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NaturalNews) Kathleen Sebelius, HHS Secretary who oversaw the disastrously botched Obamacare website and rollout, has finally resigned. In line with the sheer delusion being invoked to try to call Obamacare a "success," even this resignation is being called another success story. "Kathleen Sebelius Is Resigning Because Obamacare Has Won," tweeted the White House (1) -- a claim met with sheer derision by nearly anyone who can still think straight.

With Obamacare, all failures are "successes" merely because the White House says so. Even the enrollment numbers are largely faked.(2)

The replacement for Kathleen Sebelius is none other than Sylvia Burwell, "a key aide to Microsoft founder Bill Gates," reports Breitbart News (3). "Burwell served as both chief operating officer and head of the global development program at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation."

Sylvia Burwell steeped in biotech industry collusion, biopiracy and western domination of developing nations

"Sylvia Mathews Burwell is president of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's Global Development Program," says her profile page on a Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation website (4). That same page goes on to describe how she is helping U.S. corporations destroy the world, using code words that sound like peace-loving efforts (translated here):

"She oversees efforts to help the world's poorest people lift themselves out of hunger and extreme poverty." Translation: She supports Monsanto, GMOs and biotech domination of third world nations.

"Burwell leads Global Development's grantmaking and advocacy in various foundation initiatives." Translation: She pays local groups to help U.S. corporations dominate and control their local farms (GMOs), health care (vaccines) and water supplies (hygiene).

Burwell was also a director of the industry-colluding group Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), a front group for pushing GMO dominance into developing nations. As GM Watch reports (5), "On October 12, 2010, representatives from the Seattle based group 'AGRA Watch' joined colleagues from South Africa and Kenya to critique the actions of the Gates foundation and its Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) colluding with industry to promote GMOs and pressure African countries to legalize them."

Sylvia Burwell also worked closely with AGRA's chief financial officer, Alexander Friedman, founder and president of Accelerated Clinical, a "biotechnology services company dedicated to accelerating the clinical trial process for biotechnology firms." (6)

AGRA Watch is a Seattle-based group that, according to their website:

[is] challenging the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s questionable agricultural programs in Africa, including its Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA). The Gates Foundation and AGRA claim to be "pro-poor" and "pro-environment," but their approach is closely aligned with transnational corporations, such as Monsanto, and foreign policy actors like USAID. They take advantage of food and global climate crises to promote high-tech, market-based, industrial agriculture and generate profits for corporations even while degrading the environment and dis-empowering farmers. Their programs are a form of philanthrocapitalism based on biopiracy.

AGRA Watch goes on to explain, "The [Gates] Foundation promotes industrial farming, inappropriate technologies, and pro-corporate policies that will make things worse for the hungry, for small farmers, consumer health, and the environment in Africa."

Sylvia Burwell also has strong ties to the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Bill Clinton and Robert Rubin. (7)

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation: Stealth vaccines, sterilization programs and Common Core

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, of course, has also been aggressively pursuing global vaccination programs linked to spreading polio-like symptoms among children in third-world nations.

The same organization has also developed stealth nanoparticle vaccines and controversial sterilization technologies for men that blast their testicles with high-powered sound waves to make them infertile.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has also been a key funding partner for the Common Core effort to hijack the education system and replace education with confusion and disinfo. As Natural News has publicized, Common Core mathematics problems are intentionally written to make children mentally ill by making them doubt they can think clearly. Many of the Common Core lessons and word problems for students are written in the same kind of bizarre, nonsensical word riddles that White House operatives use to claim Obamacare is a success.

That a person with longstanding ties to these destructive campaigns that destroy the bodies and minds of human beings should be selected to run HHS is no coincidence. HHS oversees the FDA, and the FDA is tasked with making sure no natural cures or nutritional supplements can ever tell the truth about their ability to prevent disease and support healing. The FDA also runs the Big Pharma monopoly racket that bans affordable drugs from licensed Canadian pharmacies from entering the United States or being purchased by U.S. cities, companies and individuals. The FDA even fined Google $500 million for merely running ads from Canadian pharmacies.

With the help of incoming HHS Secretary Sylvia Burwell, there's little doubt that the full force of the U.S. government will now be directed to attacking both Americans and children of third-world nations with mandatory enforcement of toxic vaccine injections and mandatory deployment of Common Core anti-education efforts to ensure that children don't acquire real mathematics or problem-solving skills. You are witnessing the official roll-out of the "world dumbing-down initiative" to reduce the population and keep people as stupid as possible so they can't rise up against corruption and evil.

Remember, Bill Gates is the person who openly said that vaccines can be used to reduce the world population. He admitted this openly, on stage, in a speech before a live audience.

Sylvia Burwell seems dedicated to helping make sure that's exactly what happens.

Sources for this article include:








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April 12, 2014

The Infowars exclusive yesterday exposing U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s (D-Nev.) involvement in the Bureau of Land Management’s land grab, which was meant to push out American ranchers such as Cliven Bundy in order to make way for Chinese solar farms, was the #1 news story in the entire world over the past 24 hours thanks to the Drudge Report and others, forcing the BLM to retreat from the standoff.

Hours After Infowars Breaks Sen. Reid/Chinese Connection to Bundy Land Grab, BLM Backs Down 041214vnc3

A screenshot of the Viral News Chart, showing the Infowars article connecting Sen. Reid to the land grab as the #1 story in the world.

The article, Breaking: Sen. Harry Reid Behind BLM Land Grab of Bundy Ranch, revealed that Sen. Reid is directly destroying the livelihoods of hard-working American ranchers in order to profit from future deals with Chinese energy firms and was shared on Facebook over 44,000 times, Twitter over 34,000 times and was even shared on the professional networking site LinkedIn.

And it worked. Today the Sheriff of Clark Co., Nevada, Douglas Gillespie, announced that the BLM would retreat from its standoff with cattle rancher Cliven Bundy.

The BLM has even replaced the “Cattle Crossing” signs that they had previous taken down from public roads.

No doubt that the feds realized that they could not win the public relations war after the public discovered that this land grab was for a solar farm.

Now this could be a ruse for the time being to get the crowds to leave so the feds can continue its criminal operation later, but Alex Jones doubts that because they have definitely lost the moral high-ground.

This is a HUGE victory that shows what We the People can do.

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Bunkerville Call Being Sounded

I think this is a.........SOUND THE ALARM movement.

Things are heating up fast........stay alert. 

#BundyRanch: Call For Bikers Goes Out From #OathKeepers Stewart Rhodes

Saturday, April 12, 2014 7:50
% of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents.

(Before It's News)

The head of the Oathkeepers Stewart Rhodes has put a call out to all Oathkeeper bikers and those who support the Oathkeepers (and FREEDOM) to head down to the Bundy Ranch in Nevada to help provide protection and support to the Bundy family.


Both America’s bikers and truckers have provided a well-needed dose of energy to protest movements across America in the last few years as Americans fight to take back our stolen country; we hope that bikers and truckers who read this story will again organize to provide support and protection for Americans in need and help this corrupt to the core government and Harry Reid remember JUST WHO they work for, and it’s not the Chinese. Video reports below include the FAA decision to shut down airspace over Bundy Ranch and the alleged cell phone tower shut down.


Written by David Helms for Stewart Rhodes


Oath Keepers


We would like to invite all of our motorcycling members and supporters to ride to Bunkerville, NV to support the Bundy family in their struggle against tyranny. Many Oath Keepers are riders and the weather is fantastic. What more perfect way to start the season than riding out to Nevada and standing for the constitution and this brave family?


Let’s send a message to the federal government that the people are not to be trampled upon and our natural rights are not theirs to take. Get your clubs, groups and riding buddies together, take your camping gear and stay as long as you are able. Riding is freedom. Let’s use that freedom to support ALL freedom.


More information can be found here


“The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it.” John Hay

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Email from PatR.....

As I said........this could heat up faster than thought.  And if the federal gov. in 2012 signed an agreement to give China
much or most of the Bundy Ranch (without them knowing it) and now FORCING THEM OFF, and taking all their cattle,
destroying water pipelines etc.......all HELL could take place at any time.........


Here are the latest articles on Steve Quayle site:

        FEDS SEIZE FAMILY'S RANCH Property owners fight government 'land grab'(NEW MEXICO) 

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Quiet Before The Storm? YES!

       by Mitch Battros-Earth Changes Media                            April 12th, 2014 

Historically, my research clearly shows a pattern of a 14 day window prior to and 14 days after, a total lunar or solar eclipse. As mentioned, the most influential source which accompanies a total lunar eclipse is gravity.

It is the tug and release produced by gravitational waves as the cause of all Earthly fluids to ebb and flow. Sometimes it is subtle, other times it is robust causing greater tides. When you add the current vulnerability of seamount and surface tectonics, even a modern source of celestial or terra induced gravity waves will be more than enough to activate or produce earthquakes and volcanoes.

In-part as a result of my research, it has become known as "fluid displacement." Place "earth changes fluid displacement" in Google. Fluid takes many forms in addition to ocean water - such as lava, oil, and rain. Fluid displacement tells us it is not only an insurgence of fluid that causes instability, but also in the way of extraction or depletion of fluid. It is the "displacement" (up or down) which causes a shift in plate tectonics hence earthquakes. The same can be said for volcanoes. However, with volcanoes one must also add the distribution or displacement of lava causing an unstable scenario.

It is for this reason I come forward with a more pungent scenario during this cycle of lunar and solar eclipse.

And there is more: It just so happens that the first solar eclipse of 2014 occurs just 14 days later during the Moon's descending node in southern Aries on April 29th. This particular solar eclipse is rather unusual because the central axis of the Moon's antumbral shadow misses Earth entirely while the shadow edge grazes the planet. Classified as a non-central annular eclipse, such events are rare. Out of the 3,956 annular eclipses occurring during the last 5,000-year period, only 68 of them are non-central.

Regarding a solar eclipse' effect on Earth comes by the way of rapid and sudden temperature shifts. One may not understand how a brief 1 to 3 hour exposure of our Sun being shielding by our Moon for what would seem as a very brief time could cause intended or unintended consequences to our atmosphere, surface temperature, and down through the Earth's crust and into the mantle and perhaps beyond.

But when you plug-in the mechanics of "convection", you will begin to understand the cause and effect which sets in motion a disturbance in the balanced rhythm to maintain the Earth's outer and inner core of which its goal is to maintain an ambient temperature of co-existence. When this becomes out of balance, the formation of mantle plumes become highly active for the purpose of releasing energy to protect the inner core imploding in very much the same a planet  would go nova and perhaps developing a black hole.

The good news this delicate dance has been going on for millions of years. Having said this, it does not mean we can sit on our complacent laurels and do nothing. We always have choice, and although we cannot stop natural occurring events, we can surely "facilitate" them. In other words…have a general plan of preparedness both world-wide and local. However, it would appear we as a Earthly human race are not quite there yet.

Below is a list capturing a decade identifying the escalation of earthquake and volcanic activity within two weeks prior and/or two weeks after a full lunar eclipse.

Historical dates of full lunar eclipse from 2001 to 2011.

2001 Jan 09

2003 May 16

2003 Nov 09

2004 May 04

2004 Oct 28

2007 Mar 03

2007 Aug 28

2008 Feb 21

2010 Dec 21

2011 Dec 25

2011 Jun 15

And here is what happened: Events which occurred within two weeks prior and/or two weeks after the last six full lunar eclipse.

January 2001 - (India) A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook the Indian Province of Gujarat. It was one of the two most deadly earthquakes to strike India in its recorded history. The death toll was 19,727, number of injured at 166,000, over 600,000 people were left homeless, with 348,000 houses destroyed and an additional 844,000 damaged.

May 2003 - (Turkey) At least 176 people have died and 521 people were injured after a magnitude 6.4 earthquake that shook the eastern Turkey's Bingöl province. Several public buildings collapsed in the centre of Bingöl city and its vicinity. The last official report concerning the consequences of the earthquake in the city indicates about 570 buildings were collapsed and about 6000 others were damaged.

November 17th 2003 - (Alaska) One of the largest earthquakes in US history measuring 7.8 magnitude at Rat Island, Alaska.

October 2004 - (Japan) A series of powerful earthquakes the strongest with a magnitude of 6.7 jolted northern Japan, killing at least 30 people and injuring more than 2000 people largely as the result of building collapse.

March 6th 2007 - (Sumatra) Two quakes hit Sumatra measuring 6.4 and 6.3. Over 60 fatalities and 460 serious injuries have been reported, spread across many towns and regencies in West Sumatra. Over 43,000 houses were damaged, with over 12,000 of those severely damaged.

August 15th 2007 - (Peru) Earthquake measuring 7.4 magnitude killed more than 600 people and thousands more were injured.

February 21st 2008 - (Indonesia) A powerful 7.4 earthquake in Indonesia killed three people and injured 25 today, but did not trigger a tsunami.

December 21st 2010 (Tokyo) Residents of southern Japanese islands scrambled to community centers early Wednesday when a strong offshore quake briefly triggered a tsunami alert, but the 7.4-magnitude temblor prompted only a mild swelling of waves. There were no immediate reports of damage from the quake,

December 25th 2010 (Vanuatu Islands) A 7.6-magnitude earthquake struck in the Pacific Ocean's Vanuatu Islands region early Sunday, prompting a tsunami warning for the area, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

January 1st 2011 (Argentina) A magnitude-7.0 earthquake struck a rural area of northern Argentina Saturday morning, but its epicenter was so deep that it gave only a light shake to towns nearby. It was not immediately clear if there were any injuries or damage, but the earthquake was hardly felt in Santiago del Estero, the provincial capital, where Emilio Abdala, a receptionist at the 14-story Hotel Casino Carlos V, told The Associated Press that nobody felt a thing.

June 13th 2011 (Christchurch, New Zealand) A series of powerful tremors rattled the quake-prone New Zealand city of Christchurch on Monday, destroying buildings and sending boulders tumbling down hillsides nearly four months after a quake killed 181 people.

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"Contracts worth hundreds of billions of dollars presented to at least 4 countries will run from 2014-2024, a 10-year span in which the Yellowstone super volcano is expected to erupt, devastating a large portion of the U.S......"

10958058699?profile=originalRead more:


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       by Mitch Battros-Earth Changes Media                            April 11th, 2014 

Let me say right up front; I am putting myself at high risk by coming forward with information which I believe to be of the utmost importance related to earth changing events. In fairness to my science community, I will say what I present below will involve conjecture based on facts. This is to say what may happen is not imminent, but what I believe to be highly probable.

Historically, my research clearly shows a pattern of a 14 day window prior to and 14 days after, a total lunar or solar eclipse.

Although today's 7.3 magnitude earthquake which hit near Papua New Guinea certainly applies, I do not believe it is the apex of what is still to come. New Guinea EQ:

Also today, Nicaragua was hit with two large quakes, the 2nd earthquake measuring a 6.6 magnitude, the 1st a 6.1 hitting two hours earlier. On the day before a 6.0 earthquake occurred at the same epicenter. Nicaragua EQ:

The total lunar eclipse occurring on Monday/Tuesday will not help matters. Earth's plate tectonics have been restless, and I believe it is the reduction of the Earth's magnetic field along with a heavy stream of charged particles, mostly made up of cosmic rays which is the natural cyclical culprit.

I believe the process of a full magnetic shift is well underway, meaning a full 180° flip will occur sometime in the next fifty years. This suggests it is perhaps 2/3 along a natural cycle the Earth has seen many times….but we haven't.

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NaturalNews Insider Alert ( ) email newsletter

The Health Ranger Dear NaturalNews readers,

Two days ago, Organic Spies teamed up with Food Democracy Now to launch a campaign called "Operation Monsanto Stock Plunge," which Natural News publicized worldwide.

Within just 24 hours, biotech stocks plummeted, causing the worst drop in the Nasdaq since 2011.

U.S. News & World Report declared, "Stock drop and investors dump biotech!"

Associated Press ran with, "Dow, Nasdaq fall dramatically as investors dump biotech stocks."

L.A. Times: "Nasdaq's worst day since 2011."

Monsanto's stock was also driven down all day long. Nobody in the lamestream media, of course, credited Operation Monsanto Stock Plunge for the selloff.


Never doubt the power of grassroots activism to change the world. Collectively, we all just fired a warning shot over the bow of Wall Street.

The message? Don't invest in evil, or you may just lose your shirt (and your soul, come to think of it...)

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April 10, 2014


Dear Cheryl,


In this letter: 
  • Sheriff Mack travels with other CSPOA members to stand with Nevada rancher against the BLM  
  • CSPOA Jan 2014 Resolution update 
  • Reminder on dates for upcoming CSPOA events 
Next CSPOA Convention:

Sept. 14, 2014
Arlington, VA
Sheriff Mack travels with other CSPOA members to stand with Nevada rancher against the BLM   
Many of you have called or emailed regarding the storm brewing between Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and the BLM.  We all know how we feel about the all-too-frequent bullying of individual citizens by various Feds with their usurped, unconstitutional powers.  It's an epidemic that must be stopped.

Well, we want you to know we ARE doing something about it, and thankfully this time we're not alone.  Sheriff Mack is leaving early Saturday morning for an emergency trip to Bunkerville, Nevada, along with other members of the CSPOA posse (hopefully that's some of you!) to stand vigil and find a peaceful resolution to this conflict (i.e., the feds going home).

AND this late-breaking news as per Lyle Rapacki today:

State Senate President Andy Biggs and House of Reps Speaker Dave Livingston have both agreed that Arizona should be involved in supporting CSPOA and Oath Keepers in going to Bunkerville, NV to support the movement for freedom there with the Cliven Bundy family. State Senators Al Melvin, Chester Crandall, and Kelly Ward along with State Reps Brenda Barton, Bob Thorpe, Kelly Townsend and Warren Peterson are all planning to be at the Bundy ranch by Sunday morning. Furthermore, they all plan to attend the Press Conference Monday afternoon with the CSPOA and Oath Keepers along with the Bundys and other sheriffs and public officials from across the country.


We hope you understand how HUGE this is, that state senators and reps are supporting the CSPOA and the Oath Keepers!  We are not alone! 

We want to see YOU at this event.  The more support we show in numbers, the more seriously they will take us.  If you are not able to attend, please consider donating to a special fund we have set up for this cause. For those of you who can't make it and would like to help CSPOA and Oath Keepers pay for this huge undertaking, please contribute whatever you can.

Donate to the Brady Ranch Fund

We quote now from an excellent press release regarding the event, recently put out by the Oath Keepers, one of our closest allies.


A Delegation of state legislators, lead by Washington State Representative Matt Shea, along with a  delegation of current serving Sheriffs, lead by Sheriff Richard Mack of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, and military and police members of Oath Keepers, are converging on the site of a stand-off between federal law enforcement and Nevada Rancher Cliven Bundy, to prevent bloodshed and to stand in defense of hardworking rural Americans who are under assault by a runaway federal government.   


LAS VEGAS, NV, April 10, 2014


The Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (, led by retired Arizona Sheriff Richard Mack, and the Oath Keepers organization ( are assisting Washington State Representative Matt Shea in organizing a delegation of current serving Western state legislators and Sheriffs to travel to the site of a tense stand-off between Bunkerville, Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).  The delegation is traveling to Nevada to support a coalition of current serving Nevada legislators being organized by Nevada State Assemblywoman Michele Fiore, of Las Vegas, to stand vigil at the Bundy ranch to prevent Federal Government provocation of violence resulting in another Ruby Ridge or Waco type incident.  They also hope that their example of oath-sworn public servants defending the rights of the people will prompt Clark County, Nevada Sheriff Douglas Gillespie and Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval to honor their oaths of office by taking real action to defend the rights of the Bundy family, the rights of all Nevadans, and the sovereignty of the State of Nevada.


Yesterday, April 9, 2014, Nevada State Assemblywoman Michele Fiore served the first watch in this vigil shortly after Cliven Bundy's son, Ammon Bundy, was tazered by BLM "Rangers" during a heated confrontation.  [The video of that confrontation can be seen with the full article on the Oath Keepers web site,]:


The courage and resolve displayed by Ammon Bundy and his relatives is inspiring, and may well go down in history as a watershed moment - a turning of the tide.  But the above video also amply demonstrates the heavy-handed behavior of the BLM that risks escalating an already volatile situation into open bloodshed, that, once begun, may spiral out of anyone's control.


It is necessary that current serving public servants step in-between the protesters and the BLM, to protect the rights of the people and to prevent violence against them by the militarized federal law enforcement that are massing near the ranch to continue the forced confiscation (theft) of  Bundy's cattle, while they also restrict all access to huge tracts of public land, and attempt to restrict the free speech of protesters with their absurd "First Amendment Area" (which the protesters are ignoring, to their honor).


The Oath Keepers organization, comprised of 40,000 current serving and former military, police, and first responders, is also calling on its members and all other patriotic Americans to join the vigil at the Bundy ranch under the leadership of the current serving legislators and sheriffs.  The goal is to have at least one current serving state legislator and at least one sheriff on the ground at all times until this is over.  And they will be backed by a large number of military and police veterans, as well as dedicated patriotic Americans from all walks of life, to interpose and defend the rights of the protesters and to keep an eye on the actions of the BLM and any other federal law enforcement present, to prevent a recurrence of the horrid abuses seen at Ruby Ridge and Waco, and to hopefully pressure the Clark County Sheriff and the Nevada Governor to step up and do their constitutional duty.


Regardless, please tell everyone you know to be praying for a peaceful resolution to this situation and for the safety of the brave patriots headed there and on the ground there right now.

Please read the entire press release  
on the Oath Keepers web site, 





Please join us!  It's only powerful when we are united. 


Please follow this link to read the resolution on our web site, where you can see others who have signed and add your name to the list.  


Date Reminders For Upcoming CSPOA Events
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