making the rounds on Wall Street. The chart superimposes the market’s recent performance on top of a plot of its gyrations in 1928 and 1929....."


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Former FBI Chief poisoned for saying Chemtrails Are Real?

Symptoms indicate that Ted L. Gunderson was poisoned

By Staff Writer

(INTELLIHUB) —Former FBI Chief, Ted L. Gunderson, made a statement regarding chemtrails on January 12, 2011.

Ted said the following:

“The death dumps, otherwise known as chemical trails, are being dropped and sprayed throughout the United States and England, Scotland, Ireland, and Northern Europe. I have personally seen them not only in the United States, but in Mexico and in Canada. Birds are dying around the world. Fish are dying by the hundreds of thousands around the world. This is genocide. This is poison. This is murder by the United Nations.

This element within our society that is doing this must be stopped. I happen to know of two of the locations where the airplanes are that dump this crap on us. Four of the planes are out of the Air National Guard in Lincoln, Nebraska. And, the other planes are out of Fort Sill, Oklahoma. I personally have observed the planes that were standing still in Nebraska – Lincoln, Nebraska – at the Air National Guard. They have no markings on them.

They are huge, bomber-like airplanes with no markings. This is a crime: a crime against humanity, a crime against America, a crime against the citizens of this great country. The must be stopped. What is wrong with congress? This has an affect on their population, and their people, and their friends, and their relatives, and themselves. What’s wrong with them? What’s wrong with the pilots who are flying these airplanes and dumping this crap, this poison, on their own families? Somebody has to do something about it. Somebody in Congress has to step forward and stop it now. Thank you. I’m Ted Gunderson.”

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Peace - A Gift to All Living Beings

Peace – A Gift to All Living Beings

One night in my crib I called for my awakening. I prayed to find peace on earth – a gift to all living beings – peace in all souls – a wish for greed to end and for there to be the kind whispers of peace for all creation, ending wars and the hunting of gentle beings.

I call good souls to join in and practise compassion and acts of great kindness to all living of Creator – given the breath of air and divine soul.   Be kind.  Help those in need.

I have had enough of long nights and prayers for the poor when love and sharing will lift up all souls.  I call, oh come Creator’s treasures.  Stand up and help the suffering to be whole.  Come lift me up in my pain.  Fill all hatred with goodness and joy.


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Monday, February 17, 2014

MAKE THIS VIRAL! Window Of Opportunity 2014


A new Window of Opportunity of a great importance is about to open on the surface of this planet soon.
Galactic forces of Light are looking towards this Window of Opportunity with great excitement. The ships of the Galactic Confederation have already begun to reposition themselves closer to the surface of planet Earth to be able to transmit and align intense energies that will be released within this Window of Opportunity towards the planetary surface. As a consequence of my nearspace flight beyond the Veil few weeks ago and of other operations of the Light forces, large portions of the etheric Archon grid have been already removed to the point that some people are beginning to reinstate genuine telepathic contact with the Confederation and many are beginning to have profound positive spiritual experiences with them.


Of all timeframes given until now, this time window for the Event has the greatest chance of success. The planetary situation is much more ready than it was a few years and even a few months ago. You need to understand that we still live in a free will universe and therefore no guarantees can be given about the timing of the Event.
The Window of Opportunity will open at the time of spring equinox and will be triggered by a sensational occultation of the royal star Regulus by an asteroid 163 Erigone on March 20th, just a few hours before the equinox:
The occultation path will go precisely through New York City and bankers from New York Federal Reserve will be able to see the Regulus star disappear for about 10 seconds, hidden behind the body of a 50 mile wide asteroid, as they will watch that event from the windows of their building on 33 Liberty Street. This will be a very powerful omen which will portend the demise of the Federal Reserve, as Erigone (the Goddess of Justice) occults Regulus (the Princely King of the Old World Order):


One day later, right after the equinox, the Moon will occult Saturn. This event is another very powerful sign which indicates Moon (the Goddess) overshining Saturn (the dark forces), heralding a new cycle when the Goddess energy will gain in importance:


We will be having our Portal conference in Mojiko, Japan, from March 21st to March 23rd, anchoring the powerful energies which will be present around the spring equinox. You can register here (text is in English and Japanese):
The second Portal conference will be in Taiwan from March 28th to March 30th. On this conference we will make a special connection with a certain Dragon society. You can register here:
People interested in the conferences can get more information about my work in English, Chinese and Japanese language here:
The total lunar eclipse on April 15th will signify the opening of the inner Window of Opportunity which will be open from April 15th to April 29th. This inner time window will actually be a portal within a portal and will be a time of extreme energetic intensity that can potentially trigger drastic changes on the surface of this planet and beyond. Complexity wave analysis shows that this time frame is the most complex period in the known history, greatly surpassing the famous December 21st, 2012.  This means that it will be the most volatile, unpredictable time with greatest potential ever. It represents the most probable time when the consequences of the Galactic Central Sun activation by G2 cloud will reach our planet:
The total lunar eclipse on April 15th will begin the famous lunar tetrad of 2014/15 which has deep significance in Jewish prophecy. Jewish Passover feast begins on that day and ends one week later, on April 21.

April 21st (Easter Monday) will be the day of the IS:IS portal activation, the turning point of this Window of Opportunity. Due to the importance of that portal I will dedicate a separate blog post to it. We will organize a major planetary vortex activation at that time. Details will be announced on my blog soon.
On April 29th, there will be an annular solar eclipse which will complete the inner portal within the Window of Opportunity.
The Window of Opportunity will close on May 17th, the day of the Pleiadian Alignment. There will be a special activation organized on a certain vortex point at that time. More intel about the Pleiadian Alignment will be released when the time is right.
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Radiation released into the atmosphere by the Fukushima, Japan nuclear accident has begun taking a human toll via newborn babies.  A cluster of severe genetic birth defects, 4 times the national average, has emerged in a 3 county area around Yakima, Washington on the US west coast.  Local Doctors are “stunned” and cannot find a reason for cluster of deformed babies; others know it is from Fukushima Radiation which saturated Washington in March, 2011.  This will get worse.  Much worse.


Babies in a 3 county area near Yakima Washington are being born without parts of their brain or skull (anencephaly),   another birth defect in which the neural tube, which forms the brain and spine, fails to close properly (spina bifida)  and a sac-like protrusion of the brain through the front or back of the skull (encephalocele) .  As of 14 months ago, by January 2013, officials with the Washington state health department and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had counted nearly two dozen cases in three years, a rate four times the national average.

Image: Mystery_Birth_Defects

Health officials originally were alerted to the problem by a nurse, Sara Barron, 58, who was in charge of infection control and quality assurance at Prosser Memorial Hospital, a 25-bed medical center in the farm town set on the Yakima River. A 30-year nursing veteran, she’d seen perhaps one or two devastating cases of anencephaly in her wide-ranging career.

“And now I was sitting at Prosser, with 30 deliveries a month and there’s two cases in a six-month period,” Barron said. “Then, I was talking to another doctor about it and she has a third one coming. My teeth dropped. It was like, ‘Oh my god.’”

At a regional medical meeting, there were more anecdotal reports. So Barron notified state health officials, who started looking into the problem.

“This is bizarre,” Barron said. “This is a very, very small area.”

Investigators pored over medical records of the 27 area women with affected pregnancies and 108 matched controls who received care at the same 13 prenatal clinics, Stahre said. They examined where the women worked, what diseases they had, whether they smoked or drank alcohol, what kind of medications they took and other factors. They looked at where they lived and whether they got their water from a public source or a private well. They looked at race and whether the problem was more pronounced in the area’s migrant farm workers or in other residents.

In the end, there was nothing — “no common exposures, conditions or causes,” state officials said — to explain the spike.


Of all the testing, of all the research, no one bothered to look at what some see as the most-obvious cause: radiation from the Fukushima, Japan Nuclear Disaster site.

In March, 2011, an earthquake off the coast of Japan caused a tsunami which enveloped the Fukushima nuclear power plant and overwhelmed its sea wall.  The water shorted-out all electricity, stopping the pumps that provide water to cool the reactor cores.  Of the six reactors at Fukushima, Four melted down, three of those exploding in the process.

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6 Sweet Survival Tips for Super Sensitive Souls.

By Victoria Erickson

“I have sea foam in my veins,  for I understand  the language of waves.”  ~ Le Testament d’Orphee

Like most sensitive souls, you already know you’re sensitive.

You soak up others’ moods and desires like a sponge. You absorb sensation the way a paintbrush grasps each color it touches on a palette.

The ethereal beauty of a dandelion, the shift of a season, the climax of a song, or the scent of a certain fragrance can sometimes move you to tears.

Super sensitive souls like you and I have always been a part of the human landscape, and according to the “Highly Sensitive Person” pioneer Elaine Aron’s research, we make up around 20 percent of the population.

It’s important to note that all human beings are actually quite fragile, and Super Sensitive Souls are no more fragile than everyone else—we are just more easily stimulated due to our wiring.


  And those who were dancing were  thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music -- Nietzsche

Basically this means if you are sensitive, you have the ability to see colors and feel energy the way others hear jet planes.

The world takes on a rich tapestry of immense gorgeousness at almost every turn, which then fuels your imagination and makes you spin with aliveness. And aliveness is a grand thing.

    “Aliveness is energy. It’s the juice, the vitality, and the passion that wakes up our cells every morning. It’s what makes us want to dance.

    It’s the energy that moves a relationship from the status quo to something grander and much more expansive, something that makes our hearts beat faster, our minds and our eyes open wider, than ever before.

    Everything is of interest to a person who is truly alive, whether it’s a challenge, a loving moment, a bucket of grief, or a glimpse of beauty.” ~ Daphne Rose Kingma

  Yet, it also means that much like the spirited and hot blooded Arabians in the horse world, your alertness and reactivity may easily cause you to shy away with fright at things that shouldn’t be so scary.

Since your nervous system responds so easily to stimuli, that it can often times be overwhelming and exhausting to be so flooded with sensation—which makes you prone to bolting from uncomfortable situations, relationships, and jobs.

And sometimes your sensitivity makes life extraordinarily painful, and you want to shut down and hide your raw self from the loud chaos that accompanies this earth’s continual rotation.

Continually swimming in an endless sea of sensation can at times be exhausting, regardless if it’s beautifully terrible or terribly beautiful, and this is why your deep-rooted need for peace and self care is essential to support your superb sensitivity. 

Here are a few things you can practice daily in order to both preserve your energy and keep your sanity:

1. Create.

Sensitive types and creativity go hand and hand, because their rawness and innate ability to pick up on information and energy that others don’t feel can easily be translated into art and passionate expression.

So rescue that fleeting gorgeous moment, then recycle it through your chosen medium.

Perhaps you can make your guitar cry, or weave beautiful cloth into wearable clothing or drip powerful words like blood on a page, or capture that perfect light with your camera before you.


Just create, create, then create some more so other people can see through your eyes, sensitive person.

2. Enjoy the company of animals.

Sensitive souls tend to have a deep connection with animals due to their innate intuition, understanding of energy and compassionate nature.

Animals know and appreciate this, so give yourself permission to spend as much time as possible bonding with your particular animal, because the time spent with animals is never wasted.

3. Seek out water.

Water is magical, and one of its many uses is as tool to achieve peace, calm, and balance. Take a roadtrip to the sea, a lake, a stream or even your bathtub. Let the water invigorate and cleanse you in order to feel clear again.

4. Be aware of what is yours and what is not.

When you take in other people’s energy, you must learn to instantly let go of what I like to call “the yuck”, because if that energy that wasn’t yours to begin with is negative or imbalanced, it can actually make you physically sick.

Learn to recognize what is only your energy and emotion and place a protective invisible shield around yourself to block out anything that is not.

5. Surround yourself with people that understand your nature and nurture that connection.

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin once said,

    “There is almost a sensual longing for communion with others  that have a larger vision. The immense fulfillment of the friendships between those engaged in furthering the evolution of consciousness has a quality almost impossible to describe.”

Find us because one, we understand, and two, we can sit beside you and revel at the outstanding beauty and synchronicities all around. Perhaps we’ll share poetry or take hikes, or contemplate life, or geek out sharing our favorite photo editing applications.

6. Retreat, replenish and rejeuvenate.

Take some time for yourself when your body and mind need it. When you’re sensitive, you need to fiercely guard your serenity to protect your open heart and regroup.

Once you have these things in place, go and experience this mind-bendingly incredible world, you super sensitive soul, you.

If the world is patiently waiting for everyone else’s senses to grow sharper to reveal magical things, all you need to do is step outside and ride the energy of the earth, for there’s always a brilliant sunrise, rolling fog, shifting seasons, and rising waters to experience, as well as new, inviting lands to step foot on.

And the view is glorious. 
Yosemite HD from Project Yosemite.

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